~ The Man Report ~~~~~~~~~ Bonus Material Included ~~~~~~

Picture Time

A few shots at MK.


We watch the MK opening ceremonies waiting for the “rope drop”.:hug:


Mom & Moan Boy share a “moment” at the Tea Cups. I miss beer.:sad2:


Kids fussy? Pull out a park map! Works every time.:banana:


Mmmmmmmmmm… Taco.


Moan Boy gets a little thirsty at the SSR pool. I still miss beer.:sad2:

Here are a couple more from 2-days at Epcot.

The famous Epcot Trash-harmonic. :cool1:


Loud Girl “Action” shot. princess: I enjoy these quiet moments alone. ;)


Moan Boy waiting in the queue for his favorite ride… TEST TRACK!:thumbsup2
Loving the TR - and from a fellow Montanan at that! We live between Kalispell and Bigfork. We go in May for the first time with 5-yr old Daughter. Thanks for the great laughs!
Loving the TR - and from a fellow Montanan at that! We live between Kalispell and Bigfork. We go in May for the first time with 5-yr old Daughter. Thanks for the great laughs!

I love Big Fork! I have a distribution facility in Kalispell but I don't get up there too often. I only go to the trouble spots and that area is booming!! :thumbsup2
Again, cracking me up with your "I miss beer" comments, especially when Linnie shares a tender moment with MB.
Picture Time

A few shots at MK.


Kids fussy? Pull out a park map! Works every time.:banana:


WE do the same thing with our DS. Works great at DTD and the King of Prussia Mall (which for those of you are not from the east coast/PA is the size of a small country. Works like a charm everytime
~ The Man Report ~~~~~~~~~~2007~~~~~~~~~~~ Health Food ~~~~~~~

Since leaving on vacation, our diets have consisted of the following:

Big Macs, deep dish pizza, half-cooked sausage, various snack foods including candy & popcorn, soda pop, bratwurst, tacos, fried fish, Mac-n-cheese, chicken fingers, pork tenderloin, steak (medium rare), donuts, beer & wine, a few whiskeys (for the “man”) & of course, bottled water. popcorn::

I know what you’re thinking: Other than the whiskey, nobody in my family has been very good to their body. :banana:

Besides the wine, we’ve avoided all fruit & vegetables. Not really on purpose mind you. It’s just never really been an option we’ve yet considered. :confused3

I read somewhere that sailors on the high seas back in the old days would sometimes come down with scurvy due to a lack of natural vitamin C found in some fruits and vegetables. :crazy2: It’s during this thought process I decided my family needed to start eating healthier.

Wouldn’t that be something if I were the first Head of Household in 180 years to allow his family to fall victim to scurvy? Think of the publicity! I could sell my story and retire… once I’ve served out my sentence of course.

The previous evening we ended up eating off-site (TGI Friday’s) and had a great experience with even better food. One problem though: It wasn’t Disney. :smickey:

Those of you who know me now (through three trip-reports over 18 months, numerous PM’s, and the various newspaper articles detailing my crimes against humanity) understand that I’m never satisfied staying at a non-Disney hotel or eating at a non-Disney restaurant. I also have trouble using a “non-Disney” commode. It’s just not the same!

When you look out the window of a TGI Friday’s you’ll see the parking lot with cars and oil stains, some trash alongside the shoddy & dying landscape, and a whole bunch of other people who for some reason are not in the “World”. Why they’re not at WDW is just as scary as not being there myself.

Some are locals, some don’t like Disney, some are Universal people (*shudder*) and others live in the garbage dumpsters.

Whatever their reason is, I don’t care. All I know is that I don’t want to be “those” people. :eek:

Downtown Disney is very accessible to those staying off-site. There’s no gate guard to contend with and now that construction is complete, there’s plenty of parking. Keep in mind however that you need to go EARLY.

There are a lot of Disney restaurants in this area and they also “FEEL” like Disney (which is even more important than their actual location or food quality).

