Survivor: China (WILL HAVE SPOILERS)

OK. Wow what an idiot J-R was ROFL. If he just kept quiet not only would he be there, but the immunity idols might be gone too ROFL.

haha, too funny to see someone else fall for the wrong idol trick again :lmao:

OK, James is a bit upset so its game time, I am sure he is going to be very vocal to find out why he had 3 votes ROFL.

I would have played the idol.

Who got he most points between us?
Yay ~ Tonight! :banana:

I think next week it will be on Wednesday if I'm not mistaken because of Thanksgiving though?

Anyway ~ Hahaha! Bye Jean-Robert. Although I will say that was a close vote. I really thought James was going home. Especially since he didn't use an idol last nite, before votes were read.

That would have been so funny though to have seen another person use a fake immunity idol. Too bad that didn't happen. :lmao:

Courtney totally walked away with that win, as she weighs nothing! She got very lucky with that challenge.

Still say Todd has a chance at winning this. Maybe Amanda as well. Hmmmm .....

Game on for sure!
Yay ~ Tonight! :banana:

I think next week it will be on Wednesday if I'm not mistaken because of Thanksgiving though?

Anyway ~ Hahaha! Bye Jean-Robert. Although I will say that was a close vote. I really thought James was going home. Especially since he didn't use an idol last nite, before votes were read.

That would have been so funny though to have seen another person use a fake immunity idol. Too bad that didn't happen. :lmao:

Courtney totally walked away with that win, as she weighs nothing! She got very lucky with that challenge.

Still say Todd has a chance at winning this. Maybe Amanda as well. Hmmmm .....

Game on for sure!

I cant wait for tonight for sure. Todd is definitely a contender, he is scaring his stronger ally tho. He needs to be careful ROFL.
I cant wait for tonight for sure. Todd is definitely a contender, he is scaring his stronger ally tho. He needs to be careful ROFL.

So very true! He really needs to watch himself now, if he wants to further his chance at winning, agree completely! :thumbsup2
Three hours. I don't know if I can wait that long. Can someone PM who got the boot? Thanks
OK So pretty straight forward. Frosti, made sense. I think courtney saved her tribemates from mutiny by not putting any resisistance to him going.

Pretty average episode until the end! I just hope its not another vote, or we know that Eric just goes bye bye.

wow Peih-Gee took the cake huh? I mean, she even knew how dumb what she was doing, but it didnt stop her ROFL.
Interesting episode.

The challenge was pretty cool.

Not surprised on Frosti being voted off.

I agree Courtney did her tribe good, by going along with voting Frosti, and not making waves by not.

Peih-Gee winning the challenge, wow! She saved her behind for sure!

I can't believe they ended this episode like that?! I do believe another person will be voted off. Chances are it is Erik. But it could also be James as he didn't play one of his idols, and everyone knows it. Although, he may have another chance to reveal it, but I kinda doubt it.

Erik could be another contender to win this, if he happens to make it through without being voted off. He could then join my picks of Todd and Amanda as well.

Guess we'll need to wait until next week ... WEDNESDAY that is. At least if I remember correctly there is no episode on Thanksgiving.
I'd give the episode a 8.5/10. The reward challenge was a little slow I thought
Well, last night was a big ol' waste of time, huh?

How dare they do a cliffhanger ending and then a recap episode the next week!
Well, last night was a big ol' waste of time, huh?

How dare they do a cliffhanger ending and then a recap episode the next week!

heh, I only watched it because I never missed an episode ROFL.
What happened last night? I missed it.

You didn't really miss a whole lot.

They did basically a recap episode last nite. There were some new scenes, that we haven't seen before. Nothing major.

They went into how everyone had been eating worms, frogs and plant roots, because they were starving, which we didn't know before. Showed Todd and Jean-Robert go at it a little bit, which we didn't see before. That was over the wheel puzzle challenge and Jean-Robert had placed all blame on Todd, even though he denied it, when Todd confronted him.

They showed that cliffhanger again. In which Jeff basically says at Tribal that they have more business to tend to. And that again is how it ended.

Nothing new in terms of people being voted off, or new challenges.
You didn't really miss a whole lot.

They did basically a recap episode last nite. There were some new scenes, that we haven't seen before. Nothing major.

They went into how everyone had been eating worms, frogs and plant roots, because they were starving, which we didn't know before. Showed Todd and Jean-Robert go at it a little bit, which we didn't see before. That was over the wheel puzzle challenge and Jean-Robert had placed all blame on Todd, even though he denied it, when Todd confronted him.

They showed that cliffhanger again. In which Jeff basically says at Tribal that they have more business to tend to. And that again is how it ended.

Nothing new in terms of people being voted off, or new challenges.

Since Aengus (surprisingly) didn't post it, I guess I'd better bring up the three hour rule, which i more like the two hour rule now.
haha! thanks for the bump mint, just went looking for it! EGAD huH? ROFL
OK my first thought was wow, James not only handled it well, but proved to be more intelligent than I gave him credit for. Classy exit, totally got what happened.

It was their best move, and amanda really is the power broker here under the radar isnt she LOL. I decided that before the previews for next week, and now no doubt LOL.
Now that he is gone, I hope some post-boot interviews will shed some light on why James held on to both Immunity Idols, instead of giving Todd & Amanda back "theirs". The show never adequately addressed this issue, aside from Todd once saying that he was waiting for James to offer to give the Idol back.

Todd gave him the Idol to save his butt when it looked like Zhan Hu would vote him off. He also told him where to find the second Idol at their camp. Honestly, for James to hang on to both of them once the tribes had merged made him look like an immunity hog -- and virtually untouchable. Blind-siding was the only way they were going to get rid of him.

I bet if James had given back one of the two Idols, he would have engendered more trust, made Todd & Amanda feel "safer", and taken a bit of that target off his own back.


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