WDW Day 3 MK + Epcot


May 31, 2002
Up as usual at 7am. Have cereal and muffins, then get the bus to the magic kingdom. Now this is what we've really been looking forward to, walking up main street usa hand in hand having our first glimpse of the magic castle. Now we're really here. We get a photo take of the three of us in main st then head for tomorrowland. I still can't believe that they closed carousel of progress and for walt's 100th birthday too:mad: This is one of our favourite things to do. We go on the Wedway (TTA) and sorry to harp on but they've even removed the bit "walt disney's carousel of progress" ok I've finished that moan. Head through fantasyland, DD is asleep at this stage otherwise we would have taken her on it's a small world, to frontierland do splash mountain three times each. The queues are non existent. We're not really doing lots of rides etc just people watching and taking in the atmosphere. Go to hall of presidents but DD started to cry about 5 mins in so we left, didn't get to see the new president at all. By the time we're going back there'll probably be another new president. Go to baby change for a bit of peace, tranquility and cool. They are refurbing the Crystal palace. Give DD her lunch etc. Head for the shops on the way out. Buy DD a pluto with beanie paws. Gaze at the dressing up dresses, you know, snow white, cinderella all those lovely frilly things. I successfully restrain myself after all she is only 6 mths old. I bought her a 'my first minnie bib' instead. Head on the monorail to epcot. Arrive in epcot just in time for lunch, now this park is really quiet. Go to Canada for lunch. I had a steak sandwich with cheese, onions and mushrooms it came with fries mmmm. DH had a grilled chicken sandwich also with fries. Walk round to Morrocco, just wandering in and out of the countries, then head through the back gate to the yacht club. Go swimming in the quiet pool. DD loved it. Back to room to shower, change and go out for the evening. DD was very good and slept well in the stroller. She's a good sleeper - takes after her mother;) We decide to go to AKL to have a look round. It's very impressive, not unlike wilderness lodge. Go to Boma's for tea. I would highly recommend trying Bomas. It's a buffet and you can try various african dishes. It's very popular and the restaurant manager told us they don't usually take walk ins (which is what we had done) it's either reservations or hotel guests only. Eat our fill then head back to our hotel for another few drinks before bed.
Thanks for writing Jan - Animal Kingdom Lodge is somewhat impressive isnt it? We had a nice meal there too - those desserts! To die for!!!! LOL
Hi Jan - a lovely day, by the sounds of it and I think your DD is very well behaved for 6 months (we were blessed that DD slept through the night at around 7 weeks old, but the only downside was she hardly slept during the day, but I'd rather all through the night, thanks;) ).

We're really looking forward to eating at Boma's next week - yummmmmmmmy.

With regards your lingering look over the dress-up clothes . . . it's never too early, you know!!!

Looking forward to the next one:D


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