Zip Lining - St. Maarten or St. Thomas?


Jun 7, 2011
Okay so we aren't cruising until next fall but of course I've got to get my planning on. We were thinking of going to Loterie Farm on St. Maarten and planned on just doing the course for the younger kids as my youngest is too small to do the mid level course. Today I just happen to see that Tree Limin Extreme is offered on St. Thomas. Does anyone have any experience with either and small 8 year olds or just overall experience with either of these? Thought we had it all figured out but now with Tree Limin in the mix I'm not sure. :confused3 Any insight?? Thanks so much!
My family has done Loterie Farm 2 x's and Loves it. Youngest granddaughter was almost 5 the first time and was able to do the smaller course easily. She was almost 7 this summer and did the course with the adults. (not extreme course) with very little difficulty. They've never done it on St. Thomas.
We did Tree Limin on St. Thomas last week. Great staff, and the views are incomparable. There are a total of 6 cables. The youngest in our tour was 9 or 10 I would say, and she had no problem. We zip-lined in Costa Rica several years ago on the flank of the Arenal volcano. The trips along the lines were longer and higher off the ground there, but the view of Magens Bay and the surrounding islands is not to be missed.
We did Tree Limin' in May and LOVED every moment of the experience. The staff were incredible and we felt very safe. They have one of the highest safety ratings in the business. They call out all the safety checks that they do aloud, so you can both see and hear them checking all the safety points on the harnesses. Also, they do the braking for you which makes this course ideal for first time zipliners. On our tour we had a fairly tiny kiddo....probably 9 ish who had no trouble at all.

As others have said, the views are phenomenal and unbelievable. You can see most of the other Virgin Islands. Be sure to bring your camera. They also have GoPro cameras for rent. If you have your own GoPro, bring it and they will let you use their helmet mount free of charge.

We haven't done the zip lines at Loterie Farm yet so I can't comment on them, but I can tell you that we thought Tree Limin was awesome! We booked independently with Tree Limin because the Princess ship we were on did not offer them as an excursion. I had a number of questions for them before our cruise and they were very prompt and thorough in their responses to my questions. I also thought their safety proceedures were among the best that I have seen in the numerous zip line tours we have done. I am sure if you have questions regarding the suitability of their tour for your little one they would be happy to answer them for you. My communications with Tree Limin was through their website and the email address I found there.

One more thing - like other posters have said the views were unbelievable!
Thank you all so much for your insights! Looks like we have some contemplating to do. I haven't heard anything but positive comments on both. The views through Tree Limin are enticing. Hmmmm - more research appears to be in my future. LOL
We have done the zip lining twice at Loterie Farm. Once was with Royal Caribbean and once on our own. On our last trip my DH went with my DD on the kids course while I took my DS on the regular course. Loterie Farm is not close to the ship. It is on the French side of the island near Pic Paradis. We rented a jeep for the day when we got off the ship at Hertz for $100 and it came with GPS. A cab is about $40 each way. The nice thing about having the jeep is that we were on our own time and got to have lunch at Sarafina's then go to Maho beach for a while.
Seconding the comments of Bdunn, LCJ1861 and perfectmatch300 above.

My family (wife and dd 9) took this excursion in February and it was fantastic. I'm known in my social circle as "Safety Dad", and even I was impressed by how professional and safety conscious the staff of Tree Limin' were (and the views were pretty darn breathtaking as well).


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