Hillary's Christmas Wedding PJ/Disneymoon@WL!**UPDATE 1/10! ***


DIS Veteran
Apr 15, 2007
So, after becoming ADDICTED to everyones AWESOME Disney wedding and Disneymoon reports on here, I think I am ready to start my own! (Seriously, I think I have read just about everyones on here, even if I haven't commented them all, yes I'm an addict :rolleyes1 )
And first I just want to say how much I LOVE these boards. Even though I haven't gotten to know you personally, I feel like I do know many of you just from reading your stuff on here, and I just never got that over at theknot :sad2: . Plus we all share the love of Disney here so I feel at home! yay!
Sadly I am not having a DFTW, it just doesnt make sense for us b/c all of our family here and not being able to travel and have all of them there, BUT!, we are going on a Disneymoon and I couldnt be happier! :woohoo: I joked about it a looong time ago, didn't think DF would actually go for it but he did! And I think sometimes I MORE excited for it than the actual wedding. Prob not, but I'm really really excited and I drive DF CRAZY with all of my Disney planning talk! Anyway, I will get to all the Disneymoon details later but just for now we are leaving the Monday after the wedding ,staying for a week at Wilderness Lodge! Not doing the dining plan, it just doesnt make sense for us b/c we dont do alot of expensive, sit down meals, maybe a few but it wouldnt be worth it.

Just to get this thing started, heres some info on us....:love:

Me :bride: -Hillary, 24 (25 in November!), 2nd year graduate student in School Counseling. I have my undergrad in Psychology which I love, but its hard to find a career so I went right back and started on my Masters. Will take another 2 years to finish. LOVE all things Disney, we've been going since I was a kid, had annual passes for a few years and I will NEVER get tired of it.


DF :cool2: -Andy, is also 24 and works as a Network Administrator/Engineer (I get his titles confused), at Savannah River Site, basically the big nuclear plant we have here...a good 50-70% or so of the population around Augusta is employed out there. To me it means, he has a really good government job with great benefits and he's doing quite decent for a 24 year old with just an Associates Degree. His first trip to Disney was in May, it was a last minute trip for a few days and I LOVED getting to see him experience it for the first time.


Some more pictures of us...


Us at the beach last summer


My college graduation last May


Our engagement...
We have been friends for years, have the same big group of friends, just took us a few years to both realize how much we liked each other. We started dating in November 2005, and within prob 6 months or so I think we both knew that we wanted to be together forever. SO, we started looking at rings last summer, and around December I had picked out exactly what I wanted...


I knew he had bought it over Christmas, but had NO idea when and how I'd get it. I just wanted it to be a surprise. He did let me think it was going to be awhile, bc he was taking his time paying it off. So I was not expecting it at all. February 2nd he surprised me by taking me to his house (he lives w/his parents right now), and his brother and his best friend had cooked this huge beautiful meal, they had candles and rose petals and it was amaaazing. I about freaked out, they served us and Andy was SO SO nervous. He barely touched his food and that kid can eat! Finally after desert he got down on his knee and asked me to marry him.

Right before he did it...


some more pictures...





we're engaged!!

We had already picked out December, just because it is the best time for me, being out of school for almost a month then. Plus we're just more wintery cold weather people. And we knew he could take a vacation easier then. So December it is. I'm down to 5 months, have alot taken care of but still have quite a few details to work out.

I will add more later, what I have already done but I need to get OFF the dis for awhile bfore I get in trouble :confused3

Thanks for anyone who reads this!!
We will be getting married on December 8th, 2007 at 6 pm. We are getting married in Andy's church he's gone to since he was a child. It is an older, smaller church and I love the stained windows. It was a bit of a debate of which church, but I'm not technically a member at his nor my parents, (my family has been looking for a new church ever since we left my childhood one back years ago) but I decided that it would mean more to him to get married in his church than for me to get married in my parents church. So there ya go. Our reception is going to be down the street at this old Bed and Breakfast. It's an old house that the founders of North Augusta built andl lived in. Its beaaautiful.



the church



some of our reception venue, Rosemary Hall


this is a picture of one of the rooms at Rosemary. I may stay here the night before the wedding w/my bridesmaids, or maybe that night with Andy. We'll see. Its gooorgeous. Lance Armstrong actually stayed in this room (the owners told me) when he was here for the Tour de Georgia.

