Sue in MN :)


Earning My Ears
Apr 12, 2000
Im not sure what exactly I will need when I go to DL :) but I want to be prepared before I go...
I will be getting a mobil chair (what do they call them?) b/c I can not walk the entire park (Id make it a few blocks rofl then they'd have to carry me out).
My son and dh will probably go on rides I wont (rollercoasters!! I hate them) and so I would be able to putter around on my own w/o them.
We are taking little hand held walkie talkies... I am guessing from the way people talk, this is a good idea.
I can get around on my own w/no problems... and if I couldnt I do have my dh to assist if needed at all. :)

Rachel in Alaska<
Everyone else will jump in and give you info too, just keep asking questions.
By a mobil chair, do you mean a motorized chair or a wheelchair that someone pushes. If you will be alone while the rest of your family is on rides, most of our posters will suggest you get an ecv (electric mobility vehicle). You can rent one at the parks, but you will have to walk a ways (and we don't want you collapsing LOL), so you would be better off to rent one from one of the off site places. That way you will have it to take to the parks with you and don't have to worry about whether one will be available.
I agree with recommending walkie talkies. We have used them and they were great for meeting up if we had split. The ones we have are not that great and didn't have a lot of privacy channels, so we got a lot of other people talking. The newer ones have more ability to fine tune the channel you are on, so you get a lot less other people. (They always improve things right after I buy them.) With the walkie talkies, you can keep puttering around and don't have to worry about getting to any specific spot and waiting there for your faimly to be done on the thrill rides (not my favorites either). They can call you when they are done and find you.

SueM in MN
Co-Moderator of disABILITIES
By Mobile chair I mean something I can drive myself if my dh and son go off a gally-vanting ;) So I can get myself around (I couldnt use a wheelchair on my own).

I wont have a rent a car. How much are these things to rent for a week?
And we're a 1/2 mile away from the park, how would we get these chair to and from the parks? :) As well as pick one up? :D

My cousin told me the one thing she wish'd she had when she went to DL last year were the walkie talkies...
Her sister went and each one took a girl and it was hard to meet up easily. Or keep in touch. Dh and I will have our cell phones on us (my mom insists because we have a ill family member), but I hate using up my minutes.

Rachel in Alaska<
If you are staying at one off the WDW resorts, most of the buses have wheelchair lifts so you can drive an ecv right on the bus and away you go. If you rent an ecv from an off site location, they will deliver it right to your resort.
I can't respond much more now becasue I am at work, but you can search for "ecv" or look for postings with that in the title and you will get lots of information.

SueM in MN
Co-Moderator of disABILITIES


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