8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 8

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oops, i'm quoting you and forgot..........

52 bottles of beer on the wall, 52 bottles of beer. Ya take one down, pass it around............

ETA: too late
51 bottles of beer..
Drive by posting - we are leaving for DSs hockey game soon.

I'm a day late, since I had to dig it out and scan it, but I wanted to share my "money shot" of the Grand Canyon.


Very nice:thumbsup2
It sounds like to me your delivery people aren't delivering until they get a contact of some sort from the company after you report it. No way another one could be sent out that fast!

Considering I've lived in Texas my entire life - I'd choose hot with as little humidity as possible. Probably the only place I'd even consider moving to in my life would be Florida... but it's pretty humid there!
Least desirable place to live? I'd have to say where there is LOTS of snow every long long winter.

Favorite hero? Superman... definitely superman. When Christopher Reeves was superman I so wanted to be Lois Lane... you betcha. LOL
Archival? I don't get into those...

Now stacey is going to think I'm copying her but it's the truth- Little House on the Prairie- hands down! I wanted Laura's dad to be my dad. I wanted to be Laura!

I brushed and flossed last night. I brushed this morning. I didn't eat in between so I didn't think flossing again in the morning was necessary.

Charming or thought provoking thing in the last 48hrs? Hmmm, that's a toughy. I think that's a toss up between the story about the ring returned to daughter and the family taking care of the kids while the mother is in the hospital!

Relive one day in the past but I'd still get to the present? Well there are many things in my past that I wish I could change but all of them WOULD change my present, so I'll pass on that...

Change one thing about my home? Well considering we just bought this house in Nov... I don't think I'd REALLY change anything. It's pretty darn near perfect for us. Okay I can think of one thing- I don't like the way the landscaping surrounded in bricks and stuff juts out the side of the garage/driveway... so even though the driveway curves out there too, I dislike having to back out of the garage (that comes out the side- another trend that I'm not particularly fond of to begin with- what's so wrong with just backing straight out a garage to the road? ugh) and do a little curvey thing in the driveway. It's not fun trying not to run over the landscaping there and then trying to adjust back so I don't go in the grass on the other side of the driveway. Kind of a pain.

I agree on the thought of lazy UPS delivery person... and OMG that's horrible about the medication!

What type of testing do they have in 6th grade that is on a SATURDAY?? That's just crazy!
Hmm, so you have a 6th grader that hides empty pudding cups in her room too? I have lived thru that... (mine is in 7th grade now and I think I have threatened her life enough to stop the pudding cups. I think LOL)

Oh they did like them!
Does it make me look like a bad mom to say I allowed my youngest to put that shirt and her red sweatpants back on after her shower to go to BED IN THOSE CLOTHES? Well she really really wanted to... no, she's not the least bit spoiled... :rotfl:
thanks again!

It's Hazel's birthday??!!!
Well get down... HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAZEL! :)

You call it a night by midnight?
Somehow I had you pegged as more of a nightowl than THAT. geesh LOL No wonder we never saw you except earlier in the day- we barely got our hineys near the clubs until shortly before midnight.

I think we're going to stay with late dining. I think this time we will NOT force the kids to eat with us- they weren't particularly THRILLED with the food (and we didn't receive super fun for kids type service either- not that it was bad... just saying they won't miss it) -so I think we'll just let them eat with the lab and then they can have their fun in the lab during our dinner time instead of fussing that they are missing all the fun stuff by eating with us in late dining!
I hope we get 8pm though because anything later than that and we'll probably just be skipping dinner most nights. 8pm was late enough last time! We were leaving the dining room around 9:30pm or later!

It was midnight my time. That's all I know!

Like I said above- if we get 8:30pm that will really be pushing it too late for us. We already missed a lot of late night buffets, stuff going on, etc. with 8pm seating time!

I am too!!!!!! Amen to that.

Awww, so sweet!
We rescued Tramp (from the kill-shelter!) a few days before Christmas a couple of years go. Cute name!


sorry, I can't!

Sounds like a lot of fun!

Yeah! More late dining people!
However... are we already linking up people to people? If so, who are WE goin to be linked up with? I hope we're atleast close to Stacey's table... yes, I'm now officially a Stacey stalker. Well not really, but let's just say that out loud in case some people are thinking it. :confused3

You better get cracking! That's sweet of you though. (and funny that you said oh snap! Do you watch Raven too?)

:rotfl: aw, you beat me to the corcs reference...

:lmao: aw, you beat me to the Stackey! Tha'ts what I get for cleaning all day...


no way! We'd never laugh at you, Stacey. Even if we're laughing we're laughing WITH YOU. remember that! :)

You thought I'd really do it? I'm not sure I have the cahoonas (sp?) to do that. If I did, I'd have to be in disguise the whole cruise so as to avoid Stacey slapping me upside the head, atleast once. :rotfl:

Oh no! I hope the little Enna-let is feeling better by now- or soon!

Oh no! I hope it's just allergies and nothing more serious. Not cool to be sick when you have testing going on! :(

I would just die.
Poor dear... :(

I sure didn't! I wasn't anywhere near that point at the time she wrote it. But she sure is giving me a run for the money huh? Trying to steal my queendom I guess.


Oh me too! now THAT is what I call a dessert!!!!! Oh baby... chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate. Fudge, or whatever. mmmmm

What happened with tigger and pooh?

I feel my arteries clogging up just reading it. (but it sounds good LOL)

Oh no. :(
How dare they get married at the same time as our once in a lifetime cruise!
Well, we'll miss you.

So... everyone was posting and I was TRYING to read today but instead I tried to ignore my heathen children as much as possible by emersing myself in major cleaning all day. Sometimes it's the only way I can resist the urge to lose my mind with these kids. And I have EIGHT MORE DAYS of them all day long every day. ahhhhhhhhhhhh Sometimes I wish my kids had a little less energy and weren't quite so smart for their britches (read: smart mouthed)

Hope everyone is having a lovely evening! I'm reading all the posts, but unfortunately I can't possibly respond to them all (ofcourse). By the time I catch up I'm so far behind again... that's why I do the multi-quotes. If I tried to post responses as I went along it would take even longer to catch up!

Chat was fun last night. I'm not a chat virgin anymore!

BIP strikes again............ WOW !!!

I want to do that...really really really badly....but I don't want to be a copycatter!! Would it help if I beg and grovel??? How about bribe??

Well I didn't beg or bribe.. I just STOLE IT 'cause I am a Pirate..pirate:
To answer my own question...

Daught first, then bottles. Never, ever, ever cans.

And it has to be something good, preferably dark.

Love Black & Tans, but they fill me up too much.
48 bottles of beer on the wall, take one down and pass it around
The Escaping Moms are LATE seating!

Hi Stacey, I was on th photo board today. Do you still use that waterproof fanny pack--I forgot what it was called. did go to the website. Do you still like it?
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