YOUR intrepretation of "quiet" pool

I always thought the quiet pool meant "quiet": adults reading, lounging in the pool, kids swimming but not screaming and running around, etc. However on our last few trips the "quiet" pools were just as loud as the main pool. I actually think because there are no lifeguards at the "quiet" pools kids end up running around and roughhousing more that at the main pool (Often a lifeguard will tell a child to stop running, etc.).
Good thread!

I guess I just thought of the quiet pools as being those for DVC members only and the main pool as being mostly for the hotel guests. I assume there are hotel guests that use the quiet pools, too, but probably not many?

Never crossed my mind that kids would be designated for one pool or another since kids are usually the ones who love the pools the most. I don't mind kids at the pools or in the hot tubs. It's Disney! (And no, I don't have any kids.)
Sorry parents, but I think the quiet pool is a no kid zone.
It would be nice if that were the case - and I totally agree that the activities of any one familiy should never drive others away from the pool area - the problem is that that really isn't Disney's policy - so any family with any aged children are welcome at any pool of their resort.

The problem with the resorts is that they can't really designate any pool as adults only - it just wouldn't be fair. At SSR and OKW - the main pool could be quite a hike. The same is true of the moderates, as well.

That said, I still find the secondary pools to be more peaceful than the main pool - so it's a matter of perspective to me.

Well for us a quiet pool is a non themed pool not for being quiet just not themed. Our kids will use the quiet pools if they have to get a swimming fix and it is closer than the themed pool but prefer the themed pools. So our interpretation is it is just not themed and not in a central location to the check in area hospitality house.

:thumbsup2 ITA
It just occurred to me - why not compromise by designating the secondary pools as adults only during specific hours? Say - before 8 or 9 am, after 10 pm? Many (not all, from what I've seen!) adults can responsibly swim in the early or late hours without disturbing others and it gives them some nice relaxing time away from kids.

The most heavenly pool time I've ever had was at AKL around 7:30 am and SSR main pool at 8:30 am. Although, both times there were 2-3 kids and 2-3 other adults - none related to othe other, and all equally quiet.

This is my understanding of DISNEY's interpretation as well. Apparently Disney has slowly changed the wording on maps and the likes over the years because some people incorrectly assumed quiet was used to suggest they would not be loud. Unfortunately some CM made the same assumption and thus have added to the misinformation at times.

Agreed. I don't think many maps/signs/ etc. still use "quiet pool" though I'm sure some do. I've seen "community" or "neighborhood" pool used much more frequently.

We've had discussions in the past about the idea of an "adult pool" or even an resort with an "adult section." And I don't think it would be a bad thing if Disney took a part of the Grand Floridian and made it a kid-free spot. We love our kids - but one of the really cool things about DCL is being able to get away from kids.
It just occurred to me - why not compromise by designating the secondary pools as adults only during specific hours? Say - before 8 or 9 am, after 10 pm? Many (not all, from what I've seen!) adults can responsibly swim in the early or late hours without disturbing others and it gives them some nice relaxing time away from kids.

The most heavenly pool time I've ever had was at AKL around 7:30 am and SSR main pool at 8:30 am. Although, both times there were 2-3 kids and 2-3 other adults - none related to othe other, and all equally quiet.


Just back from OKW and DSO and I were discussing the same thing. We'd love to see "adult" times at the "quiet" pools. We were at the "quiet" pool near us at around midnight. We had some laundry in (staying in a suite) and were just relaxing in the pool, leaning against the pool wall. A family comes in with kids screaming, mom encouraging them to have swim races (where they kicked furiously, sending water everywhere) and they played a very loud game of Marco Polo. Had this been 12 noon I would've been a bit annoyed, but accepted it.. being 12 midnight I though it was just plain rude for the neighbors and that they gave no consideration to the fact that we were trying to relax in the pool, not wanting to worry about getting splashed.
It just occurred to me - why not compromise by designating the secondary pools as adults only during specific hours? Say - before 8 or 9 am, after 10 pm? Many (not all, from what I've seen!) adults can responsibly swim in the early or late hours without disturbing others and it gives them some nice relaxing time away from kids.

