Hula's Magic Pin Switch Trick 1/14 MERGED

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...I would get in, for the first 10 minutes or so. Then, 25 minutes later, I was #98 (someone must have dropped out because my wife went from 24 to 23) so for the first half an hour, she services 1 person while hundreds of others wait. then, for the next hour and a half, she gets, maybe, and this is a strong maybe, 1 person for every minute.

Only a side note, and possible explanation to why you or your wife didn't move much for a while...

Hula likely lowered the room capacity after the first group was in there (this is common among all Hosts). That means, that while you weren't moving, the first 10 people got their pins. Once that 10th person left, then the first person in queue got in - from then on the room capacity was 6 (I believe), including Hula.

So, to correct the math, during the first 25 minutes 10 people got their pins. This is also the time frame that Hula had a disconnection, so the average time to begin with was definitely slower. She obviously picked up a lot of slack over the next 1 1/2 hour, though, considering her overall average trade time.

I do see your arguments and understand what you're trying to say. I don't think Hula should be punished for having internet issues - they're not her fault, and she does a very good job with any event she runs. I do think it would be a punishment if she were limited to only specific types of events - we would be too! It's likely there wouldn't have been a pin trade event at all this month had Hula not suggested one.

:cheer2::cheer2:Have a great Tuesday, all! :cheer2::cheer2:
Has anyone thought that maybe Hula was looking at your inventory to see if she could give you a pin that completes your set? If so, this may take some time. Typically, you trade your pin, ask for a pin they are wearing, but my understanding is that this event was not done this way.

Nobody knows how the pins were chosen. My personal opinion? Hula did a quick peek into each of our inventories to see which pin we did not have yet. Hence " magical " pin trading. Takes a little longer yes, worth the wait? definately! [/COLOR]

I don't think this is correct. I had the full series already of the pin I got. I was also 2 in queue at the start of the game, so it's not like I was at the end and she was rushing.

I have no idea of how the pin is chosen.

Yes, I do think there were some personal attacks on Hula in this thread. I have always found that she is a very kind and sweet person and it was not very nice that people, in their frustration, said such hurtful things. But, there was also some constructive criticism as well. I saw some valid points brought up with some ways to fix them. If some of VMK staff does visit the boards, perhaps they can take some of the ideas offered and use them to improve events. Criticism to better something is never wrong. But making rude comments about an employee of Disney was.
I do see your arguments and understand what you're trying to say. I don't think Hula should be punished for having internet issues - they're not her fault, and she does a very good job with any event she runs. I do think it would be a punishment if she were limited to only specific types of events - we would be too! It's likely there wouldn't have been a pin trade event at all this month had Hula not suggested one.

:cheer2::cheer2:Have a great Tuesday, all! :cheer2::cheer2:

See, I do not see it as punishment, but rather, proper and effective management.

Back to the grocery store analogy, if you are the slowest checker in the store, is it punishing you to not put you on the express line? Or to have you bagging, instead of checking during busy times? No, it is not, it is proper management. Regardless of an employees feelings, I always have them do a job that they can do effectively. I am not going to have an employee who has the slowest, least up-to-date computer hosting video streams, but that employee most certainly do less processor/connectivity intense work. I am not punishing them, I am managing.
Only a side note, and possible explanation to why you or your wife didn't move much for a while...

Hula likely lowered the room capacity after the first group was in there (this is common among all Hosts). That means, that while you weren't moving, the first 10 people got their pins. Once that 10th person left, then the first person in queue got in - from then on the room capacity was 6 (I believe), including Hula.

This is exactly what happened, I was in the first group. 15 people were in, and we noticed as someone left people were not coming in. It was obvious she lowered the capacity of the room. She did several trades before anyone in queue would have seen any impact.

Most of us will obviously never agree here. I saw some people put forth suggestions for fixing the event. What about the other half of us who dont see it as broken?

I dont want to see a pin trading event turned into max capacity. Just want people to realize there are plenty of people in the game who share this opinion as well. You will note trade rooms are pretty easy to find. Just look at the top of the guestroom list. i mean under free leaving vmk rooms... and under the day cares... and the boys ask girls to dance rooms...

Teleporter games are available for people who like little host interaction, speed, and a prize.

I promise not to campaign against those games, leave the few events alone for those of us who either like to interact with the host or like the rarity aspect of the game, or both.

