8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 9

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NOTE TO SELF: Don't ever stop making the bed in mid-stream (in this case I answered a phone call in the living room) cuz this is what I found upon returning! Again - DH's side of the bed :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


Sorry all - stuck hooked on sending single pictures - still having trouble with album but my rescuer - Lisa will be helping me here soon - thanks Lisa - this ones for you - hope you liked it! :hug:
On a lighter note. I was sent this link to youtube from a friend & it is really very funny. It's from an interview on the Ellen show with a grandma in Texas via telephone if you haven't seen it, it's worth watching.

I've never posted a link on the DIS before so I hope I did this right. Keep your fingers crossed!


OMG...what a hoot :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Thanks for sharing that one
Ok, I have a little time to ketchup on the fluff since I last checked in, so good evening, everyone.


OK all - this is my rendition of the Blues Brothers in LA -

And I promise last one for a couple of hours - only because we're going out to dinner!

Blues Brother I


Blues Brother II - AKA As The Great White Ghost!


OK - Enjoy talk to you all later!
I think I originaly read this somewhere on the DIS - but I have been following the advice for a few years now - ALWAYS use more than one memory card! I swap mine every couple of days - sometimes more often. It is possible for a card to get damaged/scrambled/etc, you could lose your camera or it could be stolen, and so on. Having multiple cards helps insure that you can't lose ALL your photos. I keep one card in the camera, one spare in the bag and all others at the stateroom or hotel. Since I know I will be doing this, I don't bother to spend the $$ on big memory cards - even my older 256MB ones aren't bad. My newer ones are usually 1GB just because there are a lot of good deals out there.

pdarrah (Pamela)

We generally fill a 1 GB card in a day. I take A LOT of pictures. :goodvibes DH loads them onto the laptop & clears them if we have run out of cards.
Ok...I'm confused...

What exactly happened to the 1st 50 "collected" widgets that resulted in starting all over again and not counting? Sounds like a female ploy to collect more widgets than one needs...I think we need to reduce the widget allotment to a 100% increase in year two. :lmao:

It's a conspiracy to encourage the hoarding of widgets, thereby increasing profits for widget manufacturers worldwide, like Worldwide Widgets, Inc. and Widgets R We.

Okay so before my multi-quoting to catch up... and btw it isn't that bad this time. There wasn't as many pages as usual!... I wanted to just update after my dr appt today.
The dr feels it's Bell's palsy and she thinks it's stress related. Now I don't know of any stress I have had lately other than normal every day stress but I am a worrier by nature... so who knows. I also have fluids behind my right ear but she said that's a symptom, not a cause -because the ear isn't infected and she said not moving my face on that side will cause fluids not to drain as they should. Something like that. So the pain in my ear area is caused by fluids which are built up BECAUSE of the paralysis on that side- not an infection causing the paralysis- atleast not an ear infection.
She said my tonsils were huge but they always are... I should have had those taken out when I was a child... a long long time ago.
She gave me a shot of steroids or something like that and some viral medication Rx... and I'm supposed to take some B12 vitamins also... and we'll go from here to see if that helps or if it just runs it's course. :confused3 I guess I just have to live with it and pray it will go away. it's not easy though... it's hard to blink my right eye all the way, it's hurting by my ear, everything I eat or drink or even my saliva makes me want to HURL because it's like I have a mouth full of sea (salt) water all the time... I can't even drink from a straw to try to bypass tasting liquids because I can't get my lips to work right! Eating and talking I have to be careful because on the right side my lips get in the way- similar to if you are numbed top/bottom on one side to get work done on you teeth yanno?
ugh I just hope and pray it goes away soon. :sad1:

Thank you all for the kind words and thoughts and prayers. I do appreciate it.

BIP, again, I am so sorry you are having to go through this. If I lived closer I would bring you some chicken soup and a big HUG :hug: .
MR -
You'll work for :cake:???

I'll vacation for it!

You know what is so funny about this? I am partially responsible for the cake thing. I made a rambling post about having cake at a baby shower. I can usually avoid sweets, but I had cake and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Then Mary and others kept reminding me that I like cake.