We are not having a huge wedding. I have a huge extended family, but they all live in either Mississippi or Arkansas, we are the only ones here. So only my grandparents and close relatives are coming. And Andy doesn't have a huge family, but most are coming. Right now I have 2 bridesmaids, with the possibility of a third. My 2 little cousins were going to be jr bmaids, but to make a long story short, it would have been way too much trouble. And most of our big circle of friends is guys, I have always had more guy friends. SO, we are figuring out how to incorporate them all into the wedding party.

We are not having a sit down dinner, it's just not our style. So we're doing heavy hor'deourves (sp?) and maybe some stations. We are not the fancy meal type people so this is much more us I guess. So I dont have all that kind of decorating to do so that has made planning so much easier. No centerpieces (well, few anyway). And the plus of having such a beautiful old house as a reception area, it is already decorated beautifully and they will have multiple Christmas trees and greenery up already so I don't have to worry about all of that either. I love greenery and Christmas lights but most of that will already be there so I get to do fun little details w/out worrying about decorating a huge space.

*next up, am I going to be a 2 dress bride????*
Everything sounds wonderful! I love the reception site... I just love old Southern houses. I love your ring also. Your date is a little less than a week before ours, I can't believe I'm down to 5 months! :scared1: Best of luck with all of your planning and congratulations!
welcome Hillary! what a sweet sweet story! although we are not getting married in a church, we are also having our reception at our favorite Inn - however I do have to add some decorations as it will be Halloween! :laughing: we are also not doing a sit-down dinner at the wedding itself - more to do with town ordinance for the restaurant downstairs than anything else but that's ok - the buffet will be awesome!

I LOVE your ring and the Inn - and I'm a "two" dress bride so I can't wait to hear your story! :goodvibes and hey, we're also Disneymooning in December!

Michelle :cloud9:
welcome and congrats
Everything looks so nice, cant wait to see the dress!
welcome Hillary! what a sweet sweet story! although we are not getting married in a church, we are also having our reception at our favorite Inn - however I do have to add some decorations as it will be Halloween! :laughing: we are also not doing a sit-down dinner at the wedding itself - more to do with town ordinance for the restaurant downstairs than anything else but that's ok - the buffet will be awesome!

I LOVE your ring and the Inn - and I'm a "two" dress bride so I can't wait to hear your story! :goodvibes and hey, we're also Disneymooning in December!

Michelle :cloud9:

Thanks for the sweet comments! I love the idea of your Halloween wedding, I love all of your pictures and ideas, that is going to be SO cool! And our trips are going to overlap, we will be there 10-17th!

welcome and congrats
Everything looks so nice, cant wait to see the dress!