I just looked at next weeks calendar.

there are 7 events next week that will serve the masses.

there are 5 events that will have limited capacity (of those 5, 3 will have prizes, 1 I couldnt tell, and 1 wont.)

there is 1 event that doesnt fall into either category

To me it looks like they could please all of us, if we weren't so stubborn.

My issue is not really that there is a limited capacity event, but the way that event is run. The fact is, it is a very limited (under 200) person event, and if, realistically, you do not get into the queue within mere seconds of it opening, you will not get in the room. That is a serious flaw. There is simply NO chance that anyone else will be able to. There should be a very limited, or no queue for the event so that people have an opportunity to get into the room for the entire two hours it is open, not for only 5 seconds.

My issue is not really that there is a limited capacity event, but the way that event is run. The fact is, it is a very limited (under 200) person event, and if, realistically, you do not get into the queue within mere seconds of it opening, you will not get in the room. That is a serious flaw. There is simply NO chance that anyone else will be able to. There should be a very limited, or no queue for the event so that people have an opportunity to get into the room for the entire two hours it is open, not for only 5 seconds.

I know doc, I wasnt really responding to your posts at that point. I gave up on you :rotfl: just kidding.

I always said I preferred the old 50 limit queue personally. I think it did give others a chance for all the games, not just the pin trading event. If you arent there at opening (other than a teleporter game) you will probably not get in any of these events.
I see both Aengus and mtlhddoc2's points on this. I like that the pin trading events give us access to to some rare pins that we might not otherwise be able to get. The limited access of the event allows those items to hold their value. However, I think mtlhddoc2 is right in that any event that essentially over in a few seconds probably needs to be re-examined. That's not Hula's fault, that's just the nature of these pin trading events.

I'm willing to give Hula a break here. It was the first host event in a long time and she was, we assume, working with some new method of randomizing the pin selection. We all know she gives 110% and if she could have done anything to be able to trade with more players, she certainly would have. I don't know anything about her computer or its connection to the internet. I would think that if there is a problem there it is on her employer to provide her with the tools she needs to do the job. That's between her and Disney.

I don't want to step over into the area of gratuitous host bottom smooching but I am sincerely glad that the host events in general are back! :thumbsup2
I see both Aengus and mtlhddoc2's points on this. I like that the pin trading events give us access to to some rare pins that we might not otherwise be able to get. The limited access of the event allows those items to hold their value. However, I think mtlhddoc2 is right in that any event that essentially over in a few seconds probably needs to be re-examined. That's not Hula's fault, that's just the nature of these pin trading events.

I'm willing to give Hula a break here. It was the first host event in a long time and she was, we assume, working with some new method of randomizing the pin selection. We all know she gives 110% and if she could have done anything to be able to trade with more players, she certainly would have. I don't know anything about her computer or its connection to the internet. I would think that if there is a problem there it is on her employer to provide her with the tools she needs to do the job. That's between her and Disney.

I don't want to step over into the area of gratuitous host bottom smooching but I am sincerely glad that the host events in general are back! :thumbsup2

Pete, if you think I didnt notice you took both sides and drove a wedge into this thread in the first place your sadly mistaken ROFL :rotfl:

I reported you already!!
Pete, if you think I didnt notice you took both sides and drove a wedge into this thread in the first place your sadly mistaken ROFL :rotfl:

I reported you already!!

It's a personal problem actually. I'm a very argumentative person. By the time I got into this discussion both sides were already clearly defined. I had no choice but to triangulate new position that allowed me to attack both of the existing arguments.

I'll be sure to talk it through with my counselor this week! :lmao:

EDIT: Oh, and don't think that I didn't notice that you never told us which pin you got!

ETA: Grand Cali, Thanks :thumbsup2
It's a personal problem actually. I'm a very argumentative person. By the time I got into this discussion both sides were already clearly defined. I had no choice but to triangulate new position that allowed me to attack both of the existing arguments.

I'll be sure to talk it through with my counselor this week! :lmao:

Pink? Why is he allowed off the pirates dock? :rotfl:

ETA: grand cali

My issue is not really that there is a limited capacity event, but the way that event is run. The fact is, it is a very limited (under 200) person event, and if, realistically, you do not get into the queue within mere seconds of it opening, you will not get in the room. That is a serious flaw. There is simply NO chance that anyone else will be able to. There should be a very limited, or no queue for the event so that people have an opportunity to get into the room for the entire two hours it is open, not for only 5 seconds.

