Two MRI's tomorrow


DIS Veteran
Nov 9, 2005
:scared1: I have to have two MRIs tomorrow and I am scared to death!:scared1: The doctors seem to think I may have MS or a disease that imatates it. I have already had a brain MRI and now I will have a thoric and spine MRIs with and without contrast. I am extremely clastrophic (spelled wrong sorry) and very concerned. I know this is a silly thing but please keep me in your prayers. :eek: I am not concerned about the outcome just the tests (at least for now).:sad2: Thank you in advance for your prayers and pixie dust.
It's not a silly thing. Lots of people are claustrophobic and most of them will never need an MRI. You, on the other hand, do. You can do lots of difficult things when you have to. Ask your doctor if you can have some sedation during the MRI. My son is mentally handicapped and cannot comply during MRIs; they have no choice but to knock him completely out. I'm not saying you need *that* much, but perhaps some Xanax or Ativan would do the trick for you.

BTW--I'm claustrophobic too.:hug: When I had to have an MRI on my back (I herniated 2 discs--owww) I had them dope me up good. They put oxygen cannula on me and I tried to concentrate on all that air going up my nose. It helps if you keep your eyes shut. you can ask for ear plugs, too, so you can't hear the machine thumping. It sounds like a loud washing machine on "agitate."
Thank you! I will have drugs beforehand. I wish I could be knocked out but hopefully I will have enough to relax!
I hope all goes well today and I hear you on the claustrophobic thing. The last time I had an MRI the doctor requesting it gave me two valium pills to take.. one to take and the other if the one did not do it. I had someone drive me so that I did not have to deal with driving home. Another time, a technician sat with me and talked me through it, that was the time before the valium...

Let us know how you brave.
Thank you Mackey Mouse! Yes I have my valium and I will take it. LOL However because of the contrast I can't have any thing 30 minutes before the exam so I am hoping and praying that the pills will still work. What do you think? They also told me to limit my caffiene intake so there will be no coffee for me after this morning cup until I get home after the test. I am hoping to do it all right so they don't have to redo anything. LOL
:angel:Thoughts and prays go out to you! You are not silly. I think your feelings are valid. Please keep in touch with your friends on the disboards!!:hug:
I am hoping that the valium worked for you.. it should have lasted a while, I would think...more than 2 hours, oh please, oh please, for your sake.

Let us know how you did..
Thanks to all of you for your prayers and concern. I made it through thanks to God and the valium. THe tests took almost two hours but they didn't have to redo any of them thank goodness. Now I go back to the doctor on May 14 to get the results of the these tests and the all the blood work. The doctor said at that time they would order some more tests. I am not worried or concerned about the diagnoses it is the tests that drive me nuts. LOL Thanks again. I really appreciate all my dis friends!!
I am so glad you got through the tests without getting claustrophobic.. thank God. I was sending lots of positive energy your way and believe me I know what it is like to be in those tubes with all that clanking going makes me shudder.

Let us know how you are not be a stranger here. :grouphug:


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