Tkyes trip report from my view point


<font color=blue>Does strange things while sleepin
May 31, 2001
Just as a precursor...for those of you that don't know, Tamie and I work together (and no, we are not married for those of you who may have been confused - luvstiggertoo!! :p). Tamie is our graphic designer, I'm the assistant to the VP of Marketing, so as Tamie is planning this trip for the past nine months somewhat inconveniently one week before our summer convention, I will be her backup in the unfortunate case of an emergency (to be defined as "couldn't be anticipated, and can't be ignored"). I LOVE, LIVE and BREATH Excel, I'm proficient in Word, I put out a mean presentation in Powerpoint, and I write reports in our mainframe, but I know ABSOLUTELY nothing about Quark and Photoshop. ZILCH!! But hey, how hard can it be??? :rolleyes: I'll get back to you on that.

So, we squeeze in a crash course - it seems relatively simple. I know everyone knows that I'm not the designer - just a "in a pinch" last resort kind of thing......

So this morning our Ad Manager is in full panic - arms flailing, cheeks flushed, papers flying, incomplete sentences, darting from place to place, pacing the floor and slamming cups of coffee. "Can't stop, can't talk, gotta move, gotta go, it's the eleventh hour, we're behind the eight ball, I got like (he looks at his watch for like the tenth time in the last twenty words) no time, Tamie, leaving, going, two weeks, gone, 1:00. Oh my!" Yeah, because he only found out like an hour ago that this was happening. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Forget that Tamie has been planning this trip for nine months..... disregard the daily walks down the hall for the past month to remind everyone that July 26th was her last day..... nevermind the brightly colored paper link chain that she strung throughout her cube for the last 99 days making a big show of removing one at the end of each day!! It's quite obvious how this might have snuck up on him!! :rolleyes:

So Tamie finally just plain runs away at 2:00 with some last minute instructions (just in case). You could just see the last of the dust particles she had stirred up on her way out settling when all heck broke loose. Not one, not two, not even three or four emergencies pop up..... but five, count them, FIVE project fell across my desk within 20 minutes..... and oh no, not those can you do this sometime next week projects, no, these were those "can you do this (no breath), why isn't it done yet?" projects! Simple changes, right? A pricepoint here, an account name there, YEAH RIGHT!!! :rolleyes: No, I believe it was, "can you take just this section out of this picture and place it over here, overlay some different titles, maybe design a little themed backdrop"....... HELLO!!!! Did I happen to mention that I am a math minor, a logical thinker, interested in know numbers, those things that remain constant, never changing, always predictable, no creativity required?!?!?!

Only a little less then two hours after Tamie had left, it's now me that is in full panic mode, cheeks flushed, papers flying...... slamming Dr. Peppers! Want to know why???? 1) Only 2% of Tamie's vacation has expired, 2) I am in the last week crunch / cram session of planning a week long Summer Sales Convention (to include our VPs, Managers, Account Execs, Sales Reps, and Vendors), and 3) I have forgotten ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY EVERYTHING that Tamie taught me just yesterday..... don't know what happened...... I'm an intelligent person..... maybe it just fell out of my head..... I looked under the desk..... didn't see it there...... not sure where it went, but when they come with the straight jacket next week to take me away (HA HA HEE HEE HO HO), they just may find me still looking for it.

Can someone pass the sedatives?????
Wow! Sounds like a lot of work. Have you tried to get a temp? There are lots of freelance Graphic Designers in town. That kind of stuff isn't easy to just pick up and do; what could take you all day to do might take an experienced person an hour.

I'm sure Tamie will be pleased to know she's missed! ;)

Maybe you should build a paper chain ticking off the days 'til she's back!
hi Heidi!

deep breath in, now exhale S-L-O-W-L-Y......

how much of Tamie's vacation has expired now, oh gracious numbers queen??

Woohoo! Look at that post count!! Trying to catch up to me? Or maybe you can overtake Dan Murphy!

:D :p

Lucy runs for cover as she is sure Heidi is about to explode....
You can work on this till Tamie returns, Heidi!!!!!! :rolleyes:

Groosch Fishbone....have yer got that stuff dun yet?


...NO???'ve had those projects fer almost 20 minutes now!! :earseek:

Hehehheeee.....Awwww {{Hugs}} You'll make it thur this jurst fine....the mucky-mucks will jurst have to realize yer new ter this focus on the pressures...

....instead...focus on your next vacation....and what Tamie will have ter dew as she 'cover's' fer you! ;) :)
*ack* Heidi, I agree with LucyStorm, deep cleansing breaths. Deep breath in......and.....exhale slllooooowwwwwlllllyyyyyyy.

OK, any better???:confused:

No, well then, have a Dr. Pepper and go for a walk around the office.

Sounds like your ad manager works at my office! ! lol.

So sorry you are this stressed. But, I know you can do this.

Keep us posted and send up the red flags if you need a hand again.


PS--PM box is full girlie, I need to PM you, sweepy sweepy please :D :D :D
Sending you some <b>calming</b> {{{HUGS}}} sweetie. Sounds like you're a little panicked yourself.

You're going to get this all done, you know, I'm convinced that you will :)
A paper chain.... good idea ricola......and the all-day, one-hour project...... I'm sure of it..... Tamie is extremely talented..... I have a lot of respect for what she does!!!

Oh my gosh LucyStorm, I'm supposed to breath????? Why didn't anyone tell me???? Now when in the heck am I going to fit that in????

Thank you Dan. Once again, you've been so supportive....I'm so glad you're a "one of a kind" kind of friend!!! :rolleyes: :p :rolleyes: :p

That's exactly what our ad manager looked like'd you know????

It's going to take more than one Dr. Pepper Deb...... maybe you could have the tanker full just pull right up to the front door..... do they make straws that long???? Oh, and watch carefully for those red flags..... I just might use them.

Panicked???? Is that what you call this.... cuz I thought it was some kind of mental disorder worthy of St. Peter's Mental Hospital...... I believe they are padding the walls in bright yellow just for me!!!

Okay, sigh..... I will not panic....... I will not panic..... I will not panic...... I will not [SIZE=.5]panic[/SIZE]
Oh Heidi, I'm sorry you're so swamped there, but you do write one heck of a hillarious trip report!!!

Hope you can get everything done without too much pain and effort. Throwing some quick-moving no-stress pixie dust your way! *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Hang in there Heidi!


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