We leave on Fri. forecast not good


Mar 21, 2001
o.k. all you Florida folks....I am worried sick that our vacation will be spoiled by thunderous rainstorms:rolleyes: I was just watching CNN Weather and Florida is covered with green raindrops! I've check several on-line weather sites and it's calling for isolated t'storms or scattered t'storms....what should we expect? I know, I know, pack those ponchos:mad: We've been in July and August before and although it did storm it was only for about an hour or so - is this more of the same?
Went to WDW last July, the whole state was green for the entire month on the weather channel leading up to our trip, and I had the same concerns you currently have. Rained only 1 day for about 10 minutes during the 6 days we were there, and yes rain was in the forcast each day during our stay. Feel as though rain is a normal forecast for Florida during the summer months. Worry more about the sunscreen than the rain ponchos as far as I am concerned. Enjoy your trip. :cool:

thank you, thank you, thank you, for your quick reply. At least I'll sleep better tonight. We've been on vaca before when it rained non-stop and we ended up leaving early - it was awful! We expect some rain as it's summer in a tropical state but hopefully not 7 days of it!!!!! We leave on Friday for a week...can't wait!!
My biggest fear during our May trip was rain. Our third day there, the rain came. We put on ponchos and headed to the parks anyway with our disappointed DS's. The crowds from the day before were gone. All the rides were still running (which I assume they do unless there was lightning). After walking onto space, thunder, and spash mountain again and again (after waiting in lines the day before), my DS turned to me and said "I hope it rains every day we're here-this is great!". We had a fun day.

::yes:: ::yes:: ::yes:: ::yes::
Rain in Disney is like no other rain. There is still so much to do. Especially in Epcot where almost everything is indoors. For some reason I can't stand the rain when I am at home, But in Disney we just keep on going like the sun was shining.:sunny:
The rains usually don't last too long this time of year. Orlando is in the perfect spot for rain. The clouds blow west from the Atlantic Ocean and east from the Gulf of Mexico, meet right over Orlando and the skies open up.

Expect some pretty hard rain in the mid afternoon and then it should blow over and get nice and muggy.

I've check several on-line weather sites and it's calling for isolated t'storms or scattered t'storms....what should we expect?
Well, for starters chances of "isolated t'storms or scattered t'storms" is THE forecast for June and July in Orlando. We were there from June 6 - 20 and that was the forecast every single day we were there. Expect a late afternoon or early evening shower or T-storm about 2/3 of the days. Usually it'll only last 45 minutes or so... but about two times during our stay is rained hard for a long time in the evening. Sometimes the rain will continue, but be very light so that moving from attraction to attraction won't get you soaked. However, keep in mind that outdoor attractions do close when lightning is in the area.
Connor&Cody'sMom - we must have been there the same time in May. I think it rained all but one day. We too just put on our ponchos and continued on just like it wasn't raining!!
that is what is great about Disney, one of the only places where it could rain everyday and you could still have a blast.
(unless of course there is lightening)

you can still ride almost all the rides, since most are indoors
and you can watch most shows too.

We love the rain, it tends to make the crowds dwindle.

My grandparents have lived right outside Orlando for 15 years. We've visited them many times in June and July. Anytime we have been there, if it has rained, it's been in the mid-afternoon for about a 1/2 hour to an hour. Usually just rain, no thunder or lightning, although that does occur sometimes. I can only remember one day that was a total wash-out. I would bring the ponchos, but don't worry about it too much. As someone else said, they predict scattered thundershowers pretty much every day there in the summer. At least it makes the weatherman's job easy!:p
One of the funniest sights I've seen at Disney was during a rain storm. I was sitting at the train station one afternoon just watching the stream of people up and down Main Street. Rain clouds blew in and it just started raining buckets! Within 2 -3 minutes Main Street was empty and about 15 minutes later the street was a sea of yellow and white ponchos. It was very amusing.
No Worries!

As a Floridian I can tell you this is the "norm" for this time of year. Expect a possible shower or thunderstorm in the afternoon and clearing by dinnertime. Very rarely do we have a complete washout day during June or July.

I am a Floridian so first let me say.....RELAX! I know what the weather channel maps look like and if that were the case it would be raining here 24/7 and we would be underwater! We are only getting isolated rain showers and they have not lasted to long. I would not worry about rain here unless it says 80-100% chance.
Believe me it's not raining all the time! You will have a great time and most of the time it rains in the late afternoon, when you should be taking a break from the heat anyways!
:cat: :cat: :cat: :fish:
keiki,binky&mouse my 3 beautiful white kitties!
It's Florida...if you don't like the weather, wait 20 minutes because it will change ;)

You can pretty much bet on the 3pm thundershowers that last for 10-20 minutes and then you just deal with the increased humidity for the rest of the day :)
The rain showers should usually be very brief as others have said, and in the intense heat, they are quite welcome. MGM and Epcot are great parks when there's a storm.
I checked the weather channel this VERY morning for the 10 day forecast and it showed Sunny and 20% chance of rain on July 2 & 3. I was happy because I thought maybe there was a dry spell coming for when we arrived, since it's been showing rain EVERY day for a month. I just checked it again after reading this and now it says T-Storms with 80% chance of rain!! All on the same day!:confused:
Go in June....it's gonna rain.....

During our trip June 6-18, it rained every day at least an hour or so, and 2 of the days it rained all afternoon and evening. We didn't see any 15-20 minute storms like we used to see when we lived there. We had 2 days that it didn't rain at all. It's only rain...have fun anyways :)



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