Bsod - Sunday 2/18/07

Fin's car quest will end in 2 mins and Car Race will begin in 2 mins....:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl2: :rotfl:

Thank you and welcome to a todays BSOD Event where eveyone gets to play and no one wins. I was hopeing to do the quest and its over, and now the Race is going to be a race to get up and in and in line to have a chance to even play and loss i mean win that cool pin!
Much more than that, at 2 minutes a game of pirates and 30 games an hour and 4 hours that would be 12,000 Credits in Win, add in 40 keys with 10% 500 Credits adn that is another 2,000 and Normal playing bonuses and that would be about another 3,000 so were are up to no less then 17,000 add in a working yeti paying 200+50 credit chair at once every 5 minutes and taht is 12 an hour for 4 hours is 48 codes at 250 each is another 12,000 that makes a total of 29,000 and the lack of a quest yeiding 300 credits, a club 33 pin and a roll of film, Brings us up to 30,000 Credits, VMK Owes ME 30,000 Credits!!!!

You 10,000 was a very low estimate!

LOL!!! They really should pay us.
This is rediculious...
I forget who said it but someone said about a new hidden mickey quest, im all on board for that. Plus there is a "Minnie Special" pin in the database that has yet to be released
Any lawyers out there want to start a class action lawsuit- for all those "owed" credits? LOL by the time we all register for it- with our main characters, family's characters, and our mules... we could have billions in credits owed.

ok i have now wasted more time than i should have today. been warned by other half that is i do not stop yelling at computer it is going to be taken away. Have made lunch and still want to get my vmk fix
LOL!!! They really should pay us.
This is rediculious...

Think of it this why for every Second that vmk is down they owe you 2 credits!
That is not much but with vmk down now for 4 hours and 40 minuts that equals a payday of 33,600 Credits and Growing!!!

To bad its only in my head and the math works out but vmk wont pay! and all we got from todays vmk Bsod is this great thread and our wonderful dis family!
Well I am glad I decided to get out of the house to stretch my legs. Went to the mall and all I could think was "wonder if the quest was working?" When I got home I knew I had only missed 1 hour so I had plenty of time to play.

Well I could have shopped longer. But then DH would have been sad :( spending more money.

ON the good side the Disney Store in Barrie is having lots sales. I got a Minnie looks like she is skating red sweater for $10.00 Canadian, and a Minni White Golf Shirt for $9.00 Canadian. So at least I got some Disney stuff today.
Gosh, just got back from church and lunch. Who'd a thought I'd start a thread that goes 21 pages!?!:confused3 Guess I'm not missing anything then. Here's hoping nobody breaks anything today on the ski hills! If you don't see me tonight, you'll know to start worrying!:eek:

Heh, I just noticed I forgot to turn off the Instant Email Notification! Oh no, server overload!!:rotfl:
ok i have now wasted more time than i should have today. been warned by other half that is i do not stop yelling at computer it is going to be taken away. Have made lunch and still want to get my vmk fix

My hubby is trying to tell me that there is life outside VMK :scared1: Is he :crazy: or something :confused3 There is NO OTHER LIFE outisde of VMK :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


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