WDW Dining and Desserting, Pt 1


North Carolina
Apr 7, 2003
Hi, all! We’ve just returned from our lovely week-long sojourn to WDW, and I, CoolDisneyCat’s DD23, am here to share with you all of our wonderful (and very few not-so-wonderful) dining experiences. I’ve divided the reviews into 3 posts to make the reading easier, so sit back and enjoy!

Day 1 – Sunday, December 12
-Lunch – Earl of Sandwich, DTD
We (that would be CoolDisneyCat – aka, Mom – and I) arrived at DTD at about 2pm, and it was pretty darn crowded. That’s not surprising considering it was the Sunday two weeks before Christmas! We went to Basin (the bath store) and the pin station, and then headed to Earl of Sandwich.

They were fairly crowded, but the line wasn’t horrible. Mom waited in line while I went outside to get us a table (inside seating there is too loud and crowded for us). At the time there were 3 outside tables open, but by the time our food was ready, all the outside tables were full. Despite the crowd we waited less than 10 minutes for our food.

We both got Original sandwiches, but I got mine w/o the horseradish sauce. We both got chips, and I got a Coke and Mom got the Earl Grey Lemonade. She really loved the lemonade!! Our sandwiches were wonderful, as usual. Mom took half of hers back to the room (1br VWL) for later.

-Dinner – Spoodles, The Boardwalk
Our PS for Spoodles was for 7:15, and we were right on time. They told us it would be a 10 minute wait for our table, but it was more like 2. We’d no more than sat down when the beeper started beeping. Can’t beat that!

Our table was at the front of the restaurant near the windows, so for Spoodles it was actually not all that loud. Wow, amazing. Mom got the Spoodlerita, which she usually does, and she said it was wonderful as always. We ordered the 4-cheese flat bread for appetizer, and it was yummy as always. Lots o’ garlic to keep the vampires at bay! Our waitress, though, brought the bread and the flatbread at the same time, and I wish she hadn’t done that, b/c they’ve changed the bread! Instead of the hummus spread like they used to have, they now have an olive oil and spices dip. It’s sooo yummy! It’s like the stuff they make for you at a lot of Italian restaurants, only 500 times better! It’s got parmesan, garlic, red pepper, chili flakes…I’m not even sure what all!

Anyway, for our main course we both got the Fettuccini, but I got mine w/ chicken. I wished I hadn’t, though, b/c it didn’t add much flavor and just made it heavier. The dish was wonderful on its own and didn’t need the chicken; the sauce was just right, not too heavy, and the prosciutto added a nice saltiness.

For dessert we got the sampler platter to split. It had pistachio mousse (Mom’s favorite); baklava (neither of us are really crazy about that, but it was ok); cheesecake (so yummy!!); an citrus roulade (a very light, delicious cake; it was my favorite and SO GOOD!); and the flourless chocolate cake (always delicious). It was certainly decadent, and definitely a good choice if you can’t decide what to choose!

After dinner we went to the Boardwalk Bakery to get some things to take back to the room. Mom wanted a cinnamon roll, but they’d just run out. :( I got an éclair, and she got a blueberry muffin. We ate them a few days later, and they were both very tasty.

Day 2 – Monday
-Breakfast – WL Room Service
This meal was by far our worst. Mom got the French toast, and she said it was decent – not great, not awful, but also rather lukewarm. She didn’t want meat with it, so she substituted grits instead. Now here’s a weird thing: a side of grits is $.50 cheaper than a side of meat, yet they gave her this teeny, tiny little bowl of grits, but my a la carte order of grits was in a full-size bowl. They weren’t very good, anyway, so she wasn’t missing much. She ordered a side order of breakfast potatoes, and they were so cold they were inedible. Strangely enough, they were different than the potatoes that came w/ my breakfast.

I ordered the All-American breakfast w/ sausage. My scrambled eggs were runny, and that’s something I just can’t stand. The reason I like my eggs scrambled is b/c I don’t want them runny at all! I’m normally not very picky, but when it comes to eggs I really, really am! My breakfast potatoes were good, but like I said they were different than Mom’s. Mine were more like roasted potatoes w/ onions and peppers, while hers were like miniature versions of Arby’s potato cakes. The grits were hot, but completely flavorless. No matter how much butter, salt and pepper I added I couldn’t get them to have taste. You have to cook them w/ butter, salt and pepper to get them to have flavor, and that’s something apparently a lot of ppl don’t realize. It’s why I usually don’t eat restaurant grits, but the grits at Cape May are so good I decided to take a chance.

