Trivia, Drinks and Lobster, our 8 night cruise on the Fantasy! Completed 2/9!!

San Juan, Part Three

Our lunch stop was at a restaurant called Punto de Vista Rooftop Restaurant, it was located on the top floor of the Hotel Milano.

Final thoughts: Although we weren't huge fans of our excursion, we loved San Juan. I have been attempting to get DH to commit to a Southern Caribbean itinerary out of San Juan and he was never too sure. After visiting, he told me he now wants to do a Southern route and spend a few days in San Juan before or after the cruise. Here, I was so excited....and now DCL isn't doing any Southern Caribbean cruises winter of 2021 :sad1:. Hopefully, we'll get back to San Juan at some point, I would love to stay there a couple of nights and really explore the city.

I did a Southern Caribbean route from San Juan on Royal Caribbean last May with my adult kids. It was AMAZING!! We spent 2 nights before the cruise in San Juan; one day we booked a private tour of El Yunque (the rainforest) and we spent another day just exploring San Juan. We also went to Punto de Vista! We were on a Mofongo mission and were a little wasn't as good as we expected, but your food looks great. I would go back there for the atmosphere and drinks, don't need mofongo again. But you HAVE to do a cruise out of San Juan. I'm so sad my DH missed it, I keep looking for other cruises that embark from San Juan for a future time when DH can take time off. Lots of options, much cheaper than DCL!

San Juan, Part Four

We managed to get on board just in time to do the Art of the Theme show tour, we love this tour, the information you learn about the ship and the Imagineers is so neat. However, we learned we will stick with the morning tours. The morning tours usually coincide with the Oceaneer's Club open house and you also get into Palo and Remy, on this tour, we weren't allowed in any of these locations. We still had a good time, but if you're to do this tour, I recommend doing the 9 am one, you get more information and it's more fun!

I have seen this tour mentioned before and really want to try it, but I don't see it listed on my cruise planner. Is it something that can be booked once on board, or do you just show up?
I did a Southern Caribbean route from San Juan on Royal Caribbean last May with my adult kids. It was AMAZING!! We spent 2 nights before the cruise in San Juan; one day we booked a private tour of El Yunque (the rainforest) and we spent another day just exploring San Juan. We also went to Punto de Vista! We were on a Mofongo mission and were a little wasn't as good as we expected, but your food looks great. I would go back there for the atmosphere and drinks, don't need mofongo again. But you HAVE to do a cruise out of San Juan. I'm so sad my DH missed it, I keep looking for other cruises that embark from San Juan for a future time when DH can take time off. Lots of options, much cheaper than DCL!

I have seen this tour mentioned before and really want to try it, but I don't see it listed on my cruise planner. Is it something that can be booked once on board, or do you just show up?

I keep toying with looking at other cruise lines, DCL is getting so expensive, but we have so much fun and I love the service we get. I'm just worried that any other line would be a let down! But I really want to get to San Juan again, so I may have to bite the bullet! Everyone kept telling us to try the Mofongo, but it just didn't sound like it was something I would like, the whole mashed plantain thing sounded kind of strange.

It's listed in the Navigator, it's offered several times throughout the cruise. You don't need to sign up, just show up (usually it starts in the Meridian Lounge). We've done it on almost every cruise, it's really interesting. It's run by someone on the entertainment staff, but the tour is always different depending on who does the tour. We're always learning new information!
Happy New Years Eve! I've been up since 6, I just can't sleep in anymore. I'm hoping to get a nap in later today, DH and I have some fun plans for tonight! There's a dinner theater not too far from us and they're doing a fun night tonight. We're starting with their performance of "Mamma Mia" and then they're going to have different activities (big band dancing in the main room, comedy improv in another and a DJ in another), then a champagne toast at midnight and ending with a dessert buffet! DH spent almost 20 years working in news and he almost always had to work NYE, so we were never able to do anything. I hope everyone has a fun New Years Eve!

