Summer Dreams at HNY - Day 3

Ms Poppins

I'm sure I'm very affected by all this Disney talk
Mar 14, 2009
Tuesday 23 July

Alarm went off as planned and I realised that I'd slept a bit better. Well done pillows.

Breakfast was at about 9am and I noticed there were no characters advertised at the character spot today. So we took some pictures ourselves:

And off through the Village

We were in the Studios for about 9:40 and already the queue for Crush was way back at the Monsters Inc area. Abbey and I joined it and DH and Lewis went off to do Cars and Carpets. They started the ride a few minutes later and we were out within about 30 minutes. It was really good fun.

We all met up and went to wait for the parachutes. It showed a 30 minute wait.

I love the view from up here

DH and Abbey went off to do TOT and Lewis and I did Slinky

We came off this and wandered around taking photos:

We got some water and had fun running under the water sprays round the side of TOT. Then we met up with DH and Abbey.

Abbey tried for FP for Rock'n'roller coaster but they weren't running them. It was a 45 min wait so she decided to just leave it. It was about 12:30 now and we knew we'd be out all afternoon at the main park doing the guided tour, so we headed back to the hotel for a swim. So refreshing! The pool was almost empty too. Abbey didn't join us and had a laze in the room using the wi-fi.

After a rest in the room, we headed back out for some lunch and bumped into Max and Goofy in the lobby and shop!

It was EOS again and I shared mine with Lewis. It was so sore to eat EOS with my sore mouth, but it tasted sooo goood....

It is always wrapped up so nicely

Whilst in here Abbey wrote out a post card that I said I'd sent to my boss' daughter. She is only 4 and they are planning on taking her to DLP for the first time in September. So I suggested I sent her a wee postcard invite from Minnie, who she loves....
We were to be at City Hall for 14:50. We arrived a bit early and Abbey and I decided to quickly go to BTM to see if we could get FP. Whilst we did this Lewis met Duffy

Unfortuntely, the fast pass times were when we'd be eating at Walts later. I said to Abbey that during the tour we'd be nearby so would check again when we back later.

In City Hall I asked the CM to post the postcard, and for some reason thought I could by stamps here....I couldn't, so went into the Storybook store and bought a stamp, came back into City Hall and the CM very kindly put a Mickey stamp on it too. I said I needed to pay for the tour and showed my shareholders card. I said 3 adults and 1 child. She said that child is free, and then asked me for 30E. I just paid, but couldn't work out the costs. Then another CM interuptted and said that it was only the actual shareholder that got the discount, and they added another 5E to the price. So I paid 35 E. I don't know if this was right or not

Anyway, there were another 3 people on the tour and off we went to the DLH for the start of the tour.

Our guide tried to speak but just as he started the train was coming down Main ST and the noise of the music was just overpowering

He ended up waiting for it to go before continuing. Elaine has done a full report on the tour, so I won't repeat it all here, but I will say that it was really interesting and even Lewis was quite taken with our guide. He was very pleasant and chatted away to Lewis as we moved around. We started in Main ST and spoke about some of the shops and reasons for naming them etc.


Into Dapper Dans

Inside Walts, where we would be eating later

We'd only ever eaten in one of the rooms in here, so it was nice to see around and hear the history of it

Off now to Frontierland. It started to rain a bit, but was quite nice as it had been so hot.

BTM wasn't running so not FP available. The tour continued to Adventureland, Fantasyland and ended in Discoveryland.

A spoiler here folks so look away now if you don't want to know...

Our tour guide had been telling us that he had some surprises for us and as we approached Star Tours he said this was one of them. He took us in the exit and into a room with curtains in it. He put the lights out and then pulled the curtains back. We could see the ride in action. I couldn't believe how much it moved about! When it came to a stop, the platform that you walk on to get off the ride, moves into place. Lewis was chuffed to bits at seeing this.

After this there was more to tell us about Discoveryland and then we were all given pins (photo to follow). We were also offered VIP spot for watching the parade tonight, but we couldn't as we had reservations for Walts at 18:30. We all really enjoyed the trip and will make sure we do the Studios next time.

We headed now to Frontierland and got FP for later in the evening. Then onto PM

We wandered around the shops for a bit. I likes some of the things in Lillys boutique and made a mental note to go back for them. Lewis also got some things from Frontierland, hand cuffs, sheriff badge and gun belt.

Our reservation for Walts was for 18:30, but we popped in a bit earlier and it was ok to come in. We were seated immediately in the Fantasyland room, which we've never been in before.

DH, Abbey and I all had the grilled sirloin

Lewis had the kids burger, which also came with a started of cheeses and a chocolate flan (really like a mousse)

Lovely meal again. I just love it in here, it's so nice.

Next, we went back to Fantasyland and visited the Snow White shop that is just so pretty

Then off to the Storyboats

We tried for Casey, but were too late.

Pirates was next, walk on

Feeling weary now, we went into Main St and got some ice cream from Gibson Girl, and cornetto's from the booth outside. We sat on the kerb of Main St and enjoyed some quiet time with our ice creams

The kids wanted to do Swiss Family Robinson Tree House next, but I was absolutely exhausted. DH went up with them and I sat on a bench outside Hakuna Matata

Next up, the suspension bridge

It was time now for our FP for BTM. Despite our best efforts, Lewis really does not like this. He did it, but wasn't impressed. All feeling very tired after all our walking today, we went to Lillys boutique and I got some mugs I liked, and Abbey got a beautiful Alice cup. I also got my apron that I'd been after (photos to follow)

On the way back to the hotel we took Lewis' light saber back and true enough it had been faulty. I think he'd been worried that he'd broken it. It was replaced without a problem. I got myself a new rucksack from the shop at HNY as I was worried about transporting our newly purchased mugs!

We thought about having a drink outside the Manhattan but the midges and flies were in full flow tonight so didn't bother.

Lewis and his belt and cuffs

Back in the room at 10:45, the earliest yet, but still absolutely exhausted. I started the packing and fell into bed ready for sleep.
Brilliant photos Julie :goodvibes - would you mind popping the park tour ones onto the designated thread when you get a chance? That would be really helpful :thumbsup2.
Another busy day. Glad Lewis got his light sabre changed. Lovely photos:thumbsup2
Wow! What an action packed day! We did the tour when we were there last year and enjoyed hearing about the amazing history of the park too.:goodvibes
Wow! What an action packed day! We did the tour when we were there last year and enjoyed hearing about the amazing history of the park too.:goodvibes

Loved the tour :lovestruc Don't know why it's taken so long for us to do it :goodvibes
Another great day Julie, I'm popping over now to read day 4 :thumbsup2


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