GOOD MORNING DIS! Whoopsidoodle Hangers On and Friends Meet Here Part 9

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My good day ended rather abruptly. DH's friend's father passed away of a massive heart attack. :sad1: The freind is an only child and I'm guessing even though he is 50 years old it will be rather hard on him. That plus his Mom was totally dependent on the Dad. She doesn't drive or anything. I just saw the Dad last weekend, he shopped where I work. He came up to me while I was cashing and jokingly said "I see you got demoted again"

Such a nice man. :sad1: :sad1:

Of course now with the new job starting Monday I can not take a day or even a morning for the funeral so DH will have to go by himself.
:hug:For DH's friend's father, but :woohoo: for your last day at work!
and just have fun, we'll hear about it when you get back! Unless you WANT to check in! :teeth:

Yay, you! Our workers finally finished up's a good day....
Me? WANT to check in? :rotfl2::cool2: Yea for the workers being done!:yay:
Okay, now this is slow. We went to Outback for dinner tonite. I knew DH really needed a relaxing evening so I tried really hard not to think about the fact that we had no budget for this money. And on the way there he got distracted and drove into opposing traffic!!! He had to go up over the hump in the middle of the roadway to get back. And of course he has to "volunteer" again tomorrow at work.
:hug:I'm glad everyone's ok!
I wanted that permanent thing, but apparently my ortho doesn't do it. :confused3 This whole thing would be a HECK of a lot easier if I didn't have to deal with the bottom one randomly coming off in the middle of a sentence. :headache:

Sounds like it needs to be adjusted or refitted? :confused3

:scared: I'm so afraid of that! When most people are trying to get out of wearing their retainers I'm WANTING to wear them to avoid any relapse of crookedness.See y'all later! :wave:
And it does come back! DD's on her second set of retainers since wearing out the first ones.

I just saw pictures of Va. Beach from yesterday. I hope Lynn made it ok.
We're okaaaaaaaaaaaay!:lmao:

And now future inlaws just showed up........playtime's over. ;)

:wave2: Maybe have a chance to check in later? :confused:
So I tried to get on last night, wanted to turn the lights off...(since Lynn wasn't around he he he) but I couldn't. DIS was really slow, couldn't get it to refresh in an acceptable amount of time.:sad2:

Of course, I think people came after that and would have turned them back on!:lmao:

So today one is at Lacrosse practice, one is doing some sort of Biology thing...he and classmates are planning a trip into the woods...except they aren't good at planning. I'm a bit worried about this, trying to get him to get more details before they head off into the wilderness in someone else's car, out of cellphone range, to a place they don't seem to know.:confused3

And youngest is hanging out here, wanting to call laughing boy. I distracted him by suggesting we cut peanut butter and jelly sandwiches into shapes as seen on the food channel!:upsidedow

And the rest of today SHOULD be fairly quiet! Hoping to get a few errands and chores caught up. I did a really good job getting work/work caught up yesterday, but now I look around at my house..:scared1:
:hug:For DH's friend's father, but :woohoo: for your last day at work!

Me? WANT to check in? :rotfl2::cool2: Yea for the workers being done!:yay:

:hug:I'm glad everyone's ok!
And it does come back! DD's on her second set of retainers since wearing out the first ones.

We're okaaaaaaaaaaaay!:lmao:

And now future inlaws just showed up........playtime's over. ;)

:wave2: Maybe have a chance to check in later? :confused:

oOOOOOH!:yay: :yay: Hi/bye Lynn....glad Noel wasn't too much of a troublemaker for you!
Hey Tammy...I forgot to quote ...

Tapas places are big here too...keep your eye open for one when you're traveling. By the way, Tapas and Mojitos go very well together!;)
Ooh 3p...pb& J shapes rank above Laughing Boy, huh???;)

They did for awhile, but they're now playing. AT LAUGHING BOY'S HOUSE!!!:woohoo: :woohoo:

DS came home from his practice, he decided to slide down the grass hill at the field..on his stomach!:sad2: All I can say is it is a good thing we've had a drought!:lmao:

And oldest DS finally figured out where his Biology group is doing their nature walk. Hopefully they are there by now....

