There is no sign to AK from AKL!!!


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Aug 18, 1999
When leaving AKL to go to AK, thee is no sign!

Twice I drove looking for one. I realize now that at the first major light, you need to make a left, but it is not marked in any way at all.
Rich, You're a Disney expert - so they just assumed you'd know the way to go!;)

There is an unmarked left turn lane right across from the AK parking lot entrance. I missed it and ended up getting off at the ramp near the McDonalds and went back.
Yup, we missed it too. Usually the signage (is that a word?) is so good on property, that we don't even bother looking at the map.
I'm surprised there isn't a sign, but honestly, we never noticed!! We had our own car both times we stayed at the AKL, and we used it often, but the AK bus was too convenient to pass up. It's only a short walk past the valet area to the bus stop, and at the park you are dropped off closer than you can park!

Yes, "signage" is a word, and it's right word for that usage. Way to go!


sign·age Pronunciation Key (snj)

1. Signs considered as a group.
2. The design or use of signs and symbols.

Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Originally posted by Richyams
When leaving AKL to go to AK, thee is no sign!

Twice I drove looking for one. I realize now that at the first major light, you need to make a left, but it is not marked in any way at all.

There's a reason that light is not marked for DAK... That's not the way to go! Actually, the light is marked "Authorized Vehicles Only" for the left turn lane, and then "All Guest Areas" in the straight lane.

After the light, there will be a little turnaround road to head into the DAK parking lot. I never really paid attention to see if that lil turnaround was marked, however.

I do want to ask though... Why drive to DAK, which could take up to 25 minutes because of parking and whatnot, when the bus ride itself is like 4 minutes, and takes you right there?
We drove there because we weren't staying at AKL. We were staying at VWL and went to Boma for breakfast and then off to AK.
I missed it too... and I thought it was just me. LOL

We took our car the last day because we were leaving from the park to go home and didn't want to deal with the bus just to go home.
If you get there early, you park a few steps from the front gates. The drive is only two minutes and you are twenty steps from the front gate. Leaving is easy also. Since AK closes early, we will be driving somewhere else. Much less hassle to walk twenty steps to your car and then drive to Epcot than to have to bus back to the resort, get your car, then drive to epcot.
We missed it too last week...because there is no sign, they have you practically driving all over the 'world' in a roundabout way. I am really surprised there was no sign.
We missed it too.
As a matter of fact we seemed to miss alot of signs this last trip.:eek:
Staying at All Star Mu....every time we were returning from a park...coming on World Drive we must have missed our turn off 3 times before my DH started looking for "landmarks" to know when to turn.
Once we ended up on 192 headed straight for the airport!!:eek:

This was the first time we ever had so much trouble.....usually everything is so clear. But this time my DH kept saying "things are not marked very good for anything on this side of the "world" (meaning near AK)"
Originally posted by Richyams
If you get there early, you park a few steps from the front gates. The drive is only two minutes and you are twenty steps from the front gate.

Man, you take some big steps. Just for fun, someone get there early, park your car, get out and take 20 steps. Now look and see where you are standing....It ain't at the front gate folks.


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