Trip Report 20 - 27 August as it happens - Day 8 added


DIS Veteran
Jan 27, 2006

This was a bit of a last minute trip. Having been here in May, we had not planned to come back this year, until I spotted a week at the Marriott for sale on ebay for the last week in August. It suited well because DH would be on holidays then and we all have APs that were still valid. So we sent away for a new passport for Natasha, which took a month to come back because of the backlog at the passport office in Dublin & during that month I eventually persuaded DH that it would be a good idea to go. Luckily the week hadn’t been bought by anyone else, so we were going back.

Originally we had planned to stay in Ireland for our holidays, so after a week travelling round visiting relations in Meath, Dublin, Tipperary & Sligo we came home & I had 2 days to get all the clothes washed & repacked for France.


Me (Karen)
DH (Denis)
DD1 (Nicole – 8)
DD2 (Natasha – 3)

Day 1 Friday 20th Aug 2010

Having packed most of our things the night before, we weren’t too rushed this morning & got away in good time at about 11am. Drove to Belfast & arrived just as the checkin desk was opening. We then had a lunch at Burger King & this took us up to the time to embark. But there was a problem with the plane (couldn’t get the engines to start) so we were about an hour delayed. Luckily once they had got them started with the help of some machine, they stayed going. When we arrived at CDG, there was no taxi to meet us, but a quick phonecall & she arrived having been outside waiting. She told us that the weather had been very wet the previous days, but was lovely again – let’s hope it stays that way!

We had finished checkin at 7.35 pm, so I sent Denis off to find the house with the girls & I rushed off to the local supermarket which was closing at 8pm. I stocked up on what we needed for tonight & tomorrow morning & on the way home a friendly Canadian couple helped me carry some of it back to the resort. It is only a 10 min walk, but bottles of watter, milk, ornage juice & wine can get very heavy! Anytime we have stayed at the Marriott before we have had a 2 bedroom townhouse, but this time we had a 3 bedroom one. The 3rd bedroom turned out to be a studio apartment which could also be closed off & let out separately. It is on the ground floor, through a door at the end of the hall & has its own kitchen, bathroom, seating area (double sofabed), table & chairs for 2 and a massive bed. Much as we would have loved to sleep in there, we gave it to Nicole because we couldn’t be too far away from Natasha as she still gets up looking for us most nights. Denis had made some pasta for the girls tea (had brought some bits in the suitcase) while I was at the shop & then they went to the playground while I unpacked while watching Eastenders (they get BBC here). After Natasha went to bed & Nicole was set up in her studio apartment playing the Wii (we had brought our own), Denis & I had our tea & enjoyed a bottle of wine.

The weather forecast for tomorrow is to be very hot & sunny, so we’ll stay around the resort. I don’t fancy going into Disney in the heat with the massive weekend crowds! I’ll update you all tomorrow night.
Day 2 Saturday 21st August 2010

After a leisurely breakfast (during which housekeeping arrived and cleaned up & made the beds despite me trying to tell him not to bother – I don’t think he understood me) we all walked into Bailly Romainvilliers to do some grocery shopping. The buggy came in handy on the way home to carry the heavy stuff. Denis took the girls to the playroom while I made lunch & put all the shopping away & came back to report that all the toys that had been there on previous visits had disappeared, so they weren’t impressed. We had lunch outside on our patio in the company of a huge swan, who then became very friendly and decided to come right up to the table & frightened us all back inside! It was very warm and sunny outside (forecast was about 30 degrees) and our pale irish skin isn’t used to it so we stayed out of it playing Wii instead and then swimming. We started off our swim in the inside pool, but the girls wanted to into the outside one, so we did. It was really refreshing (the girls called it freezing) but Natasha didn’t last there too long before wanting to get out, so we back inside & then had a dip in the Jacuzzi. Back to the house where we made dinner – roast chicken, potatoes & veg. Natasha was very tired & went to bed early, so Denis went back for a proper swim – you get much swimming done with the girls – while Nicole played the Wii.

So we didn’t go into Disney today, but hadn’t really planned to anyway because we knew the crowds would be worse at the weekend. Tomorrow we are going to Versailles in the morning – I have been a few times before, but never when the fountains are on, so I’m looking forward to seeing them. There are thunderstorms forecast for tomorrow evening, so we may just stay about here in the evening. I’ll let you know.
Day 3

Yes, I did get to Disney today, but more about that later.

