We are relocating to Orlando, How to use DVC Now???

Orlando here too. We bought in this last January (Wifey & I) because we realized we loved taking mini vacations on extended weekends. We haven't hit VB yet but that is another good choice we plan on trying. Also, there IS DCL even if its not the best use of points.

We'll be at BCV for Memorial Day Weekend. :goodvibes
That is why we bought into Marriott -- for non-Disney vacations with a system that is consistently high quality.

have you stayed in Marriott's Grande Ocean In HH, SC.

it is definitely worth it!!! even using DVC points. got a deal using II getaways and will probably NEVER get it again at that price ($365 for the week)

It is very, very different from DVC HH. the atmosphere is even different.
I also live in Indiana but WISH I could live in Florida! I keep telling my (young) kids that the minute they graduate high school, Mommie's MOVING! My parents moved to the Villages last year, and already we have changed the way we use our points -- just a little. Because I have a "home base" so close now, we are scheduling more 5 day trips to stretch our points further. We visited at Christmas, too -- but we road-tripped back to the Villages because I couldn't bear to spend so many points. In general I think your being a local will just give you more flexibility on how you use the points you have... You can skip weekends or visit in the slower seasons, for example. And when you want a real getaway, Vero Beach and Hilton Head are both GREAT!

Even though my dream is to move to Florida, I would NEVER sell my DVC. Just being close to WDW on a regular basis would NOT mean I didn't want to stay there! Good luck with your move.
You are going to have so much company now! Guess where they will all want to go? Disney! All of my friends that have ever lived in Orlando will not even go back to WDW now. They burned out on the years that they lived there with the company.:confused3
We are thinking of moving next year to Orlando area. My Dh can take a transfer to Auburndale and I can get a job at one of the hospitals there. I am already looking at real estate on line to get a feel for prices. I hope when we get ready we can sell our house here quick.We will use our points for getaways and maybe for family when they visit.
We live 30 minutes from WDW and can hear the MK fireworks every night. We moved here from CT last August and thought we'd probably sell our points. No way!! We've used so many we've borrowed into next year and are thinking about adding on down the road. We definitely use them differently and often on very short notice, but it's been great. We go for a night here and there to celebrate the kids' birthdays or when friends are in town. We're going to VWL in a couple of weeks for just two nights to celebrate DD's 8th b.day and DS's preschool graduation and we're just as excited as we would be if we were going on a "real" vacation. What's really nice is that since we do so many day trips to the parks, when we're at the resorts we really enjoy them - lots of pool time, kids activities, etc., which we always had trouble fitting in when we were doing the vacation marathon. As for having Disney right down the road - awesome! When we first arrived we were there constantly. Now we go on a Sat. or Sun. afternoon probably twice a month and we really can enjoy special events. We've noticed a few cars in our subdivision with the DVC license plate, too, so we're not alone!


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