UK Diser could do with some prayers or good wishes please?


Earning My Ears
May 4, 2008
Hi All,

Well, I didn't think I'd ever find myself here. But then, I don't suppose anyone ever does. I'm not a regular poster, but am an avid podcast listener, and remember Pete and Kevin talking about the power of the prayers and good wishes they had received from the Dis. I just hope they are strong enough to reach over to the UK?

So, why do I need support? I had breast cancer diagnosed almost 10 years ago (Dec 2002) when I was 32. I had the lump removed, chemo, radiotherapy and hormone therapy (oh, and my ovaries removed too). The surgeons said they no longer needed to see me just 6 months ago, and boy did we celebrate that night! So, fast forward until last week, when I had a letter to say that my first ever routine mammogram showed a problem and I needed to return for further tests. On Friday 13th! Could they have picked a better day?? 2 more mammograms, ultrasound drainage of 2 cysts, a further mammogram, an hour more ultrasound and then a stereotactic core biopsy (that's where they clamp you in the mammogram machine and take the biopsies by vacuum) later, here I am waiting to hear if the cancer has returned. And if it has, is it the same cancer, or a new primary tumour. It's in the other breast this time, so I'm hoping that if it's a new tumour they can even me up a little - I've been very lopsided since my first surgery!

I could just do with knowing that there is someone out there who cares? I'm feeling very alone and scared. I am married, and my husband is a good support, but there are fears that I don't want to share with him until I know what I am facing.

Has anyone ever been in this situation? If so, and if it's a new cancer, do they treat with chemo and radio again? I'm really not sure that I could go through all that again.....

I am sorry to read what you are going through. I can't imagine the stress that you are under, either. But after reading your post, I just wanted to say that you will get through it. I read a quote somewhere a while back - of course I can't remember it exactly, but the gist of it was "a woman can do anything just because she has to." Or, in the words of little Dory from finding Nemo, "just keep swimming." Our family went through a pretty rough patch, health-wise, this year as well. There were times that I didn't think I could take anymore, but I just kept swimming. One day at a time. I made myself focus on the problem at hand and not to worry about the what-ifs. It was just like "ok, let's deal with getting the diagnosis," then "ok, now let's deal with the treatment options." Worrying about the future does no good - it only stresses you out more. I know that this probably wasn't the information you were looking for when you posted, but I just wanted to let you know that you can do it. Whatever it may be, you will get through it. :flower3:
Jackie--you must be out of your mind with worry. The first thing I do is try to think logically in these circumstances.

One--It has been 10 years since your previous issue with breast cancer. It is highly unlikely that this is the *same* cancer. It's just been too long. Breast cancer is not that slow. And, it is in a different breast.

Two--You are now in your early 40s, I suspect, and many women just get lumpy and bumpy. I have had 4 breast surgeries in my lifetime--all for benign fibroadenomas that showed up at my 40 year old mammogram and beyond. The tech told me that some women just have "busy" breasts. That's a nice way of saying it.

I understand with your history how scared you must be feeling but try to hold on the fact that, just because you did have cancer, doesn't mean that you can't also have some benign issues like everyone else. And the good news is that, based on your previous history, I assume you've been carefully watch so whatever this is, hasn't been there for long.

Please keep us posted and I will be praying for the best news for you.
I am so sorry you are feeling overwhelmed and scared. Please know that there are many of us who do care and are praying for you. Faith can get you to a better place.
And I second all those things CopperWife and Christine said. They make a whole lot of sense and have knowlege of these things.
Prayers going your way. Have a friend that is in a similar situation. She is waiting to get further testing after the doctor found a problem. I understand your anxiety and pray for peace for you and negative results.
:hug: So sorry you are going through this. Sending prayers for you for peace during this stressful time.

Wishing you all the best.
Thank you all. I'll keep you updated when I get some news. The hardest part today has been trying to explain why the planning for an intended December trip has been put on hold! My colleagues know me well, and they know that I plan every lunchtime, so if I'm not, something must be wrong! Oh well, hopefully that December trip will still be on....

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Praying for no cancer to be seen in your report. Hopefully you will be able to continue planning your December trip very soon. HUGS:grouphug:


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