We got up at 8am & made up a picnic & got the girls up, fed & dressed & out to reception to meet our taxi (prebooked with Ezyshuttle) at reception at 9am to bring us to Versailles. An extravagance, but I couldn’t face getting the bus, then 3 trains & then the walk to the chateau with a buggy, and although I have been to Versailles twice before, I have never seen the fountains on, so really wanted to do this. And in my opinion, it was worth it. By the time we arrived (about 1 hour drive), found the entrance to the gardens & covered everyone with factor 50 suncream, it was 10.30. At 10.45 some water started to come through the fountains near the chateau & then at 11.00 this increased & the others came on too. And with the start of the fountains, the sun broke through too. We spent the next hour walking round all the fountains, ending up at the bottom. The water stopped at 12.00 on the button, so we had our picnic lunch & then went to watch the water display at the Fountain of Mirrors which plays every 15 mins. We actually watched it 3 times while we relaxed on our picnic rugs. Then it was time to make our way back to meet our taxi again. The queues for the toilets in the gardens were massive, so we went on the way out where queues were only 10 mins! John from Ezyshuttle met us & brought us back to the Marriott. I cannot recommend his service enough.

Back at the resort, after a short rest, we went swimming, first in the outside pool & when Natasha started shivering, we moved to the indoor one. By the time I had myself & the girls showered, hairs washed & everyone dressed, Denis had made it home before us & cooked some salmon for dinner. After dinner we brought the girls to the playgrounds. One of them had been upgraded since we were last there, so they were glad to see something new.

The girls were very tired, so after putting them to bed, I caught the bus at 20.28 to Disney. Despite the forecast of thunderstorms, it was a lovely evening. First I went on IASW (5 min wait). When I came off, it had got quite dark, so I wandered round Fantasyland admiring everything. I love Teacups in the dark, but it wasn’t running. I wanted to see Captain EO, so went over to Discoveryland via the castle. I saw it in 1987 in California but didn’t really remember it, but having gone through my teenage years in the 80s, I really enjoyed it. By the time it was over it was 10.20, so I got a place near Central Plaza to watch Fantillusion & then the fireworks. Got the bus back to Marriott where Denis had a lovely glass of red wine waiting for me.

Tomorrow I have to be around Disney to meet up with some people from these boards to sponsor them for their APs, so we’ll go in in the morning so that I’m about when they arrive & contact me.
It's really nice to read a trip report in real time. Thanks for taking the time to post it.
Sounds great, I am glad you are enjoying our resort at MArriott Ile De France.

I am afraid the decision had to be made at the kids' club to put the toys away when the MAZE guides are not there. Sadly we have had instances of theft and vandalism, which pushes our annual maintanence fees up. One of the many examples where things had to change due to poor guest behaviour :-(. Be glad it is open though in those times. The Spanish MArriotts just lock up when there is not an activities staff member around.

Be sure to look at your MAZE guide to see what activities are on for the rest of the week.

Also, there are some amazing days out near by if you want to do other non Disney stuff - I highly recommend Medieval Provins - a world heritage site with lots of living history displays. Also, Vaux le Vicomte is near, and was the inspiration for Versailles. There are about 30 other recommendations I have, but I am assuming a lot of your time in the week will be at Disney. HAve a great time.
Sounds great, I am glad you are enjoying our resort at MArriott Ile De France.

I am afraid the decision had to be made at the kids' club to put the toys away when the MAZE guides are not there. Sadly we have had instances of theft and vandalism, which pushes our annual maintanence fees up. One of the many examples where things had to change due to poor guest behaviour :-(. Be glad it is open though in those times. The Spanish MArriotts just lock up when there is not an activities staff member around.

Be sure to look at your MAZE guide to see what activities are on for the rest of the week.

Also, there are some amazing days out near by if you want to do other non Disney stuff - I highly recommend Medieval Provins - a world heritage site with lots of living history displays. Also, Vaux le Vicomte is near, and was the inspiration for Versailles. There are about 30 other recommendations I have, but I am assuming a lot of your time in the week will be at Disney. HAve a great time.