The most heavenly pool time I've ever had was at AKL around 7:30 am and SSR main pool at 8:30 am. Although, both times there were 2-3 kids and 2-3 other adults - none related to othe other, and all equally quiet.


:thumbsup2 Excellent idea!!! Are you listening Mouse ears???
I think the term is a misnomer to begin with.

WDW doesn't call them quiet pools. In fact, the newsletter for Y&BC/BCV calls them additional pools and has the info on swim diapers in that section.
Sorry parents, but I think the quiet pool is a no kid zone. It's not that I don't like them, not that I don't think they're cute, I just think that there can be places-even at WDW that isn't all about them. I LOVE watching other people's little ones in the park, getting all excited over the characters and all that. However, when I get back to the resort I'd like a little time to relax. If there was no other option, that's one thing, like at HHI or VB. I would never expect kids at a main pool or only pool NOT to scream, do cannonballs and splash around. They're kids, that's what they do-and it can be really fun to watch. However, I do NOT like that behavior at the quiet pools.

Full disclosure here: the youngest kids in my life are now in their 20's. When they were small, we stayed in the big pool at the WDW resorts and they did NOT go in the hot tub if other adults were there. If we were the only folks around, I would take them in, but as soon as another adult came we went back to the main pool.

What!!!!!!! You are dreaming. Every time we've been to the quiet pool, there have been kids there.

It doesn't say adult pool.
I'm just wondering if I am being overly sensitive to other people by making my kids stay away from the quiet pools, lest they spoil someone else's pool time.


Quiet in this reference doesn't mean lack of noise and in fact most Disney literature no longer refers to the un-themed pools as "quiet". You are free to ask at the resort desk for clarification on the definition if you have any questions on whether or not children should be allowed in this area. I'm sure they will be happy to put your mind at ease.
It just occurred to me - why not compromise by designating the secondary pools as adults only during specific hours? Say - before 8 or 9 am, after 10 pm? Many (not all, from what I've seen!) adults can responsibly swim in the early or late hours without disturbing others and it gives them some nice relaxing time away from kids.

The most heavenly pool time I've ever had was at AKL around 7:30 am and SSR main pool at 8:30 am. Although, both times there were 2-3 kids and 2-3 other adults - none related to othe other, and all equally quiet.


Problem with that Dirk is for a family like ours we are at the parks till late and when we get back the kids all want to go swimming so we hit the closest pool to our room and it is usually after 10 PM when we get there. We hit the smaller pools if we are a distance from the main pool at that time as we don't care to be trapsing all over the resort so for a family like ours designated times will not work.
Sorry parents, but I think the quiet pool is a no kid zone.

Which is why they have playgrounds and water features next to the "quiet" pools at SSR. :idea:

Folks, the problem is not kids; the problem is unbridled behavior. Sharing isn't just for children.
Sorry parents, but I think the quiet pool is a no kid zone.

That doesn't quite (quiet?) match DVC's definition. Anyone with doubts or questions as to the legitimate use of the un-themed pools should check with the resort staff for clarification.
I have a question...If a kid runs screaming "AIIIEEEEEYAAA" into a quiet pool but no one else is there to hear it, does he make a sound?
I have a question...If a kid runs screaming "AIIIEEEEEYAAA" into a quiet pool but no one else is there to hear it, does he make a sound?

Better question to that is where are the damn parents that are supposed to be responsible for said kid LOL. But in short the answer is NOOOOOOO!!!! LOL..
Here I thought the "Quiet" pool at VWL was for the use of the guests at the campground!!:mad:

I was not happy when a group of kids showed up on bikes and said they didnt like the pool at the campground and jumped in the quiet pool and the hottubs!! There had to be about 10 kids!!!! I could care less who swims, but in the summer, the pools are packed!!
Quiet pool to me:

Never did it occur to me that some might considerate it a "PEACEFUL" place. Interesting though!


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