Something about Nothing, come join in........ Part 2

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Home from birthday part finally. UGH! Now we are getting ready to smoke some steaks and get ready to watch our Sooners try to win another Big 12 Championship, gotta beat Missouri again then we will find out which bowl game we get to go too.

How was the party? For family or friend? Adult or kid? Have a good time???

How is/did the game go? Last I saw it was Missouri 3-0 :confused3
Back from the Christmas party a few hours ago. It was nice as usual :thumbsup2

Sounds like a great time for your family....glad they enjoyed it and you got "free eats" :thumbsup2

She told me that my dad had some Dr appts lately and he is having his surgery to put in the mediport(I think that is what it's called) on Dec. 26th (the day after Christmas). It sounds like he is starting his chemo on Dec 28 so far. My mom said she is very nervous, too much is on her plate. She doesn't handle stress real well. Also, my cousin is supposed to come in from Arizona in a week and a half to visit my grandma, which is her grandma too.

:faint: :faint:My goodness....what a whirlwind.... good thing you had the holiday party! Hope things go well for your Dad :wizard: You'll need all the family support you can gather for him....and YOU! ;)
Tricia - I think we usually spend about $50/60 on a tree we cut. If we wanted one to replant they start at around $80 but we really want a bigger tree than that so the size we want would run us about $120. Since I really don't plan to stay here once dh's folks are gone I'm not gonna spend that on a tree for this place.

Hopefully I can get the tree & get it up tomorrow.

Our annual $50 donation:


(the tree....not the kid!)
First, you keep wondering why you are forgotten about? We don't forget you...but we always say "Hi" to everyone, and if you haven't posted in awhile, you are "everyone"..... Don't think you are forgotten about.... :sad2: (Matter of fact, you & I have been getting a lot of sympathy and support for the crappy jobs we have! :laughing: ) far as DH's "business trips"....uh-uh.....not buying it either :snooty: YOU had better get somethin' DARN NICE for Christmas this year to make up for all his "business trips"! :rolleyes:

Barb - I know you can't tell by the "tone" of the internet, but I'm just joking. I just feel (like I think everyone does when they miss several pages) that I've missed so much. Especially when it's been a day or two and I haven't gotten to comment. Especially when I want to and my stupid computer/internet won't let me. And by the time I do I feel like what I was going to say was 10 pages ago!

So in short, I guess I mean it not like "Wah, you guys aren't talking about/to me" but like "remember me? Seems like it's been ages since I got to talk to you all!"

Yeah, and I already told him that with the money he's spent on football tickets this year (between the so far 4 Packers' games, and now possibly a 5th, and the Michigan/Wisconsin one) that it would easily have paid for DS14 (the only one interested!) and I go fly down to WDW/UO for 4 days or so! Unfortunately this kind of leaves DS12 out since he's not a huge Disney, etc. fan, but he's definitely not a football fan. Maybe I could use the fact that we spent $1500 to spend him to camp last summer (only kid who went) to balance it out?!

And Tricia - yep, I know about those moms too! In Michigan we called them BP's (Beautiful People). Trust me, it wasn't a compliment! I've also had a few altercations with wonderful people like that. In my experience, they also seemed to be the ones in charge of the PTA (since they liked to hear themselves talk and be the center of attention), which is why I've never gotten involved in the PTA's.

Sharon - sorry about the tree! We had a huge ash tree at our old house and just hated to take it out, but about every other year a huge branch would break off in a storm and land on the house, neighbor's house, etc. We'd spend like $600 a year to get it trimmed down and this still happened. Luckily the emerald ash borers (if you don't know what they are, you're not from the midwest!) infested the tree and made the decision for us. Glad no one was hurt and no major damage at least!

Rose - congrats on the plane tickets! Awesome that you can now take a trip! Are there 4 of you? When are you thinking of going? It's nice to know people actually win these things!

Lori - I enjoyed the pics too! Looks like she enjoyed all the Christmas stuff last year! Is she excited already this year? My kids are already asking when we'll start opening presents. Pointed out if they started now, they'd run out well before Christmas! (And Sharon, I appreciate seeing your pics too, but they're not really "enjoyable" ones!" - hope you're not offended! ;) ).

And, no, my job really isn't THAT bad. Every time I think how much I hate it, I try to look around at all the other jobs I'd hate doing much more. Try to look at the positives - most of the time I work alone, I don't have to deal with cranky customers (at least in person!), I like 2 out of 3 of the people I work with, I get to sit the whole time (not be on my feet), for the most part it's enjoyable work. T

he main cons are the owner (boss I keep whining about) who's the most frustrating because he's so unpredictable - sometimes friendly and sometimes jumping down your throat. And really the 4:30 end time. Every day seems to be an exercise in frustration in getting my kids where they need to be - usually via someone else. If instead of 11-4:30 the job could be 10-3:30 I'd be so much happier! Especially when I'm just sitting there doing busy work to fill hours. My last job was a punch in, do the job and punch out so I never had time just sitting there. Which I wouldn't mind if I could read or whatever, but no, I have to "look" busy! Anyways, although I'm reading the want ads regularly, I'm probably at least going to deal with it until summer and see what the kids' schedules are for next year and when I need to drive them where! If they won't accommodate me for hours then, it'll be a good excuse to look elsewhere!