Thanks for the update about the Marriott. It's a shame other guests have spoiled it for everyone. And thanks for the local recommendations. Much as I would love to do other things, I think I was doing well to get to Versailles! I would love to go to Provins one day, but it won't be this week. I'd love to get a day into Paris this week, but I don't know if I would get the most out of it if I have the kids with me. We'll see how things go later in the week. When we bought this week off ebay & saw that it was a 3 bedroom house, we had hoped that someone else would have come with us & then hopefully they would have babysat for a day in return for us paying for their accommodation, but anyone we asked couldn't come. It was probably too last minute for them. So it looks like your assumption is right & we will be spending a lot of our time at Disney - which is a very good compromise!
Day 4 Mon 23rd August 2010

We got the bus into Disney at 10.30, just as the rain was starting for the day. We made it in time for Anamagique at 11. It was lovely to see Natasha so excited sitting in her seat waiting for it to start. When it was over she wanted to go back and watch it again – which we will no doubt do before we go home! We noticed that people were starting to go into the animation show, but were just a few from the top of the queue when they stopped letting people in, so decided not to wait. By this time it was 11.45 & the girls were hungry, so we went to Annettes and all had burgers (although Natasha didn’t eat hers). While there I got a text from the people I was sponsoring to say they would be there soon, so we arranged to meet at the Disneyland Hotel reception. By now the rain was quite heavy & I found the ground to be very slippy as I was wearing crocs. Good job I had the buggy to hold on to while I was walking. So we met up & they got there APs at guest relations with 10% discount, but when we got to the passport office it turned out that they had had APs within the last 2 years, so weren’t entitled to be sponsored. Luckily for them, they weren’t asked to pay back their 10% reduction, but I couldn’t get the stamps on my sponsorship form, so at least one of us got a good result! I have to meet up with someone else tomorrow, so hopefully that will go a bit better. I already have one stamp & need another 2 to renew my AP for free which I can do this week as it expires in September. Otherwise, I don’t know if I will renew just now as we have no plans to return within the next 6 months (but never say never!)

By now the heavy rain had become a steady drizzle, so we went to IASW as we close by. Again Natasha was so excited sitting in the boat waiting to go into the ride. She was so absorbed in looking out her side of the boat, I don’t think she even realised that there was another side, so we’ll have to go back on & put her on the left side next time! Next we went to Woody’s roundup where first we met Mickey & while waiting to see Minnie, the characters went off on a break. When they came back, Mickey had joined Minnie & now Goofy & Pluto were together in the first hut. Nicole was disgusted that she had missed them, so after meeting Minnie (& Mickey again) and then Woody, we had to queue up from the start again to get to meet the others! So in the end we got to meet all 5 (& some of them twice!) Next we got on the train at Frontierland Station & did a full circuit of the park (something I think I have only completed once before & that was about 6 yrs ago). When we came off again the rain had dried up & this had brought out the crowds as the queue for the meet & greet at Woody’s roundup was massive whereas we had managed to go round twice in just over 30 mins! We called into City Hall to make a lunch reservation for tomorrow with the princesses for Denis & the girls (while I meet up and sponsor a couple) and then just made it to the bus at 16.23 back to the Marriott. Denis took the girls for a swim while I went to the supermarket. After tea I took the girls to the playground for a while & then it was time for Natasha to go to bed. Denis & Nicole played some Wii while I relaxed on Nicole’s massive bed in her studio apartment while I watched Eastenders. Nicole wanted me to take her into Disney to see the fireworks tonight, but the black clouds were enough to put me off. Good thing I didn’t go as it is pouring down outside as I write this. I have promised her that we’ll go tomorrow though.
Day 5 24th August 2010

Got the bus again this morning at 10.30, arriving into Disney about 11. The day was cloudy with sunny intervals & the crowds were much bigger than yesterday. We had a spin on the carousel & then a wander round Fantasyland picking up fastpasses for Peter Pan for between 2 & 2.30 pm. Then it was time to queue up outside Auberge for our 12 o’clock reservation. We were first in the queue & just after 12 they opened the doors & we were first to meet Cinderella. We got official photos of Cinderella & the girls & also Cinderella & us all. I slipped away while Denis & the girls went in. They met Suzy, Perla, Belle, Beast (as a prince), Snow White & Ariel. Natasha didn’t eat much – just her desserts, but Nicole tried the starters & ate everything else. Meanwhile I met up with a lovely couple who had contacted me through this forum & sponsored them. Everything went smoothly today & I got my new annual pass for free.

We arrived at Peter Pan in time for our fastpass slot. Then Nicole wanted to do POTC, but then decided not to when she saw the queue was 45 mins. Natasha just wanted to go home, so we headed back to the Marriott (picking up fastpasses for Buzz for later on) on the way out. We also called in to see the dragon - even Natasha wanted to see him for the first time while up in her Daddy's arms & felt very proud of herself for being so brave! Back at the house, Denis took the girls swimming. Today there was hardly anyone else swimming & they had the big outdoor pool to themselves and there only a few in the indoor one. There doesn’t seem to be as many people around the resort either, compared to the weekend. I popped to the supermarket & bought a lasagne for the tea & some oven chips.