Have I talked about this place? It is about 45 minutes from here, the start of the Appalachian trail. I know I thought about posting it in where am I? Just don't know if I did.

Not a bad way to spend a sunny Fall afternoon! I want to go to school!

Actually, I'm heading out to run a few errands... Among those, I'm picking up my sewing from my seamstress friend!:woohoo: :woohoo: Of course, I DO have to pay her, and get DH to hang things up, but still.....

The funny thing is her daughter is with DS...they're in the same group. And they aren't the ones that have ever been friends. I know her through DS15, who was friends with her son all through grade school and most of middle school. Now they really aren't.:sad2:
I was just looking at the other pictures on the website of the Falls....the description on this one say...

The falls framed in fall colors is shown during a period of low rainfall.


This is definitely more probably the look he is getting today!:)
Hey Tammy...I forgot to quote ...

Tapas places are big here too...keep your eye open for one when you're traveling. By the way, Tapas and Mojitos go very well together!;)

I'll have to look for those places! Is there anything like them at Downtown Disney? The Mojito sounds really good right now :thumbsup2

They did for awhile, but they're now playing. AT LAUGHING BOY'S HOUSE!!!:woohoo: :woohoo:

Your lucky day!!!

DS came home from his practice, he decided to slide down the grass hill at the field..on his stomach!:sad2: All I can say is it is a good thing we've had a drought!:lmao:

I saw in the news where they are going to release more water for the people of Atlanta and south of there..There was flooding in the rivers about 15 miles from us, last weekend.. :confused3 strange planet we live on...

And oldest DS finally figured out where his Biology group is doing their nature walk. Hopefully they are there by now....

Have I talked about this place? It is about 45 minutes from here, the start of the Appalachian trail. I know I thought about posting it in where am I? Just don't know if I did.

Not a bad way to spend a sunny Fall afternoon! I want to go to school!

Actually, I'm heading out to run a few errands... Among those, I'm picking up my sewing from my seamstress friend!:woohoo: :woohoo: Of course, I DO have to pay her, and get DH to hang things up, but still.....

The funny thing is her daughter is with DS...they're in the same group. And they aren't the ones that have ever been friends. I know her through DS15, who was friends with her son all through grade school and most of middle school. Now they really aren't.:sad2:

And we never did find out where that water is continuously coming from. Maybe your DS can find out for us...;) Pretty picture of the trails!
Those are very pretty pictures.:cloud9:

I mentioned to DH that I had a weird thought. Maybe we should go to the shore for a day and get some ocean air. Of course, given our schedule, I have no idea WHEN we would do that.:rolleyes:
So I did the lunch with DH and then took the 2 DGS's to ToysRUS...You'd think it was the week before Christmas :headache: People all over the place, kids riding scooters up and down the aisles...:eek: . The grandsons wanted to get my DS a birthday present so they bought him a Nerf Dart game. I'm sure that is what every 25 yr old wants :lmao: His b-day is on Tuesday..and of course the kids had to get a treat too 'cause they promised that they were going to be "super duper good" today...I only panicked 2 times when I lost site of the 5 yr old :upsidedow And of course I checked the receipt when I got home only to find that I had been overcharged by $12.99....AGAIN!!! pirate:
I called the store and they said "well, you know what to do" meaning that I just need to return the receipt and they will credit me...I will talk to the store manager tomorrow because the last 3 times that I've been there I've been overcharged and each time I have to go back it's 20 miles each way. One time I did catch it before I left the parking lot but still it was a pain!

I haven't done any packing so I'd better throw a few shirts into the suitcase to at least look like I'm interested...

See you all later :wave2:
So I did the lunch with DH and then took the 2 DGS's to ToysRUS...You'd think it was the week before Christmas :headache: People all over the place, kids riding scooters up and down the aisles...:eek: . The grandsons wanted to get my DS a birthday present so they bought him a Nerf Dart game. I'm sure that is what every 25 yr old wants :lmao: His b-day is on Tuesday..and of course the kids had to get a treat too 'cause they promised that they were going to be "super duper good" today...I only panicked 2 times when I lost site of the 5 yr old :upsidedow And of course I checked the receipt when I got home only to find that I had been overcharged by $12.99....AGAIN!!! pirate:
I called the store and they said "well, you know what to do" meaning that I just need to return the receipt and they will credit me...I will talk to the store manager tomorrow because the last 3 times that I've been there I've been overcharged and each time I have to go back it's 20 miles each way. One time I did catch it before I left the parking lot but still it was a pain!