Sea Day 3, Part Two

After Believe, we went back to The Tube to watch The Magic of Eric Jones again. It was pretty much the same show as before, but this time, I was dragged on stage to participate in one of his tricks. I'm one of those people who prefers to blend into a crowd and I don't like being the center of attention, so I was a little mortified! But it was fun, I can now add celebrity magician to my resume!

After the show, it was time for dinner, time for my favorite dining event of the cruise! It was the animation magic night at Animator's Palate! We were seated with our drawings and markers and started drawing our people. I'm not very talented at drawing, but DH and our tablemates had some creative drawings. After we finished our drawings, we placed our orders and I started with the Tomato Caprese Salad


I love Caprese salads, this was so yummy, I should've gotten two of them! DH had the Sesame Crusted Tuna Sashimi


He enjoyed the Tuna, but picked off most of the sesame seeds because he's not a fan! For our next course, I learned a lesson in why you always listen to your servers, I ordered the Lobster Bisque, our server did the whole, "are you sure" and "you may like the broccoli soup instead". But I got the Lobster Bisque


It was so gross! I can't even describe the flavor, but it was not good! I had one bite and our server quickly whisked it away and asked if I wanted anything else. I decided to hold out for the main course, but I learned my lesson, listen to your servers, they know best!! DH had much better luck with his next course, he got the Dill and Lemon Marinated Shrimp


He didn't read that it was a salad and he dislikes spinach, but he really enjoyed the shrimp! For our mains, I had the Chicken Schnitzel


I usually get this and love it, but was really disappointed this time. The chicken had no flavor at all. Thankfully, our table mate had ordered a salad with ranch as part of her meal and she kept the container of dressing. The ranch helped, but still made me sad because normally this is so good. DH had the Roasted Salmon Steak


He enjoyed this, I had a bite and it was very good! During the main course was when we watched our animation show, it's always so much fun to watch! I will admit, I was disappointed in the meal this night, if it wasn't for the animation magic show, we would probably start skipping this one. We skipped on dessert because they Ricky Kalmon was doing an adults only show in The Tube and we knew it would be packed. Once again, the show was hilarious, a few of the same people from the family show made an appearance again. On our way back to our room, we came across the rehearsal for the atrium show for the Merry Time Cruise. It was a lot of fun watching all the characters dance and learn their places. DH managed to get a couple of photos before a CM told us we weren't allowed to take any


We have yet to do a Merry Time Cruise, I really want to do one, hopefully we'll do one soon! After watching the rehearsal it was time for bed. Next stop, Castaway Cay!!
still following & enjoying your report, we were on the Fantasy over Christmas. Showed your blogs to my DD22, she enjoyed watching too. She luvs trivia and now we can do the tastings together. We both suggest that if you go back to PR, go to Bacardi on your own. She did this with a bunch of college friends over spring break and then we went as a family on our 11night southern.
Here is my previous response:
You can book a reservation ahead on the Bacardi website, was confirmed by email, & paid when we got there. We did this summer of '18, on our own, since DCL will not allow under 21 on this excursion. 6 of us had a blast, 2DS19, DD21, DH, & Aunt81. DS15 stayed on ship.
short walk to ferry, then taxi, or you could take a taxi right from port. Highly recommend this, upon check in get a choice of one full sz drink, tour, and mixology, maybe 4 more drinks.

Looking forward to reading more, enjoy your next cruise
My husband and I spent 3 days in San Juan before we sailed on DCL last February and had a fabulous time exploring Old San Juan. I think you would too. There are so many little restaurants and the nightlife is vibrant. We found a place that had a live band outside that had very reasonable drink prices. And best of all we found the people very friendly and welcoming.
still following & enjoying your report, we were on the Fantasy over Christmas. Showed your blogs to my DD22, she enjoyed watching too. She luvs trivia and now we can do the tastings together. We both suggest that if you go back to PR, go to Bacardi on your own. She did this with a bunch of college friends over spring break and then we went as a family on our 11night southern.
Here is my previous response:
You can book a reservation ahead on the Bacardi website, was confirmed by email, & paid when we got there. We did this summer of '18, on our own, since DCL will not allow under 21 on this excursion. 6 of us had a blast, 2DS19, DD21, DH, & Aunt81. DS15 stayed on ship.
short walk to ferry, then taxi, or you could take a taxi right from port. Highly recommend this, upon check in get a choice of one full sz drink, tour, and mixology, maybe 4 more drinks.