-Dinner – Boma, AKL
We chose Monday night for Boma b/c of the potato bacon soup and corn chowder. Our PS was for 8pm, and we were right on time. We waited about 5 minutes before being seated, which at Boma isn’t too bad at all. Once we were seated, our waitress told us that they’re going to be changing the menu soon, making it “heavier” (her word), and that they were gradually introducing some of the new dishes. I’m not sure what all was new – she mentioned some salads, and I know the Coconut Curry Shrimp Dumpling Soup was a new item, as well.

Mom really enjoyed the potato bacon soup, but I wish it had been a little more potato and a little less bacon; it was a bit too salty for me. She didn’t like the corn chowder; it was too watery. We both tried the coconut curry shrimp dumpling soup, and it was out-of-this-world yummy! The broth on its own was a bit too thick and sweet for us, but when you ate it with a dumpling, WOW!!

Mom could practically live on the peanut rice at Boma: she loves it! I like the prime rib a lot; it was very tasty. The pap was good, as always, and we both enjoyed a variety of desserts. They were out of pecan tarts, unfortunately, but the pumpkin tarts were wonderful. I thought the praline cheesecake was too sweet, but Mom liked it. I’m not a huge fan of the little chocolate mousse cakes, but again, Mom likes them. The Zebra Domes were yummy, of course. Neither of us like coffee, so we wish they were just chocolate flavored, but the texture of them is so heavenly we can never pass them up!

Oh, I forgot: Mom got a Mt. Kilamarita and I got a Victoria Falls Mist. Both very good. My drink was a little sour, a little sweet, very refreshing. Mom liked her margarita b/c it had a hint of orange juice in it, and she loves that in a margarita!

Day 3 – Tuesday
-Lunch – Beaches & Cream, Yacht and Beach Club
We got to B&C at about 2pm, and we had to wait about 5 minutes for a table. The wait for a booth would’ve been longer, but we could’ve sat at the counter w/o any wait at all. While we waited, we sat at one of the outside tables, and a squirrel came to visit. She hopped onto the chair next to me, sniffed around, and then hopped up onto our table right in front of us! She begged for food for a few minutes, and when none was forthcoming, she moved on. Disney animals, what can you say? :)

I got the chicken noodle soup, and we both got burgers and fries. My soup was very hot and, as always, very good. Mom was surprised at how good it was, but I told her, “Come on, would I waste room at Beaches and Cream on bad soup!?” Our burgers were, as some ppl have been posting, pre-formed, but they were still good, hot and juicy.

For dessert I got a hot fudge sundae w/ strawberry ice cream, and Mom ordered the brownie a la mode w/ chocolate ice cream. Unfortunately it came w/ vanilla, but there was so much hot fudge, and by that time they were so crowded, she just ate it anyway and enjoyed it. B&C will always be one of our favorite Disney dining spots!

-Dinner – Kona Café, Poly
We had tickets to MVMCP that night, so we made a 6:25 PS at Kona. We walked right in, didn’t have to wait at all. It was pretty crowded in the restaurant, but nothing more than you’d expect for 6:30 this time of year.

We ordered the pot stickers for an appetizer, and they were so good! I almost wish we’d gotten two orders, b/c there were only 4, and they’re really small. We both ordered the filet mignon, but then Mom changed her mind and her order to the Pan Asian Pasta w/ shrimp. The waitress very quickly hurried to the kitchen to change the order – she was very nice about it.

My filet was very good, cooked just right and quite tasty. The mashed potatoes were good, but nothing spectacular. Mom said her shrimp were a little overcooked, but the pasta was good, and overall the dish had a wonderful flavor.

We got the coco puffs for dessert, and they were wonderful as always. It’s such a unique dessert, and a lot of fun!

Whew, that’s a lot of reviewing, and we’re only 1/3 of the way through! Hope to see you next time in our continuing adventures of WDW Dining and Desserting! :wave:
Great reviews! Thank you for taking the time to tell us all about it...hmmm...now I'm hungry! :rolleyes:
Spoodles is definitely a hidden gem. My mouth is watering just thinking about going back there. I love their bread and the dipping sauce. It's a meal unto itself!
Great reciews. You talked about all the places that I am intersted in. How would the konas cafe be for children? Mine are 3 and 5.
Tara :flower1:
After reading those reviews, I think maybe I need to go out for dinner tonight cause there is no way my cooking could compare...lol

Can't wait for part II puckerup:
Taratink said:
Great reciews. You talked about all the places that I am intersted in. How would the konas cafe be for children? Mine are 3 and 5.

You see a lot of kids at Kona. They have a kids' menu with the standard fare - burger, hot dog, pb&j, etc - and they also have a special dessert for kids called the Kiddie Cone. It's an ice cream cone that's attached to the plate, and the ice cream is built into the shape of Mickey. Or something. Anyway, it's really cute. Definitely a kid-friendly place! princess:


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