"The Calm Before The Storm" Tour (Part 21)


Feb 5, 2004
In my hand-written notes I made at the end of Friday 23rd July, I spookily gave the day’s report the heading “The Calm Before The Storm”, only because it was the day before we flew out to Florida and didn’t think at the time it was really a very good or apt title. I have decided to name all the parts of my trip report “The Calm Before The Storm Tour”, in honour of the climax of our trip - Hurricane Charley which gave us an extra day in Florida.

Thursday 12th August (Trevor’s Birthday)


Sergeant Major Zoe “You WILL enjoy yourselves”
DH Trevor “I am NOT going to like this”
Birthday Boy Michael (aged 10 to 11)
“Why” to everything Piers (aged 8 and a bit)

We had a nice chat with the room maid this morning. She told us she’d been pestering the front desk all day on Tuesday about Michael’s birthday card and balloons with no success. She was very disappointed they didn’t turn up until yesterday. I told her it was a nice surprise anyway and very kind of her to go to so much trouble. I also mentioned that it was a little sad that his age was wrong on the card and we would try to get a replacement. She had apparently had to guess at his age and told them he was between 9 and 11 years old, just a bit unfortunate they chose the wrong one, never mind! I also told her it was Trevor’s birthday today, but I don’t think she caught the comment. I would highly recommend you tell your hotel at least a day or two in advance if you have a birthday in your group and are hoping for something similar.

Breakfast in the room and then we set off towards the Kennedy Space Center. On the way past “Custom House” in CBR, we stop by to give them the birthday card and they explained it might take a couple of days to get the replacement. Hopefully we would have it before we leave on Saturday. Trevor was happier this week – far less Disney and KSC for his birthday! We arrived around 11am which is really far later than I really wanted. It took around an hour and a half to drive here from CBR. Luckily the drawbridge was down on the way out on the final stretch of road (up on the way home for three rather pathetically small boats!).

I had been to the Johnson Space Center in Houston a few times with Michael so we were expecting something similar in the “theming” (if you can call it that). The two places obviously have different functions, but there is a certain feeling of similarity. KSC (like Houston) has a huge dedicated visitor centre totally separate from the real business side of things.

Us and a rocket!


I don’t like the look of these pilots much!


We had lunch in the sit-down restaurant which was good and the kids had the usual activity sheets given to them to keep them quiet.

We saw an IMAX film, a 3D film and various other films and displays. We went on the standard coach tour which takes you to the viewing tower (actually called the LC-39 Observation Gantry) where you can see the various launching pads. This viewing tower has four floors, but you only have access to the top. The views of the surrounding area are quite amazing. It’s so flat and so little evidence of civilisation, quite incredible.

One of the launch pads


The observation area has a shop, cinema and exhibition area. While we were here, we had one of the most horrific thunder storms we’d seen in Florida. This picture doesn’t do enough justice to how hard the rain was coming down. There was a tremendous amount of thunder and lightening too. This may well have had something to do with the forthcoming weather problems of tomorrow. It’s difficult to see on this picture, but it really was raining hard just beyond that pole by Piers.

Rainwater coming in fast!


The first coach driver we had (between the main visitor centre and the observation gantry) was a very amusing Texan man. He asked a few people where they were from including me. Nobody commented on my t-shirt which was a souvenir from the Johnson Space Center in Houston, an amusing one with cartoon rockets on it. Trevor borrowed my other Houston t-shirt for the day.

Trevor took the following picture for some reason (he did have a reason, apparently), but I have no idea what it was! I’ll have to get round to asking him!


The coach took us passed the “vehicle assembly building” which is apparently the tallest building in Florida, the crawler transporter and the seating area for friends and family watching the rockets taking off.

Vehicle Assembly Building


Somewhere around here, while being driven along in the coach, we were told about the local crocodiles. There was a stream and ponds along side the road and we were told to have a good look as it was apparently perfect weather conditions for the crocodiles to come to the surface. Sure enough, we saw one. Sort of made up for not having had time to go on an airboat ride – almost! We were also taken to the “Apollo/Saturn V Center” where we saw a film.

We had an action packed day and stayed at KSC until 7pm. We visited the gift shop (of course) before leaving and bought loads of souvenirs including t-shirts, packs of cards, hooded jacket, shuttle earings, fridge magnet, a keyring and freeze dried ice cream – yummy!

While in the DIBB chat room two or three weeks ago, I offered to share my freeze dried ice cream around. Seemed to go down well with everyone! Strange stuff, but very nice. A sort of cross between the centre of maltezers and real neopolitan ice cream!


The main gift shop at KSC claims to be the biggest space centre in the world, it certainly is very big. I contemplated eating the freeze dried ice cream while writing up my report notes this evening in the room to keep me going, but I had better wait until morning as the kids would complain (I would never do a thing like that of course).

Time to go. Time for our evening meal and we decide we want to find an IHOP and head along the 192. We find one nearer than the last one we visited. We only ate sweet stuff this time – sweet toppings and only have one course each except Michael who also had a side order of bacon. I had a waffle with strawberries and cream. The strawberries are like the ones you get in a tin and the waffle is was covered with a thick strawberry sauce. Michael then decided he didn’t really like the “crepes” despite the fact they are virtually identical to the homemade pancakes we do at home! Oh well, at least he tried a bit and had some bacon. Piers ate Michael’s crepes after finishing his own. I then managed to spill my diet coke while getting up to let Piers out who wanted to wash his hands. The drink narrowly missed covering Trevor!

We are tired (as usual) and head back to CBR. On the road just out of KSC, the drawbridge was up, making way for three small boats.


We arrived back in our room at around 10.15pm. The maid had done some more lovely arrangements with our cuddly toys and I took some pictures of them before the boys got into bed. Nighty night everyone.

Tomorrow is Friday 13th August. What could possibly go wrong on a Friday the 13th :rolleyes:


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