

<font color=green>"Always let your conscience be y
Sep 13, 2005
These last couple of months have been heartbreaking.
2 of my dearest friends were diagnosed with breast cancer(not their real names)-Ann with stage 1, Mary with stage 4. Ann likes to have a fuss made (stage 1) and Mary doesn't. It does make me feel bad to not be able to do stuff for both of them, however, Mary is adamant. The news is not good at all for her and I think she's distancing herself from all but her immediate family. I wish that she'd allow me to do something but it's what she wants.

2 weeks ago, we found out that my DFL has mantle cell lymphoma(non hodgkins). It doesn't appear to have affected any organs. He's having a port put in tomorrow and then chemo starts Wed. My DH's family has been through so much in the past few years. His oldest brother died of lung cancer and another brother died from complications of AIDS.

My grandmother died. She was the one person when I was growing up who loved me unconditionally. She had gotten so frail. I'm happy for her not to be suffering but I'm sad for me because I loved her so much.

Lastly, my daughter has ADD and at 13, her meds are not working as well as they once did. She's really struggling. My DBIL, a ped, says hormones can affect the way meds work. I spoke to a therapist whom I respect and she recommended a hyponotherapist. Tomorrow, I go to pick up a CD that my DD will listen to for a week and then next week she'll go in for the first of 3 sessions. I never thought that I'd be reaching so hard and into such unknown territory but I'll try anything to help her.
On the bright side, my thyroid medication must really be working to combat my depression because I'm not out for the count. I feel strong and determined.
Please keep us in your prayers.
OK.. first a big ole hug..

I am glad they are putting in the port, it is just easier not to have access the veins in the arms all the time for chemo and bloodwork.. and they will get it under control, have faith...

The breast cancer....that one just breaks my heart, there is way too much cancer. Too much money being spent on treatments and not enough on research.....I know there has to be treatment, but we need to find out in our lifetime what is causing this dread disease... Give the one who needs the space, the space, but do call and be there for her at least once or twice a week. You will know what is best. Sometime people push away when they are sick, I Know that firsthand, my DH would have liked to be left alone, his family on the other hand needed people and we had people around. We would not let him wallow in this, and that is what he would have done.. He takes it inside, not always good. Just call Mary once a week or every other week, make the effort to see her, just make the effort so that she knows you care, if she does not want to see you, then just understand that. My DH is stage 4 and he is still here.....right now he has a clean scan and he is still his life.

Stage 1, she will do well, I am sure, caught it early and they will blast her with the right cocktail and she should be ok.. God Bless her..

Now with your DD....well I have to say here puberty does do its job by changing their bodies, minds, etc... so it would stand to reason that the meds might not work as they did before puberty... Keep pluggin Mom, you know what is best for her and work with the doctors to get it right..

So this was an epistle, but I just I needed to try and address it all for you this morning..

Your thyroid meds kicked in, you are positive and working hard, and that is a good thing.. just remember to take care of you too..

Thank-you so much for the kind words and the advice.
I hope that your husband continues to have clean scans and gets better. Hugs and prayers to you, your husband,and your family.


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