On top of all that, some of the very best places to eat are located at DTD. Fulton’s Crab House, Portabella Yacht Club, Earl of Sandwich, Raglan Road, Wolfgang Puck’s, House of Blues, Capt. Jacks, McDonalds, etc…

Tonight, instead of driving down International Drive or up to the Crossroads area, we’re headed to Disney to find us a “magical meal”.

We drive :car: into the brand new parking area (which is “about time”), find a spot, then head towards the Raglan Road restaurant (one of Disney’s newest) near the entrance to Pleasure Island.

It’s 5:15 p.m. on Tuesday & we come in search of some good old-fashioned Irish home cooking. We’re seated immediately as the restaurant is practically empty. Later that weekend, the restaurant and bar will be packed with a U2 “Cover Band” (for St. Patty’s day) which, if advertised correctly, is “better than the real thing”. Uh, ya right. :rolleyes:

:offtopic: I love U2. Loud Girl & I love the song, “Vertigo”. Pooh loves the theme to “Sanford & Son” while Moan Boy’s favorite song is when you bang two pots together over your head over and over and over…

Like all Disney restaurants, Raglan Road has a child’s menu with approximately 5 entrée choices. We order Mac-n-cheese for Loud Girl and Chicken Stix for Moan Boy. Pooh & I both order the Fish & Chips with a bottle of merlot.

On top of that all that, I’m feeling a little “saucy” tonight so I order myself an Irish Whiskey on the rocks (when in Rome…). Pooh-head gives me “the look”. :sad2:

There is much jockeying of seat positions prior to the arrival of our food. Moan Boy starts out next to me, changes his mind and wants mommy. Mommy says “No”, Moan Boy pouts, mommy changes her mind and he and Loud Girl finally switch seats. I sipped my whiskey and enjoyed the entertainment. :drinking1

Next to us was a slightly older couple. The lady was probably in her 50’s while the gentleman with her must have been around 60.

They were jawing back and forth about the quality of the fries and fish. My wife, being the snoopy little thing that she is, listens in. Lucky for me she’s so busy eavesdropping that I’m able to order a second whiskey without reprisal. :thumbsup2

About this time the food arrives and I go to work on my plate like a buzzard on a gut wagon. Buzz is hungry!!

Lin and I decided on the fish and chips for “health reasons”. No, we’re not stupid! We DO realize that breaded and deep fried cod coupled with greasy fried potato wedges is not a healthy choice. However, when compared to the alternatives on the menu, trust me when I say “we did it for health reasons”.

Things like “Kevin’s Bacon”, Muskrat Pot Pie, Roast Pork Hock, Bangers & Mashed (apparently, a “Banger” is actually a sausage), and Shepherd’s Pie (which I believe was prepared by an actual Shepherd!!… hope he washed his hands first). :stir:

I take a breather during my feast to suck down some wine & whiskey when I notice that Loud Girl isn’t touching her Mac-n-cheese.

“What’s-a-matter baby”?

“My Mac-n-cheese is white, not yellow”. :rolleyes:

I spend the next 10 minutes testing her food and telling her it’s the best I’ve ever tasted. She ain’t buying it and digs in on Moan Boy’s food and the bread that was served. Pooh & I end up hoggin’ down the Mac. Mmmmmm…. It’s good! :) I feel my arteries getting tighter by the second.

When we’re finished, I lean back, unbutton my pants, finish the libations set in front of me, then let out a soft, contented belch. :blush: Oops!

At this point, if you look closely enough at Buzzila the Hun, you can actually see me grow. I watched myself in the mirror for a few minutes during a prolonged bathroom break and it was amazing. Satisified; Yes. Bloated and in dire need of a carrot? Again; Yes.

The “man” is happy. Mission accomplished. I got my “Disney” dinner and not only was it good, but it really “felt” like Disney. ::MickeyMo The added bonus being that it was the healthiest thing on the menu!

We waddle out to the car, drive back to the hotel, and go to sleep.

Nobody wakes me up in the middle of the night. :) I rest good.