Not everybody thinks this is a problem. We know that if we want to go to this event, we have to be prepared at opening to get in line. It would be the same at most stores - if there is a product in high demand with a limited supply, you get there and expect to wait in order to get the chance to buy it.

After thinking about this thread for a day, I believe that one phrase sums up why people are upset and complaining: A Sense of Entitlement.
I always said I preferred the old 50 limit queue personally. I think it did give others a chance for all the games, not just the pin trading event. If you arent there at opening (other than a teleporter game) you will probably not get in any of these events.

Well, I hadn't read your posts in the past about this, but I've held this position since they announced they were going to introduce the VMK Pass.

It's nice to see that others share my opinion on this. Limited lines allowed the hosts to create better games with better prizes.

Kudos for having such a brilliant thought, Aengus. :thumbsup2
We know that if we want to go to this event, we have to be prepared at opening to get in line. It would be the same at most stores - if there is a product in high demand with a limited supply, you get there and expect to wait in order to get the chance to buy it.

After thinking about this thread for a day, I believe that one phrase sums up why people are upset and complaining: A Sense of Entitlement.

Yep. And I never try for those product either. Of course, I didn't even want a tickle-me-elmo, or an iPhone, but I sure would like the treasure magic pin, lol.
Not everybody thinks this is a problem. We know that if we want to go to this event, we have to be prepared at opening to get in line. It would be the same at most stores - if there is a product in high demand with a limited supply, you get there and expect to wait in order to get the chance to buy it.

After thinking about this thread for a day, I believe that one phrase sums up why people are upset and complaining: A Sense of Entitlement.

Thats where you are wrong, it is not entitlement, it is fairness that we are after. Look at the posts here, these types of events, the same people always get in and the same people almost always do not. It is simply not fair that someone with a slightly better computer can click into the room faster and get into the top of the line. Reduce the queue or eliminate it altogether is the only FAIR way.

I will say it yet again, I REALLY do not care that I did not get in. I have every pin she gave away and do not need another sorcerer hat from treasure magic. What upsets me is that, those that did get in are all in the same boat as me and many of those that did not, really could have used those pins. The game is unbalanced in favor of those of us who have been around since beta and in favor of those running top of the line ultrafast computers.
What upsets me is that, those that did get in are all in the same boat as me and many of those that did not, really could have used those pins. The game is unbalanced in favor of those of us who have been around since beta and in favor of those running top of the line ultrafast computers.

There aren't very many games that DON'T favor experienced players.
There aren't very many games that DON'T favor experienced players.

But the problem is that it is SO unbalanced, that it does more than favor experienced players, it disfavors all others. The balance is not there and is becoming more unbalanced as time goes on. People such as you and I can command insane prices for our "rare" items because they keep re-releasing the "medium" rare items. (another topic) - so what events like this are intended for, is to attempt to help those who have little or no rare to acquire some, but I really didnt see any of the newer players actually get in. Everyone who reported getting in was a long time player. The Balance is gone ad it needs to be restored.
There are also different views on what's fair, so nobody is going to win that argument. ;)

It certainly goes without saying that if you are playing a computer game, those with the faster computers are going to have an advantage. However, I have been lucky with getting certain items, with my fireworks game, and with getting into most host events - and I certainly don't have a top-of-the-line, ultra-fast computer. Is it adequate? Yes. Is it special? No. lol

I know I've been disappointed when I haven't been able to get into host events in the past (pre-limitless lines), but I've never been angry/upset at VMK, a specific host, or other people because of that.

What's fair? Your fair and my fair won't look the same, regardless of who you are. My wife and I may agree on most opinions regarding VMK, but there are still nuances that differ between what we would perceive as fair or not. Very difficult topic to tackle! :)

What was the topic again? lol
But the problem is that it is SO unbalanced, that it does more than favor experienced players, it disfavors all others. The balance is not there and is becoming more unbalanced as time goes on. People such as you and I can command insane prices for our "rare" items because they keep re-releasing the "medium" rare items. (another topic) - so what events like this are intended for, is to attempt to help those who have little or no rare to acquire some, but I really didnt see any of the newer players actually get in. Everyone who reported getting in was a long time player. The Balance is gone ad it needs to be restored.

It sounds like we've jumped from entitlements to outright class warfare?

