Wedding Scapbook Help


In Loving Memory of My Son 5/6/09
Nov 27, 2001
Hi ALL !!! :wave2:

My brother is getting married in September.. They are having a Beach Wedding in Delaware... No church...

There is one Bride's maid, her sister, and she is wearing a SeaGlass colored dress.. OK, so seaglass is like a greenish blueish color, kinda like a Teal.. so I have been told.. The flowers will match...

Soooooo NOW I need your help.... Please........ how or what would you do, to make a simple yet pretty enough to keep forever, scrapbook?? I want to give it to them as a present.. :teeth:

Thank You in advance :goodvibes
Personally I would give them a handmade card telling them that I was going to make them a wedding scrapbook. Then after the wedding I would grab all the pictures ( or negatives and make copies ) and go from there. But then I like to make my LOs around the pictures. :) Thats a very nice thing you are doing for them :goodvibes
One of the ladies that has been coming to the crops I attend is doing this for her brother. What she did was purchase a CM coverset, spago (spelling?) pages, and the wedding bouquet (no longer readily available, but some CMs may still have them) and she is making the album exactly like the suggestions that came with the wedding bouquet. It looks really nice and is fairly generic. It should be easy to pop pictures into when it's done.
I agree with Disneyfreak - I would give her a card with a note and then once the pictures are ready design the book. I find wedding albums to be tough, even my own.

My Brother just got married and am glad that I didn't do the book early. It was a small event and I found that because of the limit number of photo's, I ended up using an 8x8 album instead of 12x12. There just wasn't enough filling and they really enjoyed getting the book weeks after once things had died down.
I've done several of these and the easiest way I've found is to go with one company - whether it be Chatterbox or Basic Gray. Choose a specific line of their paper and use that same line of paper throughout the book. For example, Chatterbox makes a line of paper called "Powder Room" and in this specific line, there may be a dozen different patterns all using the same colors. You can add all of your embellishments, but the paper will all coordinate and it takes a lot of the work off of you.

Have fun!!!
well, I wanted to have the album ready BEFORE the wedding because we live on opposite sides of the country.. They are on West Coast and We live on the East Coast.. :guilty: We don't get together very often and I Really wanted to give them the album personally and not through the mail...

I have been looking at a TON of magazines and Websites with Beach Themed Layouts and even bought some supplies over the weekend.. :sunny:

The wedding is being held on the East Coast (Deleware) because both sides of their families and friends are on the East Coast.. So they are coming here instead of All of us going there.. :teeth:

PLEASE keep the ideas coming and Thak You for all who have responded already.. :grouphug:
I helped a friend with one, recently. Prior to the wedding, we compiled pictures of her sister and fiancee (on the sly from the parents) and engagement pics. We made a few pages with the bride and groom individually and then some with the engagement photos. In the following blank pages, we created some basic layouts that would fit 4x6 photos and one page that would highlight a 5x7 (granted, we were using a 12x12 album). We also slipped in a few of the precut pages you can buy now; the ones were you can just glue the pics in from the back. She included a new glue so that her sister could put in her favorite pics without having to learn scrapbooking. Her sister loved it and now is getting into scrapbooking herself!

In regards to a beach layout, it is always simple and beautiful to use a beautiful blue backing paper and a torn tan paper at the bottom to mimic the sand. You might even add some die cut stickers (I believe Jolee's has some) of bunches of grass. There are also some really cute and simple sea shell photo corners. If you keep it simple, your brother/fiancee won't worry about "messing up." You could also put sample pages from a scrapbook magazine for them to get more ideas.
I did this for a friend. It is such a great gift!! I think the small books are easier to work with and much easier to keep the theme uniform throughout the book. I did the beginning of the book as a memory section. Baby pics ( I emailed the family and they sent me the pics), dating pics, shower, then I did the layouts for the wedding pages and it worked out great because I knew exactly what kind of pictures I needed.'s the obssesive part...there was a 24 hour drug store right near the reception so I left for a few minutes, printed the pics, went to my car where I had the scrap tools stashed away and returned with the finished product. I did leave 4 pages for the couple to fill in their own pics from the honeymoon. Not to much extra effort for the effect. I gave them the scrapbook as we said our goodbyes. I can't tell you how much they both loved it. It was really cool for them to see the first pics of their wedding.

It was much easier then it sounds! Since I did the layouts already I knew exactly what size pics and what shape I wanted them. I only missed about 1/2 hour of the reception. Well worth the look on the couple's face!! :sunny:
Slightly OT to TwinMom7: I just wanted to tell you that your LOs of your daughter's were beautiful. As someone who is currently planning my wedding, the ideas are great!
calanniebu said:
Slightly OT to TwinMom7: I just wanted to tell you that your LOs of your daughter's were beautiful. As someone who is currently planning my wedding, the ideas are great!

Thank you very much for the compliments!!! :)
Thank You sooooooooo Much...

I am planning on a smaller album because she isn't real crafty or into scrapbooking... yet... :rotfl2:

I bought some really cool beach themed paper, should be a perfect backdrop to pictures...

I did buy plain paper in blues and tans in all shades as well... I even bought a few shells to maybe glue on the album cover..

now all I have to do is start it... lol


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