I haven't done any packing so I'd better throw a few shirts into the suitcase to at least look like I'm interested...

See you all later :wave2:
That is quite maddening!!!

Packing.:cloud9: I did a little and stopped and I'm only packing for one night!!!:lmao:
Oh wait...Hi Nanu!!!


On the out to eat front, there are a couple of things we have done when we're feeling pinched. One, look for coupons! Two, eat lunch out. Sometimes on the weekend when we feel like we want to eat out but want to use money for something else, we have found if you eat lunch it is less expensive because the portions are smaller. Still, you get that eating out experience and having a sandwich for dinner is just fine!

Well that would work, but he doesn't take a lunch break. And, I'm all about saving money on food, but he's just admitted that he'd rather wear jeans with holes in them then have to cut his food budget.

But, I've had a revelation as I ate DDs leftover chicken fingers for lunch today so they wouldn't go to waste. I'm sick of eating unhealthy food just to save money on lunch. I'd rather been thin and in shape. So, I'm going to start buying fish and more fruits and vegetables so I can eat healthy, even though it'll cost more. I'm wondering how DH will feel if I cook a meal for him and a meal for me. He won't eat fish and I think its an important part of a diet. He mainly likes meat drenched in gravy or a cream soup.

So I did the lunch with DH and then took the 2 DGS's to ToysRUS...You'd think it was the week before Christmas :headache: People all over the place, kids riding scooters up and down the aisles...:eek: . The grandsons wanted to get my DS a birthday present so they bought him a Nerf Dart game. I'm sure that is what every 25 yr old wants :lmao: His b-day is on Tuesday..and of course the kids had to get a treat too 'cause they promised that they were going to be "super duper good" today...I only panicked 2 times when I lost site of the 5 yr old :upsidedow And of course I checked the receipt when I got home only to find that I had been overcharged by $12.99....AGAIN!!! pirate:

I know!!! I was at K-Mart and it was a madhouse! Hello!!! Christmas 2 months away. I saw one family who had over $200 worth of those Rose Petal college stuff in their cart. It wasn't on sale or anything. There were hardly any carts left. I went because there was a 50% off coupon off select items, which of course were all gone. One was a Disney Princess cash register, and I wanted to check it out. They still had a few items in stock that counted like a Dora Around the World (Annoying, and we have it) and a Barbie stick up thing (too old for DD). So I just left my coupon and maybe someone will use it.

On the overpriced thing, I would calmly ask for a manager when you go back and request compensation for your gas money since this has happened 3 times now. Add up the cost in gas its cost you and say, "I understand mistakes happen, but this has cost me $10 in gas, and it has happened multiple times." You might get a $5 gift card or something. Just my idea.

So I had an interesting day. I let DD watch an hour and a half:scared1: of TV this morning while I DISed and took a shower. I really needed a break. Prior to that I gave her a bath. Then after I was ready we ate lunch and went to a Christmas craft show down the street. There was a model train and DD watched it for like 30 minutes. Santa was there, too. I got a slice of pumpkin roll.:woohoo: Then we went to the bookstore, $store, and K-mart. DD fell asleep in cart at K-mart. I got myself a pumpkin coffee at DnD:love: and of course DD woke up as soon as I put her in the crib. Shared pumpkin roll with DD. Talked to my mom for 90 minutes:eek: while playing and reading to DD. Then measured a bunch of stuff with DD, and now I'm neglecting her to DIS while she colors and dances to music. DH will probably be stuck in traffic once he finally does leave work because of the PSU game. It took him an hour to get there.
Rainy here today and all night but did some grocery shopping and rehearsed for the show on the 11th. I am heating an Italian pizza i bought today and tommorow will cook a Tuscan recipe again. Hopefully with a slow cooker and can of peeled tomatoes it will look and taste better than the last time:goodvibes

Did some other important things like notifying the various pension boards about my mother. Needed to send them copies of the death certificate.