Looking forward to reading more, enjoy your next cruise

Thank you for the tips. I heard about the Bacardi mixology on board from someone who did it, it sounded like so much fun and I want to do it the (hopefully) next time we get there. I'm always a little nervous about booking outside excursions the first time I visit an island, but now seeing how easy it was to navigate San Juan, I wouldn't hesitate to do something on my own.

I really wanted to do the 11 night Southern, that must've been a blast. DH still gets a little stir crazy being on the boat for so long, he survived the 8 night, my next goal is to try for a B2B with 2 5 nights. Eventually, I want to work my way up to the PC cruise!

My husband and I spent 3 days in San Juan before we sailed on DCL last February and had a fabulous time exploring Old San Juan. I think you would too. There are so many little restaurants and the nightlife is vibrant. We found a place that had a live band outside that had very reasonable drink prices. And best of all we found the people very friendly and welcoming.

I only hope I can get there in the near future. The whole area seemed so vibrant and I wanted to see (and eat) everything! I'm really sad that DCL isn't doing a southern route winter of 2021, I really wanted to book something.
Happy New Year! DH and I had so much fun last night! It had been a very long time since we last celebrated NYE. Today, we're just laying low, we're headed out in a couple of hours to meet up with his family to view the Christmas lights at the Arboretum.

Castaway Cay, Part One

We woke early this morning, we knew with all of the adults on this cruise, that Serenity Bay would be VERY crowded, so we wanted to get an early start. We went to breakfast at Royal Court and were seated with a very nice couple, we chatted Disney and DCL while we scarfed down some breakfast. We were able to get off the ship right away and were soon greeted by this sight


Normally, we take our time getting over to Serenity Bay, but we knew it would be crowded and that there weren't a lot of loungers and umbrellas since the island wasn't fully recovered from Dorian. We split up briefly so I could run to the gift shop and buy a rash guard. I was still pretty burnt from Antigua and I didn't want to take any chances, so I spent $67 on a DCL rash guard and right after I bought was kicking myself. I forgot that I could've bought this on the ship and taken advantage of the 10% gold castaway discount, but it's not good on Castaway. Oh well, met up with DH at the tram depot, got on a loaded tram and headed toward our paradise...Serenity Bay!


This was our first visit since Dorian, it was clear Serenity Bay took a lot of damage



We were able to get loungers and an umbrella at the opposite end of the beach, applied sunscreen and hit the water. It was another really hot day, and the water felt so good. The water was very shallow, I think it at most was waist high. We spent a lot of time in the water, we had some great conversations with people and just relaxed. Usually we've been able to find some starfish and fish swimming around, but we saw nothing.



After spending the morning in the water, we were hungry, so we headed toward the Serenity Bay BBQ. On previous cruises, there was never much of a line, but it felt like half the ship was waiting to eat. The line extended back to the restrooms and took a very long time to get through and then it was difficult to find a seat. We were finally seated and set out to eat lunch


DH's plate, some chicken, a ribeye, corn and coleslaw. His ribeye was a little too fatty for his liking, but he enjoyed everything else


I stuck with the basics, a hot dog, a hamburger, some coleslaw and the greek salad. My food was very good, I love that greek salad! I would've gone up for more, but it was so crowded. We ended our lunch with ice cream cones and headed back to the water. On the way back, we made a stop at the bar and I got my konk cooler (best drink ever) and DH got a Shin Splint (which he thinks is the best drink ever). On our way back to our seats, we looked over at the CM beach and looks like a lot of them were enjoying the day as well