BUT, given the option, I much prefer creme brulee and cheesecake to :cake:
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
We generally fill a 1 GB card in a day. I take A LOT of pictures. :goodvibes DH loads them onto the laptop & clears them if we have run out of cards.

:scared1: Lisa - OMG - your even better than me - you might be on track to catch Capt Crash's daily shot quota!

:sad2: :sad2: I'm so far behind! The story of my life! :sad2: :sad2:
You mean you didn't find that "intuitively obvious"? :lmao: I had a prof (Dr. Andrea Viterbi....for those of you who are signals & systems ubergeeks, you'll recognize "Viterbi" as the name of the father of CDMA--the technology that brought us the cell phone...Andrea is his daughter) who would spend 45 minutes filling up 4 whiteboards with equations and then saying "It's intuitively obvious that the solution approaches infinity..." :eek:

Uh yeah, it's intuitively obvious if you've been playing in your daddy's lab since you were 4 and you have a double PhD in electrical engineering and theorictical analytics! :sad2: :mad:

The Viterbi algorithm. Walsh codes. Markov chains. Make it stop. I come to the DIS to FORGET about my day job. Not to hear four-letter words like C-D-M-A.

But did you know actress Hedy Lamarr was co-inventor of spread spectrum communications which is a key part of modern wireless communications?

Posting Summary 41001 - 42000:
- What's on your IPOD shuffle?
- No pirate won the jumbo jackpot so we will all have to pay for our fares afterall.
- Splash Caddy water-proof fanny pack
- [URL="http://www.disboards.com/showpost.php?p=17430230&postcount=41421"]Cartegena Information from Conde Nast Traveler magazine

- Bellelinus is looking into booking a couple of busses from DL hotels to the port. Will send out information to get names in a few months.
- Review of Hojo's by eeyorelvr10.
- Weird dreams.
- Baseball season is starting tomorrow.
- What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
- JLDSMD shines thru once again snagging the 42000 pirate....Don't worry guys! Anyone snagging a pirate who doesn't belong with the group will have the post cleared. ;)
- Score: Wenches 28 Jack 4 Swabbies 9 Evil Twins 1
Hello everyone! I just wanted to stop by and see what was new! And say Hello:wave2: to Mary Rose! I wish I could post more on this thread, but it moves faster than Palo reservations at midnight!:p

That sure is the truth! I love you puppy dog!! sooooo cute!
I've never been to Fire & Ice & always wanted to try it. Heck I've never even been on a Duck tour. How sad is that! How about a chocolate tour of Boston?

Always up for a Chocolate Tour :thumbsup2 Seriously, we'll have to put something together this summer.
MR -
You'll work for :cake:???

I'll vacation for it!

You know what is so funny about this? I am partially responsible for the cake thing. I made a rambling post about having cake at a baby shower. I can usually avoid sweets, but I had cake and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Then Mary and others kept reminding me that I like cake.

BUT, given the option, I much prefer creme brulee and cheesecake to :cake:
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

M I have to agree, love cheesecake.......but LOVE strawberry shortcake, and chocolate cake, and coconut cake, and ice cream cake, and HEY I LOVE CAKE!!!!! I DO I DO!
This is what was confusing us. It is the starting over again part.

We were talking about annual donors to our organization at a certain level, so just because they donated above a certain $ level one year, doesn't guarantee they will do it again in Year 2. So we have to earn them all over again in year 2. Donors are not like shoes.

So say we had 50 donors who contributed at least $1 in Year 1
and 150 donors who contributed at least $1 in Year 2
What is the percentage of increase?

200%, right?

(just so you don't think I am totally pathetic, you can add several zeros after the $1 - our operating budget is low, but significantly more than $150!!)

Think of it this way.

In Year n, you had 50 donors.

If in Year n+1, you had 50 donors, it would be a 0% increase. So, this is what is meant by 'throwing away' the first 50 donors.

If you had 100 donors, you have a 100% percentage increase

[new (150) - old (50)] / old (50) = 2.0 or 200% increase for 150 donors.

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