Oh pumpkin roll! And Santa already making rounds:santa: :eek:
I'll have to look for those places! Is there anything like them at Downtown Disney? The Mojito sounds really good right now :thumbsup2

And we never did find out where that water is continuously coming from. Maybe your DS can find out for us...;) Pretty picture of the trails!

DS said it looked just like in the pictures, but more colorful. He also said it was absolutely beautiful driving up there...he said it was a great way to spend the day, except that he was with a school group!;)

I'll see what he thinks about the waterfall...he is headed to the movies now.

Those are very pretty pictures.:cloud9:

I mentioned to DH that I had a weird thought. Maybe we should go to the shore for a day and get some ocean air. Of course, given our schedule, I have no idea WHEN we would do that.:rolleyes:

Salt air might be just what the doctor ordered!:thumbsup2

So I did the lunch with DH and then took the 2 DGS's to ToysRUS...You'd think it was the week before Christmas :headache: People all over the place, kids riding scooters up and down the aisles...:eek: . The grandsons wanted to get my DS a birthday present so they bought him a Nerf Dart game. I'm sure that is what every 25 yr old wants :lmao: His b-day is on Tuesday..and of course the kids had to get a treat too 'cause they promised that they were going to be "super duper good" today...I only panicked 2 times when I lost site of the 5 yr old :upsidedow And of course I checked the receipt when I got home only to find that I had been overcharged by $12.99....AGAIN!!! pirate:
I called the store and they said "well, you know what to do" meaning that I just need to return the receipt and they will credit me...I will talk to the store manager tomorrow because the last 3 times that I've been there I've been overcharged and each time I have to go back it's 20 miles each way. One time I did catch it before I left the parking lot but still it was a pain!

I haven't done any packing so I'd better throw a few shirts into the suitcase to at least look like I'm interested...

See you all later :wave2:

I think they chose a birthday gift for their uncle that they will enjoy playing with him!:thumbsup2

I can't believe that manager took the whole thing so lightly....actually, I guess I can!:rolleyes:

Packing.:cloud9: I did a little and stopped and I'm only packing for one night!!!:lmao:

Wellllll, that's SOME progress!:lmao:

So do you think those that check in later will be able to catch up? It HAS been slow around here today!

My errands took awhile, guess that's what happens when you get stuff from a friend...:blush: Plus, I had several stops to make, just a few things at each stop. I have my curtains now, but they aren't up. Wonder how long it will take for me to convince DH that is a priority! Maybe I need to store them in his favorite chair!:rotfl:

So, still haven't gotten to paying bills...gonna do that now.
Guess that multi-quote took me awhile...

Hi, Nanu, hi, Steve!!:wave:

Nanu, the thing with fixing meals is a constant problem. DH will eat fish (sometimes) but sons complain. I don't think I should have to fix that many meals. I try to eat really healthy the meals I do alone (like lunch) which I figure gives me more flexibility for dinner.

Oh, and I asked DH and DS about the Waterfall thing. They both looked at me and said, "Springs!:rolleyes: ) They both seemed sure...but I don't know if that really means anything!;)
It's definitely been slow Saturday around here. ::yes::

I created my own fake salt air. Steamy salt water heated in the microwave.:rotfl: I have no idea if it helped.:rotfl:
It's definitely been slow Saturday around here. ::yes::

I created my own fake salt air. Steamy salt water heated in the microwave.:rotfl: I have no idea if it helped.:rotfl: couldn't hurt, :confused3 could it?


I think a real trip to someplace Southern with sea air would be better. Of course, if you can't do it right away it doesn't seem the same, does it!:sad2: :idea: Another reason to buy DVC! OK, not sure why, but sounds good! :lmao:
I'm trying to kill some germs from the inside out.;) Alcohol kills germs, right? I figured a beer was in order.:lmao:

The fake salt air got interrupted by dinner.:rolleyes:
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