We spent some more time swimming and drinking, but DH wanted to go snorkeling (or scuba diving as he kept calling it). So we said our goodbyes to Serenity Bay and headed back to the family beach.
Castaway Cay, Part Two

We hopped on the tram and headed back to the family beach, we found a couple of chairs to drop our stuff, grabbed our snorkeling gear (after so many trips, we decided to purchase our own from amazon, it's really paid off) and headed to the snorkeling reef. We got in the water and I instantly started having issues, I was having difficulty breathing with my mask, it was just too hot. I tried for a little bit, but it just wasn't working for me. I headed back to our chairs, I decided to take advantage of DH wanting to snorkel and I was able to do some reading (and napping).


My sad attempt at snorkeling. DH had a lot of fun snorkeling, he saw a lot of fish and the Mickey and Minnie statues




I woke up from my nap and realized my legs were BURNT, I quickly applied sunscreen, and covered them with a towel, but it was too late. Once DH got back, we got on the tram and headed back to the ship.


Once on board, we showered, got ready and started the painful and sad task of packing. Since we had a very busy evening ahead of us, we put our bags out right away to be collected (again DH was having issues and kept saying that we were putting our furniture out). We then headed to our last show of the cruise and it was the premiere of Frozen


We had seen Frozen previously on The Wonder and loved it and it was fabulous on The Fantasy too! The only downfall is they were a little happy with the fog machine and when it would go off, we (and everyone around us) would start coughing. But without giving anything away, it was amazing!

After Frozen, it was time for our last trivia session, it was time for 90's music trivia. We got a score of 35, but wasn't enough to win, the winning team had 39 out of 40. Because we had plans for after dinner, we said goodbye to Matt and thanked him for an awesome week!


With our goodbyes said, it was time for our last dinner and for more goodbyes :sad1:

Up Next: See you Real Soon?
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7 days from today and we will be embarking The Fantasy once again. DH and I have a ton of things to do this weekend to prepare (including finishing this trip report). We got most of our packing done last night and now have to make the first (let's face it, you know there will be several) trip to Target to get some things. We fly out Friday at 6 am, I can't believe how close it is!

Castaway Cay, Part Three

Our final dinner was in Enchanted Garden, we would be on our own again as we had said goodbye to our table mates during the last trivia session. We decided to split a couple of appetizers to start with



We split the Salmon Gravlax and the Shrimp with Jambalaya Rice. We both enjoyed the salmon, I enjoyed the shrimp, but found the rice to be to spicy, DH enjoyed all of it. We both had the Wild Forest Mushroom Soup for our next course


I didn't know what to expect with this, I wasn't sure if I would enjoy it, but it was really good! For our mains, DH had the New York Strip Steak


He really enjoyed this, he thought it was the best cooked steak he had all week. I had the Oven-Roasted Tom Turkey Breast


This was fantastic, I usually have the steak, but was in the mood for something different and I'm so glad I got this. The turkey was perfect and moist and I enjoyed all the sides. This might've been one of my favorite meals all week. Since it was our last evening, we had to have dessert. DH had the Crème Brulee Cheesecake


He enjoyed this, but didn't realized that it was mainly cheesecake with caramel sauce, I'm not sure what he was expecting, but this wasn't it. I had the White Chocolate Bread Pudding


This was so good, I could only eat half of it because I was so full, but I loved this! Because we were using DCL transportation in the morning to get back to Disney, we would not be able to have breakfast with our servers, so we said our goodbyes, gave them their tip envelopes and let them know how much we enjoyed their service


They really were a great team and took fabulous care of us! We ran back to our room to drop some stuff off and then we headed to the See Ya Real Soon Party in the atrium. I love this party, I love getting doing character pics, but we no longer purchase the photo package and I sometimes get a little inpatient waiting in lines, so this is perfect. You can get pics with almost all of the characters and then there's a cute little goodbye at the end. Pics in the next post!
Castaway Cay, Part Four