All right - going out in the hot tub in the 6 inches of snow we've gotten so far! Talk to you all tomorrow!
Here is Ally decorating our tree at VWL last year:


What a great picture! Love the tree too.... did you take it with you, or do they provide for DVC peeps??

I'll bet that was a Christmas to remember :rolleyes:
Well, I am really blessed, with all that's been going on with me, DH and our families. Guess what?? I did win round-trip airline vouchers from the radio station win!! :cool1:

Once I get those airline vouchers in my hand, I can start planning a trip to UO or WDW! Or maybe both!! But we have to make this trip inexpensive. I thought I'd never get back to UO/WDW again, as we don't have the money for that, but with this win, it should hopefully work out ok :cool1:

Glad to hear you got what you wanted :thumbsup2 Hopefully you'll be able to swing both parks....will be do-able if you go "off season" ;)

See? You DO get to post good news here.....that's twice today :thumbsup2
Interesting night tho...We stopped at 7-11 for some Slurpies. Well as we are grabbing them, two young guys, maybe teens, head to the back of the store while keeping their eyes fixated on the counter. Well DF and I go to pay, and these guys move quickly out without buying anything. Well I glanced over and say at least two beers in one guy's pocket. The employee stops him, and the teen starts yelling that he walked in with them in his pockets. (Um, ok, sure) The guy was definitely under the influence, of what tho, I don't know. Well we finish paying, but the employees and the teen are arguing, while three of his buddies are standing outside. Then the guy starts yelling and almost getting violent with the employees. Then they take off, and guess what the cops were at McDonald's down the road! :eek:

:eek: :scared1: :eek: :scared1: How scary! I thought you were going to say they were robbing the place too...AND pull a gun! :eek: :scared1: I'm glad that wasn't the case....and, I didn't know 7-11s in NY sold alcohol :confused3 They do in Fla, NY...I think I'm livin in the wrong state :rolleyes1 ....altho, Sheetz convenience stores just started a 'test' store in central PA selling the alcohol....hopefully it will 'pass' it's test and all PA will eventually sell booze in supermarkets and conv. stores....
Got the parental units back over to their house. :woohoo:
Power lines were reattached around 5:00. It took a few hours for the house to warm up, so they stayed for dinner and I drove them the mile and a half to their house.
My step dad is 15 years older than my mom. He is easily stressed when life doesn't go as planned. Has to eat dinner at 4:00 every night (afternoon!) or is grumpy as all get out. Getting old really sucks.

Mom has 5 (4 now) very old, very large, pine trees that tower over the house. Here you can see a couple of them.

In this next photo, you can see that the bottom of the tree is completely rotted. We are worried that the rest of the trees have the same problem. I'm going to call a tree removal company on Monday and get a quote. She had one cut down last year from out back and it was $1200.

There are usually cars parked on the street and in the neighbor's yard across the street where the top of the tree landed. Thank goodness there were none today. One of the plusses of living in a small town is the response time of Public Works. They were on the scene in like 15 minutes! Could'nt do much until the power was turned off, but it was reassuring to see them there. They said they would be back on Monday to clean up the mess. They used a backhoe to haul the tree out of the street and left it in her yard. They used a plow truck to clean the branches out of the street. It was pretty funny watching it!
Ok, now that I have bored you all with the tree saga, its off to bed.
I'm glad that I found you guys. :grouphug:
I hope Tricia made it out with her friend and is enjoying the evening!
Rose - congrats on the plane tickets. :banana:
Lori - great photos, she's a beautiful girl. :goodvibes

Wow, those are some big trees. I would be worried about rot too but sure wouldn't be happy with paying $1200 a tree to get them cut down.:headache:

And thank you for the compliment. She is my sweetie and my big Disney/Universal fan. I think the two of us need to do a mommy/daughter trip without the stinky, complaining guys.
:eek: :scared1: :eek: :scared1: How scary! I thought you were going to say they were robbing the place too...AND pull a gun! :eek: :scared1: I'm glad that wasn't the case....and, I didn't know 7-11s in NY sold alcohol :confused3 They do in Fla, NY...I think I'm livin in the wrong state :rolleyes1 ....altho, Sheetz convenience stores just started a 'test' store in central PA selling the alcohol....hopefully it will 'pass' it's test and all PA will eventually sell booze in supermarkets and conv. stores....

It was I guess, but I think I have been desensitized to it from teaching young nasty kids :rotfl: . They were blocking the door and I said excuse me to leave. My DF was like why would you do that? Because I wanted to go home of course......;)
Barb - I know you can't tell by the "tone" of the internet, but I'm just joking. I just feel (like I think everyone does when they miss several pages) that I've missed so much. Especially when it's been a day or two and I haven't gotten to comment. Especially when I want to and my stupid computer/internet won't let me. And by the time I do I feel like what I was going to say was 10 pages ago!

So in short, I guess I mean it not like "Wah, you guys aren't talking about/to me" but like "remember me? Seems like it's been ages since I got to talk to you all!"

