Yes you can trade CS for snack credits...


Can't live without a ticker!!!!
Sep 6, 2000
This was something I didn't know (I'm sure it is written but I missed it!) - you can trade a counter service meal for 3 snack credits. We somehow had 1 CS credit left the day we were leaving & the cashier at Mara told me that you could trade it. You can use a snack credit for the larger bags of Mickey pretzels (which by the way are now Chip & Dale brand pretzels - still shaped like Mickey) - so we grabbed 3 of those to bring home.

Just FYI.
To be clear, you're not actually getting 3 snack credits, to use as you wish, perhaps at different venues. Rather, one store is allowing you to use a CS credit to purchase three things that also are valid snacks on the Dining Plan.

Not all CS locations permit this, and since it isn't actually Dining Plan policy, different guests may have different experiences with regard to this, even in the same store.
Resort food courts tend to have that policy. Everything POP let me get a drink and two snacks for one CS credit. I think Pepper Market lets you get anything that totals under a total dollar amount. Something like $10-$12.

You'll never be able to do this in place that only accepts snack credits such as the F&W Festival booths and the carts in the theme parks. You'll probably not be allowed to do this in the theme parks.
Wow! That was incredibly generous of them!
Yes, we got 4 snacks for 1 counter service at Roaring Forks at WL just last week. We had snacks to use up so we were just planning on using those credits, but when they let us use the counter service credit, we took them up on the offer b/c we also had CS credits to use.


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