What do you do when your child is too old for one group, but too young for another??


DIS Veteran<br><font color=green>Sly yet brilliant
Apr 30, 2001
We are going in December again (yay) and ds will be 13 1/2 then. I am worried that he will not have as good as time this go around as he will be too old for the 10-12 range, and (I think) he is too young for Common Grounds! Does anyone know (Or Disney if you are reading: change the ages to 10-13!) if Disney will allow him in to the 10-12 age group and if so, would he feel too out of place being the oldest. He would also be the biggest, as he outweighs and outheights (if that is a word?) 90% of his peers.
Anyone have experience with this age being in common grounds?


ditto ... I am in the same position that you are. I'll be happy to hear any responses.
Common Grounds is from 13 - 17, but they tend to break up the teens into age appropriate groups....13-14 together and 15-17 together, I think this is the breakdown, it could be slightly differerent.

DCL tries very hard to accomodate all ages...they would not leave an age gap in kids programming.

Hope this helps.

First of all, YEA! :teeth: I'm so glad you're going again, Lisa.

I do know of people with 13-year-olds who went down in age to the 10-12 age group with no problem. They just arranged it on the first day. The child I know that did it, though, was small in stature and acted younger than his age.

It's a tough call, I think I would TRY your son in Common Grounds first and if it's a problem check with the counselors regarding moving him down to the 10-12s.
Thanks! I think I will have to try him in the older group first as he looks more like a 15 yo than a 13 yo!:) BTW, Cathy suggested I bunk with you as you have one of those "reclassified" rooms we were trying to get!LOL :)

MJ, I hope that is right, as that wouldn't be too bad, but I had read on here before that the 13/14 yo's felt left out.
I don't think we will ever replace the experience he had with Dis in December of this last year. He absolutely LOVED it!:)

Well, my DD was 13 1/2 when we went in June. She is pretty shy, so it was difficult for her to make friends in Common Grounds. She went to some of the activities, did the Wild Side adventure on Castaway Cay--she enjoyed that--she also helped build the raft in the afternoon on the teen beach. My other two were 12 1/2 and 11 1/2 (boys) and they enjoyed the club. Most of the time on the ship, she either hung out with us, or the boys when they weren't in the club. 13 is a bit young for Common Grounds, but if your teen is social--they won't have any problem. Shy ones do at any age.

When we go next year, all three will be teens, so it will be much nicer for all of them.
Originally posted by lsmac
We are going in December again (yay)


Does that mean Doug said yes?!
Ryan can always hang with Mike- he will be three years older than him but....


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