Yep....kwym.... "tone" is not easily identifiable on the internet :guilty:

Yeah, and I already told him that with the money he's spent on football tickets this year .....

:scratchin may have something and the DS14 and DS12....hhhhmmmmm....

I say....plan a trip for the 3 of you! ;)
Way to go!!!

If you keep posting all the smilies/icons, you might hit 3K by years end....let's see....about 30 days to go, need about 1000 (?) posts... :scratchin ...i think that is about 33 posts per can do it! :cheer2:

Stick with Elmer...she'll keep ya chattin' :thumbsup2

I'm really working hard at it! The bad thing is this is pretty much the only thread I post in, there are a few that I do every once in a while, so you guys might get real sick of me if I try to get to 3000.
It was I guess, but I think I have been desensitized to it from teaching young nasty kids :rotfl: . They were blocking the door and I said excuse me to leave. My DF was like why would you do that? Because I wanted to go home of course......;)

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: you GO girl!
Evening everyone!

Been trying to shop today but the stores are mobbed!!

Lori - What cute pics! That tree skirt is from Walmart, I know because I have the same with penguins!

Interesting night tho...We stopped at 7-11 for some Slurpies. Well as we are grabbing them, two young guys, maybe teens, head to the back of the store while keeping their eyes fixated on the counter. Well DF and I go to pay, and these guys move quickly out without buying anything. Well I glanced over and say at least two beers in one guy's pocket. The employee stops him, and the teen starts yelling that he walked in with them in his pockets. (Um, ok, sure) The guy was definitely under the influence, of what tho, I don't know. Well we finish paying, but the employees and the teen are arguing, while three of his buddies are standing outside. Then the guy starts yelling and almost getting violent with the employees. Then they take off, and guess what the cops were at McDonald's down the road! :eek:

So that was out interesting these days :confused3

Well have a great Sunday, catch you all tomorrow!

Yeah Katie the tree & the tree skirt were bought at Walmart in Orlando on the evening of the 22nd and put up in our villa Christmas Eve. The skirt came home with us but the tree was left behind, didn't want to lug it home.

Sounds like an exciting evening. Glad you got out of there safe and sound.
How was the party? For family or friend? Adult or kid? Have a good time???

How is/did the game go? Last I saw it was Missouri 3-0 :confused3

The party was for a friend of Ally's. They had a lot of fun so it was all good.

Get this:
#9 SOONERS 38 #1?Missouri 17. It was never really in question. We knew they would win, just not the same caliber of team. We had already beat them once this year. OU was favored to win, just doesn't make any sense to me that a team can be ranked #1 and not even be favored to win their first game after getting that ranking.
I'm really working hard at it! The bad thing is this is pretty much the only thread I post in, there are a few that I do every once in a while, so you guys might get real sick of me if I try to get to 3000.

This is pretty much the only thread I post in too....I will venture out to the UO boards and help answer questions, I will read the DCL forums, but don't even go to the Disney side....I barely have enuf time on THIS THREAD! :headache:

Heck...I've been playing ketchup from this morning alone for almost 2 hours now....

I worked this morning, and came home and waited a bit for the boys to get back from shopping ;) Then we went tree shopping.... that was 2 hours and we were on the way home at dusk! (We needed to get a tree today cuz we are runnin' short on time!) Got it home and set it up....
(DH cutting the bottom off)

(getting ready to "let 'er down")



(in case anyone didn't feel like going back to see that pic)

Then I went to the store because tomorrow is gonna be a yuckie day and figure we'll stay home and decorate the house (inside) and maybe make cookies....depends how far we get with the decorating :rolleyes:

So, now I'm tired from ketchuping.... Tricia is gonna grumble again at all the pages she needs to ketchup on.... :rolleyes1 But, I'm sure her "gals nite out" was well worth it :thumbsup2

"I'm tired....think I'll go home now."
-Forrest Gump
Yeah Katie the tree & the tree skirt were bought at Walmart in Orlando on the evening of the 22nd and put up in our villa Christmas Eve. The skirt came home with us but the tree was left behind, didn't want to lug it home.

Okay...that answers MY question...don't blame you for leavin' it...I would have too....(ya'd think DVCers would get a 'perk' like that :confused3 )

The party was for a friend of Ally's. They had a lot of fun so it was all good.

Get this:
#9 SOONERS 38 #1?Missouri 17. It was never really in question. We knew they would win, just not the same caliber of team. We had already beat them once this year. OU was favored to win, just doesn't make any sense to me that a team can be ranked #1 and not even be favored to win their first game after getting that ranking.

Glad to hear all went well and fun was to be had....after all....TIS the season.... :santa:

Ya know...I don't "get" the whole 'ranking' system :confused3 It confuses me :confused3 ..... then again, I AM blonde!! :rolleyes1

Beautiful tree! Can't wait to see pics of it decorated.

Don't worry....I'm sure you will :thumbsup2 On the agenda for mid-week....Wednesday maybe? :scratchin
Saving the best news for last....

Wanted to let my "Secret Santa orna-buddy" know my package arrived safe and in 1 piece today..... thank you :goodvibes luvs it :thumbsup2 word for you (you know who you are)


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