Thanks so much!
From the beginning I had a feeling wedding dress shopping for me would be a headache. I'm pretty picky, and I was worried I would never find one that I would just love. I did have quite a few ideas in my head of what I THOUGHT I wanted. First off, definitely NO strapless. I guess I am pretty much what you can call fairly well endowed in the chest area, and I just knew I wouldnt be comfortable in strapless. Plus its December wedding, it would look silly. SO, I thought I wanted halter, I just liked the way they looked and I've always had halter swimsuits so I would be comfortable. Or possibly the cap sleeves. So we started out search at David's Bridal. Big mistake. I've always heard bad stories about David's from other people, but I thought it couldnt hurt to look right? They have a huuuuge selection for sure, but I just never felt comfortable there. And this is in no way critisizing every David's....I know alot of brides here got their dresses there and I think they are beautiful, but there David's in my area just doesn't have a great reputation. In other places I'm sure it's fine. anyway.
I tried on prob 10 or so dresses there, found maybe one I remotely liked on me, they just seemed really uncomfortable. Or maybe it's the hideous awful undergarments they made we wear? :confused3 Anyway. The girls there were not the nicest and I just wasn't happy. Oh and halter?? NO way. I felt like I was flashing everyone in the store. SO, moving on. We looked at a local bridal boutique and it was just a whole different atmosphere. Their prices were just as good, but their attitudes and service was just great. I found a dress there I really really liked, and could see myself wearing. And a strapless no less! I didn't have that feeling, the THIS IS IT one, so I wanted to keep looking. And we did. Even drove an hour away to Columbia, SC to look. I tried on allll different styles, and funny enough, all I liked was strapless. The one thing I knew I would never get. So after more looking, and going back to the other local place, I never found one I liked as much. So one last try on, and I think I realized that I loved it, and even though I never had THAT moment, and my mom never cried (but she's really not the emotional type, though she has told everyone that its beautiful and she loves it), I decided I had my dress. Until they brought in another to show me. Now, this one was more what I had pictured in my head as my dress. I LOVE lace and pearls, and this was just more of that. But the sample they had was like a size 5 :rotfl2: so I couldnt even try it. So they said they'd get sample...and then found out it would be August before it would come in. So, they worked us out a deal. They would order both dresses, in my size, and I would just pick one. If I didnt like the 2nd one on me, I knew I would love the 1st one. So, there ya have it. They will be here in the middle of August, and I will pick then. I really do love them both, though in my heart I am really hoping the 2nd looks good on ME, just bc I love it so much. But that being said, the 1st has been the one I've loved all along, so I will be just as happy w/that one too. Here they are...


The first one. I love the ruching (sp?) on the front, its so flattering and makes me comfortable. The whole dress is just really flattering. And the crystals all over it are gorgeous, it looks kinda like snowflakes. The picture really does not do it justice. These pics are from the Maggie Sottero site, the dresses are NOT MS, but are knockoffs that look identical. And half the price!


And the second one. OH I love it. I just don't know what it will do for me. That first one is just so flattering, I don't know what kind of shape this will give, if those tiers will be weird? I'm pretty short, about 5'4 or so, and some things tend to make me look like a stump. We'll see though.

I may possibly have something similiar to this made to wear during the ceremony...just so I don't feel naked...


I already bought these shoes...


They are so so comfortable, and they will go with either dress. I love sparkle!


and these flip flops from Target for the reception.

And a few weeks ago we finally picked out the bridesmaid dresses...


I love it. It's Bill Levkoff, tafetta. To me in the store the color was more wine than this looks, this pic looks a little pink? We ordered the brown sash but we're thinking about a light pink? I dunno. And we will take off the halter strap. Just so you can see my girls, this is them in the dress we had initially picked at David's...

We all loved it, but when I decided to order mine from the other store we thought it would be convenient to find one for them there as well, and they fell in love w/the tafetta dress. I still love this first dress though.

They are still looking for shoes, are going to get chocolate brown shoes of their choice. I did get this stuff for their gifts so far..



Flip flops for reception, and matching purse. From PAYLESS!
hey there Hillary - everything looks fantastic!! I love the colors of your girls dresses and bless you - wearing heels! :rotfl: I'm 5'8" and feel like I'm tall enough as is - besides , I'm never comfortable in them!

as for your dress choices, they both are very pretty. I understand your love of the lace thing - that's why I became a 2 gown bride! the gown that I will wear is a Jessica McClintock ivory all lace sheath style gown - long sleeves - definitely more fits the wedding we are having. It is at the seamstress's now but as soon as I go for my next fitting - I promise, photo's! as for you, I think #1 is absolutely stunning and while #2 is very pretty, guess you'll know better once you try it on.

and yup, we'll be there at the same time! :yay: did you make your ADR's yet? any other special plans during your stay?

