Thanks to Indiana Jones Crew


DIS Veteran
Oct 3, 2006
My family and I came to WDW last November as part of the Kidds Kids group that goes every fall. My youngest is the reason we were chosen for the trip (he has cerebral palsy and is in a wheelchair or uses a kwalker). Our first day, Friday Nov 10th, we hit MGM. We had what I will call a perfect first day at WDW. Every staff member we ran into were so helpful and sweet. The people that worked that morning and evening at the exit to Rockin Roller Coaster were awesome with my son and daughter, joking and carring on with them. Even letting them sit up front. My husband is a huge Indiana Jones fan so we made it over to see the stunt show. Something honestly the kids did not want to do in the beginning. From the moment we walked thru the gate we were showered with "pixie dust". The first cast member asked my husband if we would like to sit down front and another CM took us down the side ramp to the wheelchair seating in the front. Both CM's were awesome I wish I would have thought to get thier names because of how nice they were to us. My husband was very excited, the kids were in "whatever" mode until the actual show started. From the first explosion my son was in awe. Because of where we were seated he could feel the heat from the explosions which added to the excitement. I am sorry to say that I do not know the name of the gentleman that plays Indiana Jones, but I want to tell him Thank you. When he went off stage to get ready for his next scene he stopped and said "Hey" to my son and gave him a high five. I do not know if he noticed the look on his face but I just want to say he made our trip. He has told anyone that will listen about that moment, and was on cloud nine for a LONG time after that. Everytime we see something on TV about MGM he has to make sure we will be going back to see the Indiana Jones Stunt show. My sons favorite park is now MGM, I am sure he is at the very least a little responsible for that. You have such great cast members, which I am sure you know I just wanted to remind you how much they touch peoples lives. :)

Because of how well we were treated and how incredibly accesible WDW is for our son we will be back on a suprise birthday trip in July. My husband and I were making out our itenerary for Alex's bday and he reminded me that he will want to see Indiana Jones his first birthday day at MGM. So we have it on our schedule. Thank you for making us Disney freaks for life. We look forward to seeing you very soon. :)
That is a very sweet story that is one of the reasons i love going to Disney with my family, the cast members treat you like family, it's like olive garden when your here your family lol
If you contact Disney with the day that you went, they can track down who worked and give them their respective kudos. Glad to hear you had such a magical experience!
Thanks I emailed them the same day I posted this and got a really nice voice mail from someone at WDW. I am hoping they added it to the files of the CM's.


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