We made sure to hit up the characters that we didn't see through the week, so our first stop was Pluto


Next was Donald Duck


Then got to meet our favorite gal, Minnie


Chip and Dale


And finally, Goofy himself


It took us about 15 minutes to see everyone, they also had the princesses, Mickey and Daisy. After about 20 minutes, they called everyone back to the atrium where they put on a little "goodbye" show, it's really cute, ends in confetti and always makes me tear up. After the show, it was time for bed, we had a very early morning and a very sad departure for us.
Debarkation Day

We woke up early, packed up our remaining things, said our goodbyes to our room and headed to Cabanas for breakfast. On Debarkation Day, Cabanas doesn't have the variety that was in previous days, but we still found enough to eat and found a place to sit quickly. As we were eating, we planned our day and then headed for the atrium to get off the ship.


Goodbye Disney Fantasy, we'll see you real soon (in 6 days to be exact)! Since we were taking DCL transportation back to Disney World, we were told to leave the ship no later than 8:15 and that busses would depart at exactly 9:00 am. We were held up a little in the atrium, but then the line started moving fairly quick. We scanned our cards for the last time and before we knew it, we were picking up our bags and heading out of customs, the lines were pretty quick, I think it was about 20-25 minutes from the time we left the ship and got through customs, we were directed to our bus and it did leave promptly at 9:00. Again, we the third stop for resorts, first stopping at Animal Kingdom Lodge and Kidani Villas, then it was our turn, where were we staying on this night? We were completing our All Star Resorts tour with a stay at All Star Music


I headed inside to check in while DH waited for our bags. I had done online check in, but it didn't matter, there was only one line for check in and it was insane!! We had contemplated just dumping our bags and waiting for the text about our room, but decided to hold out in case we could get to a room right away and we were very glad that we did.


DH with all of our bags just hanging out. Finally it was our turn, where it turned out the online check in part was non-existent, they had our reservation, but not that I did online check in, they couldn't explain what happened and even though it said I had done it, it wasn't in there system. Thankfully, we had waited in line, if we hadn't, we never would've gotten a text and would've had to wait in that line late in the evening. We were lucky and they assigned us a room right away. We had paid for a preferred room, but didn't know that the preferred rooms were currently being refurbished, so we were put in Jazz Inn, building 9. I wouldn't call this a preferred room and was a little miffed, but it was for only one night and there was no way I was waiting in line again. We headed to the bus (and of course watched as the bus we wanted pulled away). But finally got on board and headed to our park for the day...Hollywood Studios! Now I am a giant Star Wars fan and I needed to get to Galaxy's Edge! With our delay at the hotel, we sadly missed our first Fast Pass which would've been for Toy Story Mania, but I knew we would miss it and modified it with Tower of Terror.


Our first view of the Skyliner running, when we were here in February, Disney was doing test runs, but all of the cars were still covered at this point, so it was neat seeing it up and running, but we never got a chance to experience it. We walked through the gates and headed to our first Fast Pass


I love this ride, we got through pretty quick and were soon in our elevator


That's us in the middle row, I have no idea what I'm doing with my hands. Once we made it back from the Twilight Zone, it was time for Galaxy's Edge. We had reservations for Oga's Cantina and I was dying, I think I was more excited for this than I was the cruise (okay, probably not, but it was pretty close). It took us a little bit to find the Cantina, but soon checked in and waited for our name to be called. We were called in after about 5 minutes and were giving a spot at the bar. I had heard this from others, but was still surprised at how tight it actually was in there! We really didn't have room for the two of us, but managed to make it work, thankfully some room opened up shortly after we got there. We placed our order for our first 2 drinks, The Fuzzy Tauntaun and the T-16 Skyhopper



The buzz foam on the Fuzzy Tauntaun was really strange, it really did make your lips and mouth go numb, but the drink itself was kind of meh. I did enjoy the T-16 Skyhopper, it had a nice melon flavor to it. These drinks are expensive, ($16/drink), so for our next round, we decided to try a couple of the non-alcoholic drinks, the Blue Bantha and the Carbon Freeze



These were really good, the cookie on top of the Blue Bantha was really soft and yummy. I have to admit, I actually enjoyed the non-alcoholic drinks more.