Personally, I think you're over stating the problem a bit. The fact that Inferno is now a DMR prize pretty much torpedoes that whole argument. I would not be the least bit surprised to see Green Flips back in the Emporium specials one day soon.

As a side note, describing items as "medium rare" makes me lol. :thumbsup2
I think that there is a lot of validity to Aensming comment that there is a sense of entitlement in this game. We saw a lot of that during dreams month when people were waiting hours in rooms (many who ran more than one character). People just think that they should be able to get everything, and get more of it (and then trade their extras to new players so they can get more stuff).

I actually like the longer queues coupled with the ability to get a VMK pass. When they limited the lines to 50, I couldn't get in the games at all. At least now, I can get into a line for the teleporter games and have a chance to participate in the events.

And why is it so wrong if a game is filled to capacity within a few seconds of the game opening. You can't expect the hosts to run these games 24/7. If people want to get in the game that badly, then they should log on and do the search for the host room like everyone else. Sometimes they'll have luck, sometimes they won't.

And I don't agree with the argument that the games are geared to people with better computers, or better internet connections. In reality, it's not Disney's fault that some people have older computers and are still on dial up. If you can't get into a host event or stay in a game of mansion because you have an older computer, and it matters that much to you, then find a way to get a new computer. Shortening the lines on these games aren't going to give people with slower computers an advantage because they are still going to be trying to get in the lines against the people with the faster computers.

If they are going to shorten the lines, I'd rather it be because they know that they can only accomodate a certain number of people. So, let's say a trade event can handle 150, well, cut the line of at 150, and make sure that those 150 people are allowed to participate before closing the game. That way if a kid gets in line at 245, and there is really no chance of them getting in, they aren't wasting their time waiting.

The more I read the more it sounds like sour grapes. mtlhddoc, I'm just wondering if you really didn't care about the getting in the pin trading event, or getting one of the pins, then why did you even bother staying in line yesterday?

mtlhddoc made a comment in an earlier post about how this particular event was the first event in months. Maybe it's threads like this that made them take a break from events involving prizes. Too many complaining adults who are there to go on and on about what is wrong with how they run things.
when you go to McDonalds and order a burger, do you really care about a new process by which they make the burgers? or do you just care about getting your burger in a timely manner?

Neither of the above. I hope to get my burger in a timely manner but want it to be cooked properly as I really do not want to deal with salmonella or any of the other fun stuff people get when food isn't handled properly. Taco Bell served their food in a timely manner in my town. Then everyone who had eaten their food on certain days got to be served a Hepatitis A vaccine in a timely manner too.

The unfortunate thing with the pin trading event was, tour buses full of kids returning form a field trip arrived at the same time I did, leaving me in a long, slow line full of people deciding what they wanted and searching their pockets for the correct change. So I needed to make a choice. Should I wait in line for a not so timely burger (or maybe no burger at all since McDonald's was closing in two hours) or should I decide the possibility of having a burger was worth a long wait?

My usual choice for pin events is to skip the burger. Yesterday I was 21st in line and curious about the pin trading event so I opted to try for a burger. the wait was long but my transaction with Hula was pleasant, quick and efficient. Hula said hello while I was choosing my pin, I offered a Golden Giraffe pin, I said hello while Hula chose her pin, Hula offered a Grand Californian Hotel pin, I said thank you while we completed the trade and I believe Hula said you're welcome. I then said thank you again as I left the room, but did notice the trade symbol above Hula and the next person so no time was wasted by that. So, while I didn't receive my burger in the most timely manner (waited in line for at least half an hour), it was cooked to my satisfaction and so far I seem to have avoided salmonella.

I do have some suggestions for players to help make the pin trading events more efficient:
1. Make sure your trades are on.
2. Decide which pin you are going to offer before the event starts.
3. Open your pin inventory before the event starts and page through it to load the pins.
4. Don't attempt to engage the host in conversation before, during or after the trade.
5. Don't go afk once you are in the trade room.

And here are my probably controversial suggestions for VMK:
1. Keep the pin trading events, many people do enjoy them very much!
2. Implement a feature for hosts and even players to allow them to set a limit for how many people can get in line for a room or event. For pin trades, I'd suggest something like the first 150 people in line will have the opportunity to trade (disconnections and walk aways don't get to trade but are part of that original 150 number). As soon as the limit is reached, the line is closed to any other people and the room/event stays open until those people have been through or the room/event has to be closed due to unforeseen circumstances.
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