Traveling with baby????


Feb 23, 2001
OK I never thought I would be someone that would be crazy enought to do this but I guess I am! Here it is....

In May we are going to be going to WDW for the THIRD time in a year. I won't go into how we were able to do the first two trips, but this next trip is a family vacation within a business trip. We have enough Freqent flyer miles to get us all free tickets with DH's being picked up by work. Hotel will be paid for the most part by work and we have Annual passes that will expire in July so we have no admission media to pay for (See why we are doing this...mainly food and two nights of hotel will be what we pay for)

But here is the sticker...we have a baby that will be 4.5 months at the time. Leaving her behind is not an options since she is breast fed. Our other daughter is 7. I will be on my own for at least two days in the parks with the baby and 7 yr old (who is really a good kid). What suggestions does anyone have on handling the parks so that the 7 yr old doesn't get frustrated with having babysister along. She is really looking forward to "showing the baby WDW". Can I ride most of the rides with the babv? We wont' do Splash or the roller coasters, but anything else you think we should avoid. Suggestions for all the parks would be great .

We are going next weekend and are taking our 6 month old. From what I've read on these boards, you can ride all of the rides except for those with height restrictions. I'm sure they would love IASM, Pooh, Peter Pan, etc... I'd definitely stay away from Space Mountain this trip anyway!! LOL

We went in October when the baby was 2 1/2 months old and we have a 10 year old as well. The baby didn't slow us down much at all and the older one got to go on all of the "bigger" rides too so she didn't feel she lost out on anything.
When you are alone you can go to either AK and play in the bone yard
or MGM and HOney I shrunk the kid's play area.

At MK you can ride some of the rides in fantasyland ( peter pan, snow white, winnie the pooh,
it's a small world, with your daugther and the baby.) they are just sit and ride.

I bet you could also do haunted mansion and buzz lightyear. You can ride the train.
Go to MIckey's toontown and go through the house, play on the water boat. You can also
do Tom Sawyer island, too.

So, MK might be a good option if you are alone.

If you daughter likes show then MGM would be a good place as well.

There is alot of things you can do with a baby and on your own.
Good luck and have fun!!:)
We took our then almost 9 month old daughter to WDW in Dec 2001. It was just my husband and I and we had been there many times before we had her. It was a great whole new expernce with her.

I would sugest, bring your own stoller. 4 months is too young for the ones at WDW and will want it out of the park also. The best things we got for our trip was a stoller that was also a back pack. It is by Instep and sell for between 50 and 80 dollers depending on where you look (we got ours at a Target Greatland for 49, not on sale). She loved how the stoller held her up so she could see everyting and it is small and light wieght and easy to move, but has more storage space and shade then the umbrella kind.

It was great when the park was too busy to push a stoller, straped her on our back and walked right through busy crowds. My daugher loved the view up high and found it easy to fall alseep in it.

We took our daughter on every ride she could go on and she loved them all. They are too young to know to be afraid in snow white and HM unlike a 2 or 3 year old.

your baby might not get as much fun out of the trip as she will in future trips, but it may be the easiest time to take her. She is young enough to nap when ever she is tried. You don't need to bring and bottles with you, you have all you need. I nursed in every place under the sun and had no problems. The baby care stations are wonderful. They sell baby food and give free packets of ceral out there. Keep her in the shade as much as you can and find a good baby sun screen you like. They have some that come in pre mostined towels. We liked those.

Your 7 year old will love it. She will still be able to be the boss and sounds like help out too.

have fun, no your are not nuts!
We will be going to WDW with a 5 month old and a 3 year old.

We thought that it would actually be easier to go this year than next, since the baby will simply eat and sleep. This trip is strictly for our 3 year old, so it just seems that from a traveling perspective we will have an easier time with a baby.

Hope we're right.
All I can say is BABY BJORN!! This is the best front carrier! It will leave your hands free & it's easy on your back. I can't remember if a baby that age can face front. my 6 month old could, which worked out great because you can sit without moving the baby. You could still bring a stroller for if you get tired, or for meals, but the carrier will save you in places where you can't take the stroller.

Have a great trip!
I'm also going in May, and my baby will be 5.5 months. Since this is our first, I don't have any real advice for you, but we are planning to mostly carry her around in the Baby Bjorn (she is facing front now, except when I carry her and she issleeping). We will also bring a stroller (since we aredriving), but hopefully can get away without using it.

I'm sure that your older daughter will have a great time even with baby sis along.

All of the kids in the Playhouse Disney show at MGM had a great time - regardless of their ages. Also, giving your older one an opportunity to select which rides would be a great opportunity. I would just recommend you give her options to select from that are family friendly for all. The pirates and Aladdin in MK would be fun, so would the Tiki room. Have a great time!!
Thanks for all the tips and encouragemernt. I have a keltykids carrier that I hopwfully will be able to use most of the time. I do plan on bringinging my own stroller, but figure with all the cues she really won't be in it much. thanks again
Check with your pediatrician as babies under 6mths old are not supposed to use sunscreen.


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