"supervising companion" on rides


Aug 13, 2012
What constitutes a supervising companion in Universal's eyes?

For instance: "No Height Requirement, but Children under 48" must be accompanied by a Supervising Companion."

(Storm Force Accelatron is the ride that is spiking this question for me.)
It means no one under 48 can go by themselves. Has to have someone over 48 to ride with them.

Supervising Companion is just being politically correct. :rolleyes:
So like my 9yo would count as a supervising companion for my 6yo? (9yo is like 55" so plenty tall enough. Disney rules 6yo wouldnt be allowed on with another kid)
I would assume so as kids go on the Jurassic flyers too.
I believe it needs to be a teenager or adult. A 9-year-old probably wouldn't be considered old enough to supervise another child.
On my first trip in 2009, I was in line for Flight of the Hippogriff. A family (a Mom and 2 kids) was in the express line. The TM said that the second child could not ride because she could not sit beside each child! He knew that I was solo, as he had just asked how many were in my party and then asked me to wait. I looked at him and I said, "As long as the mother doesn't mind, I can sit with the other child." I couldn't believe it. I felt awful for the family trying to go on the ride. Now they were likely both kind of young to ride solo, but stick the mom behind them or something. The TM didn't know what to do at first and then asked the mother, since she was standing beside me. LOL I did right with the little guy. Didn't bother me any, and didn't bother the mom.
From their webiste:

A Supervising Companion is defined as someone who is 14 years of age or older and meets all other attraction ridership requirements .
I can't handle Storm Force myself due to motion sickness. I usually make my husband do it with the kids, though he can only handle it a couple of times. My 6 year old is going to be borderline for 48" our next trip - fingers crossed! (Though I wonder if they'll ask. My 12 year old looks 14).


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