Michelle :cloud9:
Hi, I saw your post on Lesley and Tim's TR and thought I'd take a look. I love all the photos. Both of the dresses are beautiful and I love the wine/chocolate, very pretty. Can't wait to see/hear more.

The first one. I love the ruching (sp?) on the front, its so flattering and makes me comfortable. The whole dress is just really flattering. And the crystals all over it are gorgeous, it looks kinda like snowflakes. The picture really does not do it justice. These pics are from the Maggie Sottero site, the dresses are NOT MS, but are knockoffs that look identical. And half the price!


And the second one. OH I love it. I just don't know what it will do for me. That first one is just so flattering, I don't know what kind of shape this will give, if those tiers will be weird? I'm pretty short, about 5'4 or so, and some things tend to make me look like a stump. We'll see though.


I already bought these shoes...


They are so so comfortable, and they will go with either dress. I love sparkle!


and these flip flops from Target for the reception.

And a few weeks ago we finally picked out the bridesmaid dresses...


I love it. It's Bill Levkoff, tafetta. To me in the store the color was more wine than this looks, this pic looks a little pink? We ordered the brown sash but we're thinking about a light pink? I dunno. And we will take off the halter strap. Just so you can see my girls, this is them in the dress we had initially picked at David's...

We all loved it, but when I decided to order mine from the other store we thought it would be convenient to find one for them there as well, and they fell in love w/the tafetta dress. I still love this first dress though.

They are still looking for shoes, are going to get chocolate brown shoes of their choice. I did get this stuff for their gifts so far..



Flip flops for reception, and matching purse. From PAYLESS!

Hey Hillary!
I followed you from Lesley and Tim -
Very cool to get married at Disney!
Congrats on the wedding - I love dress #1. ;)
My sister also just got married and had a bad experience at David's here in Arkansas - so it must be pretty typical....she needed off the rack because she was in a hurry and they were very rude to her. :sad2:

Anyway - great planning and awesome flip-flops - I LIVE in those!!!!
I had a huge wedding - 8 years ago - and then planned weddings in Arizona before we moved to Arkansas - feel free to pm me if you ever need free advice :) :flower3:

take care!
hey there Hillary - everything looks fantastic!! I love the colors of your girls dresses and bless you - wearing heels! :rotfl: I'm 5'8" and feel like I'm tall enough as is - besides , I'm never comfortable in them!

as for your dress choices, they both are very pretty. I understand your love of the lace thing - that's why I became a 2 gown bride! the gown that I will wear is a Jessica McClintock ivory all lace sheath style gown - long sleeves - definitely more fits the wedding we are having. It is at the seamstress's now but as soon as I go for my next fitting - I promise, photo's! as for you, I think #1 is absolutely stunning and while #2 is very pretty, guess you'll know better once you try it on.

and yup, we'll be there at the same time! :yay: did you make your ADR's yet? any other special plans during your stay?

Michelle :cloud9:

No, I haven't made any ADRs yet. We aren't doing the DP, it doesnt make sense for us, not eating a big CS meal at least once a day. But I do want to do a few places. My DF LOVED the look of the restaurant in Mexico, and it is really romantic so I'd like to try it. And I'm thinking about Coral Reef, I'd like to get a surprise diver there. And we will prob go to Trails End at FW too, we went back in May and it was really good and its so close to WL. People have suggested CRT as well, and I loved O'hanas the last time I was there. We can do a few, but we're paying for our trip so we have to watch how much we spend on food. DF is anti-itinerary though, so we'll see. I may make a few and just see how it works out.

Hi, I saw your post on Lesley and Tim's TR and thought I'd take a look. I love all the photos. Both of the dresses are beautiful and I love the wine/chocolate, very pretty. Can't wait to see/hear more.

Thanks so much for the comments!! I actually started reading some of your TR the other day after seeing you on Lesley's as well, ironically enough. thanks for reading!

