Officially Losing My Mind


DIS Veteran
Jan 10, 2007
So we go to dinner tonight to celebrate Valentine's Day a day early. You know there will be no getting into a restaurant tomorrow. So we are sitting at Macaroni Grill trying to decide what to order. My daughter says something about alfredo sauce. I looked at my husband and said "Where was it that you recently had an alredo sauce that you really liked?" He looked at me kind of weird and mentioned some place we had been together. I said "No, I wasn't with you and you were telling me about it."

Then it dawned on was Kevin's review of Mama Melrose. So I had to say "I'm sorry that was the Podcast I listened to last week." He just shook his head.

I'm sure if I could get him to listen to one he would understand!
:rotfl2: Nothing like confusing something you thought your husband said for something Kevin actually said - And at your Valentine's dinner to boot!! :rotfl2:
Ohhh now that's just wrong. I hope he forgave you. I think I would have kept it to myself until I at least got home. Seriously, my DH just doesn't get it. It's really quite depressing not to be able to chat up Disney or the most recent podcast with him.....or anyone for that matter. I have no desire to talk Disney with someone who's totally uninterested. THAT'S no fun. I think I just drifted off topic. Sorry.
It was during the "invisible friends" segment that DD13 asked if she was allowed to start downloading the show on her own ipod. Duh! Of course!!! She thought that email was so funny!
I do that all the time! Just something random every now and then. I refer to the podcast crew on a first name basis...and expect DH to know who i'm talking about! He's figured it out now when I say Kevin, Corey, Julie, Pete, Bawb, or John...he just rolls his
Hopefully Kevins name wasn't mentioned any other time during the Valentine "celebration" !! :scared1:
ye my boyfriend seems quite worried about my 'invisable friends', for a while he thought they were real people he hadn't heard of before. Now he just rolls his eyes (hes still a Disney Virgin!) One of these days...
Let me tell you...I work at a police station as a dispatcher/911 operator. Well, I'm with these guys for 12 hour shifts. They know all about my Disney obsession and I'm always quoting the podcast and telling them things from it. They listen and smile. But I think they just humor me and suspect I may have a harmless mental problem.
Funny side note though...turns out our new police chief's daughter just stopped being Snow White on the cruise ships. When they found out they all said "Oh God, keep her away from Michelle! She'll want to take pictures with her!"

and it's true...I would.
I did that too! But I was thinking who was it that was talking about... and realized it was on the show! It boggled my mind for a while that I could remember who in my life had talked about it... and it was someone in my umm "podlife" LOL


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