When do you start decorating for Christmas?

I saw in Regal catalogue (Girl Guide fund-raising kids are doing -- it's ALWAYS something!) some Glow In the Dark candy canes for outside pathway. Don't know how well these would work as you need some light to charge glow things usually, but it wouldn't be any extra Hydro cost if they did work! Not really Xmas green, but more like DIS board lime green I imagine.

I showed all your posts about Hydro & Xmas lights to my DH because I was saying just the same thing to his shock (almost equalled mine on opening the Hydro bill) -- I LOVE Xmas lights, but this year...
I always have to restrain myself from putting out the Christmass decorations too early. I just love having the house decorated for Christmas!

Since we will be at WDW from Dec 9- 21 I can justify putting them up early since we will be away for two weeks. I was thinking of putting the outside lights up this weekend weather permitting...but not turning them until around Nov. 25..but I'll certainly be cutting back on how many I put up and how long I will have them on at night!! I'll probably start pulling out the boxes of indoor decorations this weekend. I figure if Santa is coming to town here in London on Saturday, then that's my green light to decorate!

Traditionally, Christmas should begin on the first Sunday of advent. This is in preparation of Christ's birth. Of course the stores have nothing to do with this but we should keep in mind that Christmas continues until way after dec 25 with Epiphany which is another celebration of the birth of Jesus.

If you absolutely are hopping to get those decorations up, I am sure all those angels and St. Nicholas are overjoyed you love this season! God loves us to be happy!

I really love all the beautiful decorations available nowadays and they really add to this joyous time.

A thought occurred to me when I saw a post about decorating outdoor trees for daytime viewing. Big bows always look nice and I remember an article from years ago when the kids were young. It gave directions for these peanutbutter balls mixed with birdseed that you hang (somehow, can't recall how!) with ribbon from the tree. They look festive and the birds love 'em. There were a couple of recipes for wildbird treats so a search should pull up some how-to's, and imagination should do the rest :)
AH yes, the bird seed and peanut butter on a pine cone craft. They good great! Warning: Where there are many birdies, there are many birdie do-do's. LOL! This comes from experience heeheehee!

My family knows exactly what Christmas is all about. We do not just recognize the significance on Christmas day, we love and have faith all year around. So in our house Christmas is allowed to be about pine trees, turkey, presents, Santa and giving. Decorations are fun!

To cut on electricity bills you could get 1 or 2 flood lights in red or green to light up the house. Or you can just replace your outside light bulbs with green or red bulbs to bring a little festive cheer.

As for me putting up Christmas decorations and tree. I'm seriously considering next weekend November 16th to start. We are going to WDW Christmas day so I want to get the most out of my decorations. But unlike some of the other posts my mother has offered to come and take down our decorations for us while were away. So we can return from WDW in January to an undecorated house. Am I lucky or what. lol
Just an FYI about the Regal "glow in the dark candy canes" -- totally useless !!! I bought them thinking the same thing but they only glowed if there had been direct light on them for that day (ie. a nice sunny day in December :rolleyes: ) and they are such cheap plastic they broke when we either tried to put them in the ground, or when we removed them. Don't waste your money. I'm thinking of changing my moonrays to red/green since they are on every night anyway, and have been for several years. If it hadn't been such a rainy day, we might have put our lights up today ... but certainly not ON !

Mary Liz
I have a green flood light for halloween and a red one for Cmas outside. I am looking forward to decorating. I am fighting a cold and have no energy this weekend! YIKES! S
Thanks for the great ideas here. And thank you poor Maryliz for posting your experience on the Regal Glow in the Dark canes. I wondered how they could work as we don't get too many bright sunny December days here. Then I thought, well if they're in the catalogue and at that price (i.e. not a dollar store item) then surely they must.... somehow...? Oh, buyer beware. Sorry it happened to you, but I'm glad you warned us all.

How do you change your Noma lights to Red or Green? I've been bugging my DH for years for Noma lights. This would be one more reason towards getting them --- once Hydro rates settle and we've paid for our Disney trip -- like next summer!
You can buy the red or green (or blue....) Noma lightbulbs at Canadian Tire, and then just undo the top to change. One year, we had red and green for months before DH finally changed them back! :rolleyes:
We always buy the 3 colour Noma replacement lights from Canadian Tire and put them up for Christmas...they have red,green and yellow (gold!;) )The cost for electricity is really a lot lower for these type of lights too.;)

For those that are really upset about these higher costs for hydro(and who isn't!) please visit this petition and sign your name.....I was number 201 on Thanksgiving weekend and now they're all the way up around the 71,000 mark!Maybe our voices will be heard sometime soon!:mad:



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