I've hit my photo limit, so up next more Oga's and the rest of our Hollywood Studios day!
So I've been away too long, I had hoped to wrap this up before we left on our cruise, but that didn't happen...and then once we got home, both DH and I got the dreaded flu. We're still getting over it, but are almost back to 100%. So let's wrap this baby up!

We were finishing up Oga's Cantina where I last left you. We paid for our drinks (almost $60 for 4 drinks after tip) and took one last picture in front of the bar prior to drinking up.


We then explored the bar a little before leaving...


DJ Rex in the house, so happy they found another position for him!


After our quick walk-through, it was time to head out. My thoughts on Oga's, it was fun, but it's expensive and the drinks aren't anything spectacular. I think it's a one and done for us...unless we were traveling with someone who hadn't gone yet. Once we left Oga's, it was time for another bucket list was time for Smuggler's Run!


Can I just say that as a Star Wars fan since childhood, seeing the Millennium Falcon was amazing! The stand-by line was 60 minutes, we had debated doing single rider, but we wanted to see the queue, it was also soooo hot, we were okay with standing in line because we knew eventually we would be in air conditioning. The queue was really fun, there was a lot to see, it did take the full 60 minutes, but it didn't feel like it (it probably helped that since we were without internet for a week, we spent that time catching up on Facebook and Instagram)! Eventually we made our way to the front and getting this picture


We had very little time here, they were quick with handing out our positions and getting us into the cockpit. Both DH and I were lucky enough to be pilots. It was then time to take off, I was in charge of going up and down, DH went left and right. Let me tell you, being the pilot is hard! It was a fun position, but I was constantly screwing up and crashing into things. Soon, our ride was over, and it was time to explore Batuu, we went through the gift shops and explored the land. It was so much fun seeing everything, I really could've spent all day exploring, but since we were only there for the one day, it was time to leave Batuu and go on some more rides!

Next up, we went to Muppet Vision 3D, this show is cute, but is really showing it's age. After, we explored the gift shop and went next door to the Christmas store, but I didn't see anything I couldn't live without! We then went on Star Tours twice...and had the same show both times...which is the same order we had the last time we were in Hollywood Studios February of 2019, I guess we don't have the greatest luck when it comes to Star Tours.

We were lucky earlier in the day to score a early dinner reservation at 50's Prime Time. This is one of our favorite restaurants and we were really excited to have dinner here.


Apparently we were so excited about dinner, we didn't take any photos, but we both had the sampler platter, fried chicken, meatloaf and pot roast with all the fixins. This is what I always order and I love it, but my pot roast was a little fatty this time around, but still always good. To drink, I had a cherry coke and DH had a regular Coke. Our server played a little bit with us, but wasn't too harsh, she was very nice and gave us both drinks to go since it was so hot out!

What better way to digest dinner than to go ride Rock n Roller Coaster, the stand-by line was at 45 minutes, but we decided to ride single rider. But as we walked by, we remembered that the Lightning McQueen Racing Academy had opened since our last trip, so we decided to check that out first. We hadn't heard anything about it and had no idea what to expect. Let me tell you, for 2 adults with no children (especially for me who really isn't a fan of the Cars franchise), this was a snoozer. I can't even really explain what it was, it was just kind of dumb. We weren't allowed to take photos or video, but managed a quick one when the show first started.


