Sky writing over disney

You know, actually, DH and I weren't bothered by the gazillion (and I'm not exaggerating on that number ;) ) billboards on the interstate in Florida on our way to WDW that advertise the "risque" truck stop. Athough, in our state, there would NEVER be a billboard like that.

It's a billboard. And someday, if they are still up and our children are old enough to wonder what those are all about, we'll have to explain it to them in age-appropriate terms.

I wish I could remember the name of that truck stop. We got some great chuckles on the way down from their advertisements. :lmao:
Well, now I really do hope I get to see dude when we're down there next. And I want to take pictures of his writings too!

Now that sounded like you said that to get under the skin of those of us who do not wish to see him.

It's really nice that it's ok for us to be inconvenienced by this, in that we can change our angles on our shots, never mind that I want to get my shots where I want to get them. To me, this is nothing more than graffiti.

Now I've gone and gotten involved in this. Mods, where are you? :confused:
I wish I could remember the name of that truck stop. We got some great chuckles on the way down from their advertisements. :lmao:

Theyre planted every 50 feet or so....



The thing is - youre driving down a highway. Youre not in a privately owned NON DENOMINATIONAL place you paid money to be....

I dont see it as the same thing.
Why all the personal attacks on CathrynRose? She is entitled to her opinion just as everyone else is. You go girl! :thumbsup2
Why all the personal attacks on CathrynRose? She is entitled to her opinion just as everyone else is. You go girl! :thumbsup2

Theyre really not personally attacking - Ive been through worse. Im a Community Board regular. :lmao:

BUT - I did say I was leaving, and I am.

And again - skywriting over Disney, no matter what it said, would annoy me. And just because you are cool with the message doesnt mean it's appropriate.
We see the skywriting every trip! It is kind of a Disney tradition for us. We always find it fun to see what he's going to write. When I get my Photopass CD (should be arriving today), I'll have to post a funny picture with one of his messages in the background. We stopped for a picture on the bridge to France in WS and after we had the picture taken, we realized the skywriting was right over our heads! It is pretty funny.

ETA -- Didn't read all the posts before I posted! Yikes! Must go back and catch up before I write any more...
Its a message in the sky that YOU happen to be okay with - as previously mentioned, if it said "COME TO THE PUSSYCAT CLUB AT 8 TONIGHT!" it might bother you. Or if it was a plane with a banner of built-Mickey - it might bother you.

Disney again, has a no-fly zone - this guy is intentionally trying to get around it.

Im not saying - lets shoot them out of the sky. Im saying it annoys me, tremendously. Just as my signature does, to you.

Yes, but you are saying he shouldn't be able to do it b/c it annoys you. I am saying if it does annoy you, just look away, like I do with your siggy.

If you would like to continue to talk in circle about this until you understand my meaning I have no problem with that. I would rather not considering I am sick with the flu.
Yes, but you are saying he shouldn't be able to do it b/c it annoys you. I am saying if it does annoy you, just look away, like I do with your siggy.

If you would like to continue to talk in circle about this until you understand my meaning I have no problem with that. I would rather not considering I am sick with the flu.

UGH! I wanna leave.....

This is the difference.

You CHOOOOOOSE to come DIS. Knowing full well you could see a Muscle Man Mickey. Im allowed to have it - its my DIS signature.

Im going to WDW and seeing NON DISNEY skywriting, while Im there - which is NOT drawn up there by Disney. Its someone getting around the no-fly zone with obnoxiously large letters (which is why he's sloppy) over Kissimmee.

If Disney sponsored Mr Skywriter - well then gee - I'd be just like you having to endure Muscle Man Mickey. But they do not. This man is invading both you and I, and everyone elses sky. But you just happen to like what he's writing.
I think its safe to say, this conversation no longer has anything to do with Disney....:confused3

Next thread please....
Im going to WDW and seeing NON DISNEY skywriting, while Im there - which is NOT drawn up there by Disney. Its someone getting around the no-fly zone with obnoxiously large letters (which is why he's sloppy) over Kissimmee.

If Disney sponsored Mr Skywriter - well then gee - I'd be just like you having to endure Muscle Man Mickey. But they do not. This man is invading both you and I, and everyone elses sky. But you just happen to like what he's writing.

For what it's worth, I agree with you. I've never seen the skywriting at WDW, but it would annoy me if I did.

I'd rather he spent his money helping others in need, instead of trying to preach to the Disney crowds, which he is clearly trying to do.
I'm an atheist and a liberal. The liberal side wins out on this one. But I agree with the PP, it is annoying no matter what the message is. Well I might get a kick out of Surrender Dorothy. But he has a right to do it, and I wouldn't take a civil right away from anyone. That doesn't mean I don't think it's a stupid waste of time and money though, but that's his choice (and that goes for anything it might say...even Eat at Joes or Disney Rocks!).

I've been to Disney hundreds of times...nearly every weekend...and have only seen his skywriting a couple of times. I'm too busy looking around to look up, I guess. lol
I'd rather he spent his money helping others in need, instead of trying to preach to the Disney crowds, which he is clearly trying to do.