After dinner Denis & Nicole went back to Disney. Natasha & I stayed home & painted our toenails & played some games on the DSi. I put her to bed & relaxed in Nicole’s room & watched Eastenders. I went into her bathroom & saw the biggest spider I had ever seen in my life – approx the size of the top of a pint glass. It freaked me out (I’m terrified of them), so I decided to phone reception to get someone to get rid of it, which they said they would. After I hung up the phone, I peeped into the bathroom & couldn’t see any sign of it. So I kept watch in case it escaped from the bathroom & 1 very anxious hour later a man arrived to get it. He didn’t speak English, but I managed to tell him in French where it had been, but I didn’t know where it was now & that it was very big & very fast! I let him into the bathroom & then closed the door behind him – I didn’t want to see it again. He emerged with something like a scrupled up white tissue & said “It’s OK now”. I squealed & ran off in case he was going to show it to me. I asked him where it had been, but he misunderstood me & told me it had come from outside. He then proceeded to take the bath panel off & spray stuff in there & then sprayed it all around the floor in the bathroom & then across the front door of the studio. I felt like asking him to spray it round the other front door of the main house too, but didn’t! I then had a long soak in the bath (in the upstairs bathroom). When I came downstairs, guess what was crawling up the wall in the hall – yes a spider. Now this was just a normal big one – about the size of an old 50p. At this stage of the night, I was expecting Denis home in about 20 mins, so I kept a eye on him & Denis squashed him when he came in.

They had had a great evening at Disney – Buzz twice, Captain EO, pirates (a walk on), Pinocchio, carousel, Fantillusion & fireworks. Nicole was so tired. I told her not to use her bathroom (because of all the stuff he had sprayed all over the floor), so she went into the downstairs one in the main house & guess what she saw – yes another spider, similar to the one that had been in the hall. They say bad things come in 3s, so hopefully there will be no more spiders. I am now sitting with a glass of red wine – for medicinal reasons of course.

We had thought about going into Paris tomorrow, but we’ll wait and see how Nicole is in the morning after her late night. Don’t think she would be up to a whole lot of walking round Paris if she’s too tired. Maybe I could put her in the buggy & let Natasha walk.
Day 6 25th August 2010

Well, we didn’t go to Paris. Instead we had quite a relaxed day. We didn’t hurry too much this morning. Denis took the girls to the playground & then played basketball with them while I did some washing & ironing (trying to minimise the amount I will have to do when I get home). I cooked a lovely dinner of potatoes, carrots, brocolli, green beans, peas, onions, gravy & sausages & everyone had clean plates. I’m glad Natasha ate it as she hasn’t been eating the dinners we have bought in the restaurants the last few days & I just wanted her to eat something proper. After lunch Denis & the girls went to the playroom for a few hours & I went to Val d’Europe for a walk round the shopping centre – didn’t buy anything though! I was home for about 5pm, had a quick tea of beans on toast & then caught the bus at 5.50 pm to Disney. First we went to the Disney Store in the Village for the girls to spend their money. Natasha bought a Marie (from Arisocats) & Nicole bought a Kaa (from Jungle Book). I bought a Jasmine & an Ariel ornament to add to my collection. Then we went into the Disneyland Park. Natasha wanted to do Dumbo & Teacups, while Nicole wanted to do Star Tours & Captain EO, so we split up – with me going with Nicole. We met up again in Fantasyland & went on the carousel. The girls were hungry, so we had a quick snack (which I had brought with me) & then headed off to get the bus at 9.23 pm. Natasha was fast asleep as soon as we left the park, so we just lifted her into bed when we got home. Hopefully that will be her now to the morning. Just looked up the weather forecast for tomorrow & it’s not looking too good, so we’ll see how it is in the morning before we make any plans. And for anyone who is wondering if there were any more spiders today – well there was one tried to get in when Denis opened the patio door this morning, so he killed it before I saw it (it wasn’t as big as the one that freaked me out, just a normal big black one!) But I am now paranoid about them & keep expecting to see one! I’m keeping the doors closed in case there are more of them out there waiting to get in!
Day 7 26th August 2010