Next Up: Warding Off Scurvy
You and Linnie are the funniest people I know (ok, maybe I don't really know you, but I feel like I'm getting to know you). I am enjoying your TR tremendously. You have a beautiful family and a great relationship. The world needs more families like yours!!
Things like “Kevin’s Bacon”, Muskrat Pot Pie, Roast Pork Hock, Bangers & Mashed (apparently, a “Banger” is actually a sausage), and Shepherd’s Pie (which I believe was prepared by an actual Shepherd!!… hope he washed his hands first).

:lmao: :rotfl2: :rotfl:
On top of all that, some of the very best places to eat are located at DTD. Fulton’s Crab House, Portabella Yacht Club, Earl of Sandwich, Raglan Road, Wolfgang Puck’s, House of Blues, Capt. Jacks, McDonalds, etc…

Stroke of genius how you slip McDonald's in there, who will notice among all those fine eateries:)
My arteries are cloggin just from reading about what went into your body this trip.... have you completed the detox yet, or do you still ooze grease now and then?

I am loving your report, I can't wait to read more. popcorn::
And Linnie, don't worry, no one thinks it's bad to let your kids eat like that on vacation. We all do it too, and I am sure if you tried to slip a veggie or fruit in, Buzz would have snatched it up and asked a waiter to have it battered and deep fried, and brought back with a beer;)

On top of all that, some of the very best places to eat are located at DTD. Fulton’s Crab House, Portabella Yacht Club, Earl of Sandwich, Raglan Road, Wolfgang Puck’s, House of Blues, Capt. Jacks, McDonalds, etc…
I am catching up on this very funny TR, both of you are hysterical.

Loving the experiments and am noting all the healthy food options for my upcoming trippopcorn::
You and Linnie are the funniest people I know (ok, maybe I don't really know you, but I feel like I'm getting to know you). I am enjoying your TR tremendously. You have a beautiful family and a great relationship. The world needs more families like yours!!

Thank you so much, you are too kind. :blush: :hug:

With our family, it is definitely what you see is what you get. We are who we are-I guess that's all we can do!! :rotfl:
Stroke of genius how you slip McDonald's in there, who will notice among all those fine eateries:)

I didn't catch that he did that!

DisneyNutMary said:
And Linnie, don't worry, no one thinks it's bad to let your kids eat like that on vacation. We all do it too, and I am sure if you tried to slip a veggie or fruit in, Buzz would have snatched it up and asked a waiter to have it battered and deep fried, and brought back with a beer;)

DD was actually enjoying the fruit at the beginning of the trip, but by the end, she'd given up on anything healthy too.
My stomach has gotten back to normal. It was so nice to have gotten back home and to my health food store!! :banana: I love Disney food, but it sure as heck don't love me! :headache:
I am catching up on this very funny TR, both of you are hysterical.

Loving the experiments and am noting all the healthy food options for my upcoming trippopcorn::

Thank you! I have seen your picture in your sig. before and have always wanted to tell you those are the cutest dogs!! Buzzila is allergic to pretty much anything so we can't have animals anymore, but that picture makes me want to get a dog!!
~ The Man Report ~~~~~~~~~~2007~~~~~~~~~~~ Health Food ~~~~~~~
Since leaving on vacation, our diets have consisted of the following:

Big Macs, deep dish pizza, half-cooked sausage, various snack foods including candy & popcorn, soda pop, bratwurst, tacos, fried fish, Mac-n-cheese, chicken fingers, pork tenderloin, steak (medium rare), donuts, beer & wine, a few whiskeys (for the “man”) & of course, bottled water. popcorn::

:sick: This is why we all pack Pepto, Tums, and Ex-Lax!!

Whoa! Sorry, I'm new to posting pictures! This was waaaay too big. I must've accidentally hit submit for this one. The smaller picture is on the next page.
Great reports so far!!!!!:banana: :banana: :banana:

I think ya'll have great communication skills which is probably why you've been together so long. ::yes:: I've been known to call dh on the cell from a different floor too-- heck even a different room! :lmao:

Don't feel so bad about the lack of veggies and fruits...............don't they still put lettuce on tacos!:thumbsup2 :teeth:


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