That smell in the lobby.......


<font color=purple>Swivel, it's a hard habit to br
May 27, 2002
at VWL. You know that smell, the smell of wood or whatever it is. Well I have it bad now. But in a good way! I get in our van to go to lunch today and start sniffing. I tell DW it smells like the lobby at VWL. She looks at me like Im crazy or something. Then DD says she smells it too!

Well it leads into we ought to make candles that have those certain smells like the lobby or that wonderful smell as you pass the bakery on Main St. in MK. Or the glazed pecans on a cool night while waiting for Illuminations.

Have I got it bad? Any other ideas for candles;)
Ahhhh, the WL Lobby -- if they could only bottle that scent. It is so distinct. I really love the coziness of it!
yankee candle has a scent I think it is called autumn lodge. The candle is green and always makes us think of the WL when we burn it.
I love that smell too, but I don't think it's the wood, because my new log home doesn't have it. I think it is something they use in the fireplace.
Thanks for that info on the candles. I will be heading to Yankee candle store tommorrow to pick one up, that is unless they will sell it to me by the case;)
Got the candle. Whole house smells like VWL right now! Im my mind anyway::yes::
I feel the same way about the smell of the staterooms on the cruise. I asked our steward last time what it was and he said Ecolab Oasis. I went crazy trying to find it. Seems Ecolab won't sell to individuals. I finally got some from a neighbor of my mother who works for Ecolab. Now my whole house smells like the cruise.
LOVE that smell...

I wanted to know if they have some spray or something for sale but they said no...

Thanks for the Yankee candle suggestion.
I'm going to look for one soon... :)


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