Denis & Nicole got up early while Natasha was still asleep & went for a swim. The weather was still dry, so we decided to go into Paris today. We caught the bus at 10.00, then the train & were coming out of the station at Chatelet des Halles at about 11.30. We walked over to Notre Dame & went in. It costs 2 euro to light a candle (tealight), so we just lit the one! Had a walk around inside & showed the girls the beautiful stained glass windows, altar, etc, but I think it was wasted on them! Next we went to the Latin Quarter for some lunch. We all ate from the 9 euro menu & there was loads of food. Denis & I got a glass of rose wine to start & the girls got a glass of orange juice. Then we ordered 2 vegetable soup & 2 pate. The girls didn’t like the pate, but ate some soup & loads of bread. For main Denis had roast chicken & chips while the rest of us had spaghetti bolognaise. The girls didn’t eat too much – they were too full from all the bread. Then there were desserts. Natasha & I had chocolate mousse, Denis had crème caramel & Nicole had icecream. Then they gave Denis & I some green tea (which I didn’t like, but then I don’t like tea.) As soon as we got out of the restaurant, Natasha went to sleep in her buggy while the rest of us walked down to the Louvre & then a bit into the Tulliere Gardens. By now Nicole was getting tired, so we went back again having pointed out the Eiffel Tower & Arc de Triomphe. I had to waken Natasha after an hour & a half, otherwise she would be up all night! I bought some picture postcards & two lovely long jackets for the girls. I bought them in a shop where I had previously bought them some jackets about 3 years ago. We got the train back again. While we had been very lucky with the weather all day – it was very warm in Paris, but had stayed dry for us, when we got off the train, it was raining. We put on our rain jackets & ran to the bus stop. We had pasta for tea as we had to use up what food we had. We had planned to go for a swim, but were too tired, so we put the girls in the bath instead & then bed. There was a big thunder & lightning storm & really heavy rain. Initially I had thought of going into Disney to see the fireworks for one last time, but not in the rain!

So, we didn’t make it into Disney today, but are planning to go in tomorrow (unless it is very wet), have lunch (maybe Café Mickey, but nothing booked), before our taxi back to CDG with Ezyshuttle at 3.15 pm. It is getting late now & we have to get the packing done & we have a bottle of champagne to drink too! I’ll update you all again when we get home & upload the photos.
Aw I can't believe its nearly over - and yet again you guys have had such a relaxing time on Disneys doorstep :goodvibes (shame about the spiders though).
We are home again, but just wanted to post the details of our last day while it's fresh in my mind. I will upload the photos during the week, as I still haven't even put them on the computer yet & I am taking the girls away to stay with my parents in Donegal before Nicole starts back to school, so I'll round to it when I come home again.

Day 8 27th August 2010

I was so glad we had packed everything up last night, so we were out of the house at 9.30. We checked the luggage into storage & caught the bus at 10 am to Disney. We watched the World of Animation shows (didn't open until 10.45) & then Nicole & I did 2 of the animation classes & learnt how to draw Donald Duck & Winnie the Pooh. The instructor had promised to give his drawing of Donald to Nicole, but then he was replaced by another instructor, who then gave it to someone else. She had gone up at the end of the class to get her drawing & when he realised what had happened, he did a new one of Mushu for her instead. She loves the picture & I'm going to get it framed for her bedroom.

By now it was 12.30 & we went to Restaurant des Stars for lunch. We had planned on Cafe Mickey, but after looking at the children's menu there I was afraid that Natasha wouldn't like what she ordered (as always happens), so decided to go for a buffet where there was a choice, so I'd be sure she'd find something that she would eat as we would be travelling for the rest of the day. Anyway, we had a great meal there & even Natasha ate loads.

We caught the bus back to the Marriott at 13.40 as the girls wanted to go back a spend a last hour in the playroom there. John from Ezyshuttle picked us up at 15.15 & brought us to CDG. Checkin was the fastest & smoothest ever at CDG which is usually bedlam! Flight took off on time & Natasha slept for about an hour, we picked up our car in Belfast & drove home, arriving at 21.15. Nicole was wrecked & went straight to bed, but Natasha was still going at nearly 11 pm after her sleep had recharged her batteries. Unpacked everything & started on the washing before going to bed myself & slept really well back in my own bed.


This trip was intended to be more than just going to Disney, so it was great to get to go to Versailles & to Paris. This was the first time we had ventured somewhere else with the kids with us.

The Marriott was great, as always. It was lovely to have the outdoor pool, which had never been open when we stayed there before.

We had a great time whenever we went into Disney, as always.

The girls had a brilliant holiday, which is what's it's all about - because if they're happy, then we're happy.
Thanks for a lovely report, as ever Karen, glad you all enjoyed the trip.

Looking forward to the photos :goodvibes


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