What kind of standard views have you gotten at the Yacht Club?


DIS Veteran
Dec 13, 2001
I currently have two water view rooms booked at the Yacht Club, and I'm freakin' a little bit about the extra $735.90 that I'm throwing down to have that water view.

So, for those of you who have stayed in a standard view room at the Yacht Club, what kind of views have you had? How good/bad was it?

And even for those of you who just know the resort well, what kind of views do you generally get in a standard view room at YC?

Thank you so much!!!


We have stayed at the YC numerous times, and we have always booked standard view, except for one time. Many of those times we were upgraded too.

Standard views at the YC can range anywhere from looking out over the front entrance and bus stop, to views of the quiet pool and wedding gazebo. Some views are okay, (the ones looking over the front entrance), and some are very nice (quiet pool and gazebo). To get a better idea, go to the YC/BC Forum within the Resorts Forum, and on the first page you will find a link to floor plans. The floor plans indicate by color which are standard rooms, and will give you a better idea of where they are located.

If you are set on having a waterview and won't be happy with anything less, then by all means keep that reservation. Like I said, we always book standard, and we've either been very happy with our rooms, or we were upgraded to waterview, and even one time to concierge. But if you want to save that $735.90, then think about the standard view.

:sunny::bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :sunny:
You could always try and reserve one room with the water view and one with the regular view and hope they would upgrade the regular view. If not, request that it be acrossed the hall from the water view. We have had both views and loved the water view. The standard we got were over the main entrance (noisy) and WAAAAY at the end of the resort. I would only ask for the water view for a very special vacation though.
We've booked a standard view three times at the yc. The first time we overlooked the wedding gazebo -- lovely view which I thought at the time was an upgrade. The second time, it was the front entrance area and bus stop -- not so good but no big deal. Last summer, we got an upgrade and looked toward EPCOT and down on the nicely landscaped area facing boardwalk -- great view which was marred by lots of cars. Yes, cars. There was an auto dealers convention and display cars were parked all over the lawn!

When we got the upgrade, I faxed a nice request saying that we were so happy to be staying at our favorite resort and that I would appreciate anything they could do to make my husband's birthday extra special. I also said it was very important that we got a nonsmoking room and that we loved it the time we were near the elevator. I did not ask specifically for an upgrade. When we checked in, they gave me an upgrade which was located near both the small elevator and the steps to outside and also sent a balloon bouqet and card on the actual birthday. I think you should send a fax telling them that you are excited to be at the Yacht Club, that you have a family member with health problems and want to make the trip really special, and that you will appreciate anything they can do to help. I also would ask for a room that is very convenient to the elevators b/c the resort layout means that you can be extremely far away -- one of our rooms was.
Our standard room was at the front of the resort, but there were large trees so we couldn't see any cars or buses. We didn't mind because we never went out on the balcony anyway.
Originally posted by MermaidsMom
...I would only ask for the water view for a very special vacation though...

Thank you all again for your advice. I think what MermaidsMom said confirmed my decision. This is a very special vacation, as (I hate to even say it) it may be the last for my wife's family with their mother, so I'm going to forget that standard rooms even exist for that week ;) and just enjoy the water view. I have requested a lake view (to avoid the quiet pool location, what a rip off that would be!), and to be near the elevators, so as to avoid a very long walk down the hall to the rooms. My family (wife, son, & me) will be arriving at WDW five days earlier (we'll be at CBR) so we'll be able to go over to the YC and check us in early in the day. Hopefully that will help our chances in getting our room requests.

I can't wait to stay at the YC!!! :bounce:

Thank you all again! :D

Originally posted by BrianD
This is a very special vacation, as (I hate to even say it) it may be the last for my wife's family with their mother, so I'm going to forget that standard rooms even exist for that week ;) and just enjoy the water view.

Good for you! We love the YC! It's our favorite resort, and I'm sure you will love it too! Have a great trip!

:sunny::bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :sunny:
Warning about the water view though. We booked a Pool/Water view and where given a room in the very far end of the resort next to the Dolphin overlooking a pond! Technically this is a water view, as you can see the lake slightly. It was a lovely resort though!!
My suggestion is to request a "direct view of the lake," and explain why you want the room to be special (because may be last visit for wife's mother). My parents had to switch rooms once they checked in because their lakeview was obstructed. I had even faxed a request for an "unobstructed view of lagoon, Boardwalk and Epcot fireworks." The room they were switched to was absolutely wonderful. So don't hesitate to request a change if necessary.

Sending pixie dust to you, and enjoy! *~*~*~*~*~*~*
Absolutely, if it's a very special trip get the water view. And don't settle for less than what you want, even if you have to change rooms once or twice! It's a pain, but once you are settled in you will be so glad you worked so hard for it! The problems at checkin are all forgotten when sitting on your balcony watching the boats dock!
Since you'll already be on site a few days before you have to check in at the YC, you might want to go over there a few days before you check in and see what views might be available. We did this a couple of years ago, when we stayed at POFQ for 5 days before switching to the YC for 5 days. I went over there 2 days before we checked in, and a really nice CM actually went and got the room assignor!! He got out a big book with a layout of the rooms, and showed me what would be open when we checked in...I actually got to choose which room and it was perfect!! We could see directly across to EPCOT and the Boardwalk to the right and the elevator (not the main one) was about two doors down. Good luck and have a wonderful trip!!
I have to agree with the 1 poster, be aware that NOT all water-view rooms are great at the Yacht club (unfortunately). I have had 4 different water-view rooms and had 2 of 4 that where good over sab but long walks to elevator and did have the "roof" view if you looked directly down. The other 2 terrible and definately NOT worth the money, they should of been priced less than a standard view IMHO! 1.) was a total tree view on the 3rd floor right over the back entrance of the lobby, very noisy too. and 2.) the SAB view that was on a low floor and only a roof view you had to stretch to see the water. YC has never been to forth coming in moving you either when you are unhappy with your view. The bellman was also talking to the desk after they didn't believe me about the "tree"! Its worth a gamble but we did the fax, the cro request, and where polite, and cheery at the desk and still weren't happy :rolleyes: , next time I just getting the standard view and if we get up graded to the tree fine ;) MKY


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