Hey Hillary!
I followed you from Lesley and Tim -
Very cool to get married at Disney!
Congrats on the wedding - I love dress #1. ;)
My sister also just got married and had a bad experience at David's here in Arkansas - so it must be pretty typical....she needed off the rack because she was in a hurry and they were very rude to her. :sad2:

Anyway - great planning and awesome flip-flops - I LIVE in those!!!!
I had a huge wedding - 8 years ago - and then planned weddings in Arizona before we moved to Arkansas - feel free to pm me if you ever need free advice :) :flower3:

take care!

Thanks for coming over and thanks for offering help! thats so sweet! I started reading you TR some to see where in Arkansas you are from but didn't see it?? I was born in Batesville, my parents are from there and most of my extended family lives there still. Small world huh?
Thanks for reading!!

So I just wanted to get on here real quick, I'm up late finishing up some school work for my LAST class of the summer on Saturday!, and then DF and I are off to the beach (Beaufort, SC) w/my parents for a week, yahooo! So I prob won't be back on here until next weekend sometime.
Small update though, I got my personalized Disney maps in the mail today! I'm a little disapointed though, I thought they were supposed to have our name at the top? It just says "Your Family", so I don't know if I did something wrong or what? :confused3 I'm still excited for them though! I'm thinking about making some kind of basket, or just ordering one from someone for Andy to be there when we get there and I thought those would be nice to include in there.
anyway. I need to finish up and get to bed! Thanks for everyone who has been reading and leaving such nice comments!
Everyone have a great weekend!
Small update though, I got my personalized Disney maps in the mail today! I'm a little disapointed though, I thought they were supposed to have our name at the top? It just says "Your Family", so I don't know if I did something wrong or what? :confused3 I'm still excited for them though! I'm thinking about making some kind of basket, or just ordering one from someone for Andy to be there when we get there and I thought those would be nice to include in there.

Didn't know if you had seen this but the Disney Florist in Celebration has some really cool Welcome baskets that can be delivered to the resorts. Maybe you could see if you could send down the maps ahead of time and have them included in the basket waiting in your room?

Here is their link Disney Exclusive Baskets and Designs, they seem pretty reasonable, starting around $25-$30. They even have Mickey Ears, I believe they can be personalized, maybe they could do Bride/Groom ones?

Goodluck with everything. I'm so excited to read more. I need to get my fiance on the ball about a DCL wedding, fingers crossed! :thumbsup2
Hillary your dresses are beautiful!! I have been to the Davids bridal in your area (fiance lives in Augusta) they were not helpful there at all. I actually ended up buying my dress from Shoannes (sp?).
Is your Church in North Augusta also? The B&B is beautiful I will have to give it a drive by next time I am there.
Congrats I cant wait to read more.
Hillary your dresses are beautiful!! I have been to the Davids bridal in your area (fiance lives in Augusta) they were not helpful there at all. I actually ended up buying my dress from Shoannes (sp?).
Is your Church in North Augusta also? The B&B is beautiful I will have to give it a drive by next time I am there.
Congrats I cant wait to read more.

Thanks for reading! We looked at ShoAnns too, my mom may get her dress there. I got mine from Victoria's, they just had a huge selection and are so so nice.
And yes the church is right down the street from the b&b. Right off Martintown and then Rosemary is down Carolina Ave. Very pretty I can't wait.
Anc congrats on your engagement as well! Your day is coming up pretty soon I see!
Im gonna miss you in wdw by 1day!!!

I love both dresses...we would love to see pics of you in them both!!

I love the BM flip flop & matching purse...Payless huh...i love that store!!!

The BM dresses are really beautiful!!

I love your shoes!!!! Shoes rule, especially ones that sparkle!!!

hey....you should come up to chicago.....i work for a psych office & we are ALWAYS adding new drs & therapist.....we are bursting at the seams up here;)

cant wait to hear more
hi hillary! :)

just wanted to say hi and thanks for sharing your planning with us! the bed and breakfast looks so gorgeous! I'm sure it will all be lots of fun!

I'll be back to read more! :thumbsup2


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