The Reunion Tour! Watch out "world" this could get interesting


Earning My Ears
Jan 7, 2010
so let me be the first to say that this is my first attempt at a trip report so please bear with but I promise when all is said and done that it will be worth it. :)

Let me intorduce myself. I am a southern belle from Kentucky, and yes tyhose two things can go together lol who has been transplanted against her will to the terrible winter tundra known as Ohio. Yes i know it gets much colder in many other places....but thats recisely why I dont live in other places lol.

I am a former Walt Disney World Cast Member. I worked as an attractions hostess in Fantasyland in the Magic Kingdom for a year and a half during college...part for an internship and part because under the effects of the pixie dust i agreed to spend every break from school working for the Mouse. I enjoyed every minute of it.

Crazy part back at the University of Kentucky where I went to school I had two roommates who also did the college program though we all did it at different times. Thats where the reunion part of all of this comes in.....but give me one more minute to hog the spotlight.

Disney is like a second home to me. Just the thoughts of Disney can make any day better. I want to move back to Florida so bad I can taste it somedays...especially today when theres six inches of snow outside but i digress....onto what your here for more info about your upcoming trip

This trip kinda just fell together to be honest. My former college rommate, Leah and I were talking about how we have both really had horrible years with both losing family members, losing jobs, etc.. and how a getaway from life would be great. We decided that a Disney trip would be just the right thing to bring our spirits up for the new year...

Before our conversation had even ended our other roommate Arwen, who lives in Cananda, Facebooked us both and asked us if we would be down to visit Disney with her and her boyfriend in February. OF COURSE!!

You see Arwen and her Boyfriend, Erik, are DVC members, as well as Arwen is also a former Main Street CM, and not to mention they are crazy canadians who always are the source of fun!!

So the dates are set February 13th-20th at Saratoga part is our mutual friend JOsh is taging along. He is 26 and never been to Disney in his life, so having him with us will be just like having a child. I am so excited, and I hope you guys will follow us on this journey it wont disappoint lol

I guess now I have to go back to waiting for departure day to come>>>>>
Sounds like the making of a great trip. Old friends getting together and taking along a "newbie" to show everything off and get a different persepctive. Can't wait to hear about your plans.


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