Politics on the Podcast


<font color=peach>An expert on only some things ;)
Oct 11, 2004
Hey, Podcast Team!

Love the podcast - I've not missed a single one since the beginning (well, maybe one from the "old style", but none since the advent of the roundtable.)

It's YOUR podcast, and it's YOUR right to say or do with it what you want, but if I may be so presumptuous, may I please make a suggestion?

I know you're very passionate about many issues (especially Pete). So are we all. Unfortunately, especially around election time, we can be rather polarized in this polarized country on certain issues. You know the old saying about not discussing religion or politics!

I, like many of your fans, am a "red-stater." Most, if not all of the podcast crew, seem to be "blue-staters." Pete, by your own admission, called yourself a "screaming, leftie, liberal." I'm a "right-wing nutjob." You say tomato, I say blow 'em all away and let God sort 'em out. (OK, I'm not THAT much of a right-wing nutjob!)

I love you guys, even though we have some differences of opinion, politically. The reason I, and the rest of your fans listen, is not for politics, but for our shared love of Disney.

I can't speak for anyone else, but when you guys (ok, mostly Pete) go on political rants, my natural instinct is to become defensive. I know you're intention is not to make personal attacks, but when I hear someone blast away at things I feel passionate about, it takes the fun out of the podcast, and makes me antagonistic. For example, when you said, that if "if you have any sense of the things going on in this country... you're part of the problem, not part of the solution," I took it as a slam on my strongly held beliefs. (Would this be considered a "point demerit" if one of us posted it? ;)) I have sense, but I have a different view on this issue. It was not very nice to belittle the beliefs of approximately half the population.

Again, it's your podcast. I'm not an activist demanding you to change what you say or how you say it. I love you guys, even when we disagree. I only offer this as constructive criticism, so that you don't potentially alienate newer listeners who may not "know" you guys as well as some of the longer listeners.

Leave the politics to the crazies (like me) on the Community Board! :hippie:
No one's going to touch this thread with a 10 foot pole. Are you sure you want to "go there" ray?

As a newbie (and someone who is yet to do any 'pod downloads, here), I say "keep it Disney" -- there's more than enough places on the 'net to express one's political views...
I, like many of your fans, am a "red-stater." Most, if not all of the podcast crew, seem to be "blue-staters." Pete, by your own admission, called yourself a "screaming, leftie, liberal." I'm a "right-wing nutjob." You say tomato, I say blow 'em all away and let God sort 'em out. (OK, I'm not THAT much of a right-wing nutjob!)
There are certainly many of us "blue-staters" that listen as well. Can't we just find the purple ground?
No one's going to touch this thread with a 10 foot pole. Are you sure you want to "go there" ray?


My thoughts exactly :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I enjoy Pete's outbursts. :thumbsup2 But hey I'm a "screaming, leftie, liberal" too. popcorn::
I must say that I do agree about leaving politics out of the podcast.
I haven't listened to the email show this week, so I don't know if there is something specific in there you are talking about. I also know that Pete can tend to jump on his soapbox about the things he is passionate about. I, like the OP, am a conservative. My biggest problem with political talk is it's a lot of complaining and a lot of disrespect. While there are many, many problems in the world, the complaining doesn't solve the problem.

I also don't listen to the podcast for their political views. But, I will point out on this week's show Pete encouraged people to go out and vote on Super Tuesday for those people affected by it. He also said he didn't want to get into politics and wasn't going to discuss the views, just that it was important to get out there and vote. I thought it was well said.
When it comes to politics I don't know what I am. I mean I know what my own personal moral beliefs are but how that falls in line with what political catagory, I don't know. I guess I have just purposely stayed ignorant to the whole political scene because it is so confusing.

So political talk doesn't necessarily bother me one way or the other but the fact of the matter is, It's not DISNEY, and that is why I listen.:thumbsup2
As much as it is Peter's right (or anyone's right) to speak his mind... we, as listeners are also making a choice. If you don't like it, you don't listen. And if you really feel strongly about something that Pete said, you make a post. If Pete doesn't like it, since it is "his" forum, he has the right to police it. If you don't agree with it, you leave.

Everyone makes their choices, and everyone's choices have consequences. Sorry, that sounds like my wife the 2nd grade teacher, but you know what I mean :)

Just my thoughts,
Well you got to admit, Pete's discussion on the finger scanning issue does stop and make you go Hmmmmm? No matter what political leanings you may have, it's a very thought provoking issue and Pete is well informed about it.
I tend to agree there's a time and place for politics..
Disney' seems like one of those not a time places.
A place where we can forget what divides us and unite with what
we all obviously enjoy.

By the way, one of my biggest Pet Peeves' (Not Pete, Peeve.)
is Hollywood/TV stars who tell me how to vote.
For any Candidate.
Like multi million, some cases Billionaires can relate to real world life
enough to understand what we need and should do.
I am of the mind set, if you don't like what's on, turn it off.
If you can't say anything nice........

It all boils down to, yes we should be polite, and yes we should respect others opinions. In the end it's Pete's show and he can say what he wants. You don't have to agree or listen. But you have to appreciate his passion!
I agree with the OP's sentiments - and it has been a pretty firm policy of mine to stay away from political or religous discussions on the show. It's not what the show is for - but, sometimes it just falls out of me and I can't help it. You have my word that I will keep the politics to a minimum. BUT - there is one thing I should clear up. For the most part, I identify more closely with 'moderate' political viewpoints. I was raised in the bluest of blue states (New Jersey), but my parents were always fiercly independant in their political views (they voted for Nixon, Carter, Regan and Clinton) and I have pretty much the same attitudes. I've voted for and donated to the campaigns of both republicans (but not the hateful ones) and democrats (but not the stupid ones). On the issue of civil rights, I'm definately a crazy lefty - but I promise to keep it in check from here on out.

That's okay Pete -- I thought you were just practicing "full disclosure". ;)
I agree with the OP's sentiments - and it has been a pretty firm policy of mine to stay away from political or religous discussions on the show. It's not what the show is for - but, sometimes it just falls out of me and I can't help it. You have my word that I will keep the politics to a minimum. BUT - there is one thing I should clear up. For the most part, I identify more closely with 'moderate' political viewpoints. I was raised in the bluest of blue states (New Jersey), but my parents were always fiercly independant in their political views (they voted for Nixon, Carter, Regan and Clinton) and I have pretty much the same attitudes. I've voted for and donated to the campaigns of both republicans (but not the hateful ones) and democrats (but not the stupid ones). On the issue of civil rights, I'm definately a crazy lefty - but I promise to keep it in check from here on out.


Way to go Pete! I agree with much of what the OP said, being very conservative myself. It does make me a little uncomfortable when politics creeps up in the podcast, or maybe it is just that no one can hear me yelling back at my computer screen that is bothersome, hmm??? Anyway kudos to you for handling this so professionally. BTW, my feelings are so strong on many issues I am positive I would not be able to control myself either. In reference to another posters comment....On the DIS we are not red or blue, we are all lime green! :grouphug:
i honestly didn't see anything wrong with the rant...I took the rant as a "go vote" and not a "go vote for person X"

but then again I am also grew up in MA which maybe even more blue state than NJ.
i honestly didn't see anything wrong with the rant...I took the rant as a "go vote" and not a "go vote for person X"

but then again I am also grew up in MA which maybe even more blue state than NJ.

I agree and I am from a red state!


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