Walkway from OKW to Downtown Disney


Disney diva!
Jul 17, 2005
I read somewhere, sometime ago that there was a marked path from OKW to Downtown Disney (for walking)...can't find the post now and am curious since we are leaving Thursday! Anybody know how far a walk it is?
The pathway starts near the Turtle Pond area of OKW. I don't remember the exact location but you can check on the resort map and figure it out. I don't think the walk from OKW to the West Side is a mile, maybe 1/2 to 3/4 of a mile. The path takes you past the Treehouses and SSR on the left and the golf course on the right. The section from SSR to OKW is not lit at night and can be pretty dark. Also, maintenance vehicles use the path at night more often than during the day, so you have to be careful of them. There is a sign that says the path is off limits at night, but no one has ever bothered us on our return trips from DD.
I asked my DH since he has walks it a number of times on each of our OKW trips.
He agreed with DukeStreetKing's estimate of the distance/
From the Hospitality House area walking to the Blues Club area, he said it usually takes about 20 min at a fairly brisk walking pace.
The walkway begins behind building 55 in the South Point area of OKW. It crosses the Trumbo Canal there and follows the canal to the bridge to SSR, the practice green and DD towards Cirque. You can reach the start of the pathway from the Old Turtle Pond pool area with another path (about .5 mile).

It is just under a mile (0.93) to the HoB water tower and will take about 15 minutes at a good pace to get to Cirque. You can walk thru DD, over to SSR and back for a total walk of about 2.5 miles.

The walkway is not lighted from the Treehouse area of SSR to OKW and I would advise against making the trip after dark since the pavement is uneven in places.

It is a very pleasant walk if the temperatures are nice.

Caskbill has posted a complete description of the OKW/DD Walkway.



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