It was then time for Rock n Roller Coaster, the stand by line was now 50 minutes, so we did single rider. We had to wait about 20 minutes, but were lucky enough to get in the same coaster. I love that ride, I wish it were longer! We headed back out and the humidity was hitting full force, you looked at the sky and you knew rain was coming, question was, how long would we have?

The answer, not that long...they were already announcing that Fantasmic might be delayed, we knew rain was coming, so we figured we should head to Toy Story Mania, even if the line was long, the queue was all indoors, so we would be protected. It started raining on our walk over and by the time we got to Toy Story Land, it was pouring....the stand-by line was 25 minutes, we were escorted to the 3rd track and were soon donning these beauties!


We finished with the ride and it was now pouring! Everyone was hanging out in the dump shop or lining the hallway, CM's had to keep telling people they needed to keep the aisle clear, but they weren't having a whole lot of luck. We were assuming that Fantasmic was cancelled, so we decided to go back to Smuggler's Run. Along the way, we got drenched, but made it to the queue, where the wait was 35 minutes. We were given pilot again, but asked if the gunners in our group wanted to switch, so we became gunners. Being a gunner made my arm hurt, until DH let me in on the secret that you can just hold the button down. I didn't mind being a gunner because I was able to see more with what was going on in the ride, when I was the pilot, I was so concentrated on my role, that I didn't see what was going on around me.

As we exited Smuggler's Run, it had finally stopped raining, we heard that Fantasmic was going to happen, so we rushed over to theatre and got seated just as the show started. It was misting a little and with the wind, it was kind of hard to see the water projections, but it's always a good show to watch.


Our view of the show. After Fantasmic, we decided to head out, we were tired and wet and since tragical express was coming early in the morning, I had to try and rearrange our luggage. We were lucky and there was a bus waiting, so we had a really quick ride back to All Star Music, there I saw our room for the first time. I managed to get everything packed up and we went to bed.

The next morning went as most do, we had breakfast, dropped off our luggage at the baggage counter, took Tragical Express to the airport, boarded our flight and made it home. We had a great time, this itinerary was amazing, I only hope that some day I'm able to make it back to Antigua and San Juan. I'm very sad that at least at this time, Disney is not doing a southern itinerary winter of 2021, I was hoping to get back on the Wonder.

Thank you so much for reading, for your comments and your likes. This was my first trip report and I had a lot of fun writing it. We recently returned from my birthday cruise, a 7 night eastern with Star Wars Day at Sea. I'm finishing up my notes and photos for that, but hope to start my trip report later this week!
just finished your great trip report. fantastic trip
looking forward to the next one
glad your back and feeling better
Great trip report! I'm an adult with no kids and actually loved the Lightning McQueen Racing Academy 🙈 but I am a Cars fan, so that makes a big difference!
I read all of this on my lunch today....I need a vacation just from reading how much you guys did! Amazing!
Such a great review! Thanks for doing it.

Thank you for reading, I really enjoyed writing it!

just finished your great trip report. fantastic trip
looking forward to the next one
glad your back and feeling better
Thank you for reading! The flu took everything out of us, I was wondering if I was ever going to feel better again. I'm so glad I'm back to feeling like a human again!

Great trip report! I'm an adult with no kids and actually loved the Lightning McQueen Racing Academy 🙈 but I am a Cars fan, so that makes a big difference!

Thank you for reading! You're probably right on the Racing Academy, I was really never able to get into the Cars franchise, my nephews loved them, but I just didn't find them entertaining. Though, I do love Cars Land at California Adventure!

I read all of this on my lunch today....I need a vacation just from reading how much you guys did! Amazing!

Thank you for reading! We often say we need a vacation from our vacation! Sometimes I envy those "read on the beach" vacation types, but I know I would get bored way to quick with nothing to do
Great report! It was fun to see the cruise from a different perspective--I kept expecting to see myself in your pics, we did a lot of the same things--Bacardi, lots of tastings, Romney manor. Thanks for a well written report, looking forward to reading about your latest cruise next.


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