Who's Anthony???


DIS Veteran
Nov 25, 2007
I was listening to this weeks Email show and Kevin said hi to Anthony again. Kevin does this every show and I was wondering who Anthony was? I have only been listening for about 4 months and thought maybe I missed something. Anyways, anyone else wondered the same thing? Kevin, will you share or will "Hi Anthony" stay an inside thing?

Anthony is a teenager who wrote in a while back talking about how his peers don't get Disney like he does (or something to that effect). Kevin was very empathetic and understood where he was coming from. Thus, Kevin says "Hi Anthony" as kind of a "keep the faith!" type thing.

I'm sure Kevin will be along shortly with a better description, but that's kinda the gist of it.

Oh, wait - I found this:
Anthony is an almost teenage young man who's Mom wrote to us telling us about his love of all things Disney.

She tells us that he was excited to hear that people actually might find jobs where their love of Disney turns out to be an asset and that he'd like to be an Imagineer when he grows up.

Anthony is at that age where your peer group is not always understanding of anything unique or different and we all know how that can be.

Anthony's story touched the 6 of us and I have decided that whether Anthony continues to listen to our show or not.....and I dont know for sure if he does or not.....that he should be part of each and every show we do.

In my mind, Anthony represents each of us that has had to explain our love of Disney to someone who just doesnt get it.

I always want the Anthonys of the world to know that we get it.....and we think it's cool.


I'd forgotten that it was his mom that wrote in & not him.
Thanks Annette!

I have corresponded with Anthony via email and he still lsitens to the show.

We've all had to explain this obsession to someone.

Anthony reminded me of that in a very touching way.

Aww, that is very sweet of you Kevin. That reminds me of myself at age 15 trying to make a bunch of ADRs and other reservations for my family's vacation while my friends wondered what the heck I was doing!
Not to change the subject, but one way i explain it to people sometimes is "if im going to spend my hard earned money, it might as well be somewhere that i own a piece of" (shareholder) Being raised in a family that loves disney its not hard, but friends my age just dont understand it so that is the explanation that i usually give em, and most leave it @ that cause they never will really ever understand it.
Thanks for expaination. To be honest I have always been a huge Disney fan and some people don't get it but it's nice to know we have a "community" that gets it!


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