I must say that this is one of the best posts on this thread. It would be nice if he could take that money and donate to an organization, such as Give Kids the World, who help to bring ill children to Disney. I feel the same way about the political fund raising that goes on - so much money wasted that could be donated to the cancer society or other very worth while causes. That's just my opinion though.

I also like the poster who said that he loves the blue sky, which is a gift from Jesus. A beautiful day at Disney truly is a gift from up above.
You know, every time someone brings the skywriter up, I have to think...Why is it that this bothers some people? Have we gotten to the point in this country where we can hear anything on television, the movies, or in public yet cry that we're "offended" when someone mentions the word God or Jesus? Does not offend me in the least. More power to him!:)


yes, because at this point in my life, I associate people who would write something like that in the sky with the same ones supporting the anti gay marriage amendment in FL. I don't go around writing gays FTW in the sky so keep your religion out of my life. I don't want it and I don't want to see it referenced.
Wow, I just came across this post and can't believe it's accumulated 10 pages in a matter of 2 days....I guess the sky writer did manage to get his goal accomplished if he was looking for a little publicity!

Anyways, we saw the sky writing over MK during our trip a few weeks ago. Even though nothing can be done about it (since he's far away from WDW as others mentioned), we did find it a bit offensive. Not enough to ruin our trip of course, but it didn't really go with the MK theme, if you know what I mean. Also, I hate outside reminders of "the real world" while I'm at WDW-one of the best parts about WDW is that it strives to be completely isolated from the outside world. We get "religion pushers" all the time where we live at home and I would prefer their absence while I'm on vacation....unless of course it was telling me:

"Mickey Mouse is our lord and savior"

Then, that would be ok!:thumbsup2
If you look at this topic as something other than a religious debate, I think it may provoke deeper thought.

The clear blue sky is a beautiful canvass given for all of us to enjoy. It's glorious; heavenly.

One guy constantly painting his message up there (no matter what it is) seems a bit over the top...and unfair.

Let me ask you this...if the message was 'Hillary Clinton' on every clear day, would you feel the same?

What about 'George Bush'?

What about 'Osama bin Laden'.

You's not about religion. It's about someone painting on the canvas that belongs to no one of us, but to all of us. What if the sky was full of stuff (religious and non-religious) on every clear day? Would you get tired of it?

Would you really want everyone who had the means to put their grafitti up there? What if you woke up every day at home and someone was up there painting a message you did not want to see - on every clear day?

Personally, Jesus is a friend of mine. But I wouldn't mess up the sky every day to tell you that...I'd let the clear blue glorious sky send that same message.


Very well said! I see this as grafitti. It has nothing to do with religion (even though I don't agree with the message), but annoying writings above an area that's supposed to remove you from reality. I don't want to be walking around Adventureland to look up at the buildings, Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse, etc. only to see this.

With people saying "just don't look up..." am I supposed to see the whole Castle without looking up? How about the Haunted Mansion? Spaceship Earth? I'm sorry, but looking up is required at Disney.

For what it's worth, CathrynRose, everything you've said I totally agree with.
UGH! I wanna leave.....

This is the difference.

1. You CHOOOOOOSE to come DIS. Knowing full well you could see a Muscle Man Mickey. Im allowed to have it - its my DIS signature.
Im going to WDW and seeing NON DISNEY skywriting, while Im there - which is NOT drawn up there by Disney. Its someone getting around the no-fly zone with obnoxiously large letters (which is why he's sloppy) over Kissimmee.

If Disney sponsored Mr Skywriter - well then gee - I'd be just like you having to endure Muscle Man Mickey. But they do not. This man is invading both you and I, and everyone elses sky. But you just happen to like what he's writing.
Sure I didn't come here to get Disney info, but to see a Muscle Man Mickey. :rolleyes: Yet again you proved my point. Just like you have the right to have your siggy, he has the right to sky write.
ok, you obviously didn't understand my analogy using your siggy. Whether it really creeps me out or not is the point, as it was used as a mere example. The point is that it is his right under the First Amendment to sky write whatever message he wished. As long as he is not breaking any laws to do it. Also go back to post #118 and reread the part about the billboard. I didn't agree with it and was highly offended by it. However, I appreciated that church's First Amendment right to put what they wanted on their billboard. So even though, I didn't agree with what they were saying it, I did agree with their right to do so.

For what it's worth, I agree with you. I've never seen the skywriting at WDW, but it would annoy me if I did.

I'd rather he spent his money helping others in need, instead of trying to preach to the Disney crowds, which he is clearly trying to do.

I agree that they money would be better spent in other places. However, unless he is breaking any laws, it is his right do sky write.
I agree that they money would be better spent in other places. However, unless he is breaking any laws, it is his right do sky write.

Mr Skywriter might not be breaking the law, although he is intentionally getting around it.

There is a No Fly Zone over Disney - we've discussed this. He is aware of such, and legally stays in Kissimmee, making enourmous letters, to get around this.

ETA - Why cant I get outtttta here?!?!? LOL!
Zulemara wrote: yes, because at this point in my life, I associate people who would write something like that in the sky with the same ones supporting the anti gay marriage amendment in FL. I don't go around writing gays FTW in the sky so keep your religion out of my life. I don't want it and I don't want to see it referenced.

Boy, talk about mixing apples and oranges!:rotfl:



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