The WOnDeRs - Welcome to the Club -W/C 7th April


<font color=green>Beavers is a dangerous place to
Oct 23, 2005
Hi everyone and welcome to WOnDeRs - Weight Off for Disney PodcasteRs

I have volunteered to run a weekly thread to help and encourage us on the board to loose weight - get fit -stay healthy then maintain our new lifestyles.

I will open up a new thread every Monday morning and we can all chart our progress at any time during the week and I will collate the info and let you know how many pounds we have lost. We could even chart how many hours excercise we have done :goodvibes

We can use this thread to introduce ourselves and put our goals up there- put as much as little info up as you want,whatever you are comfortable with .The thing to remember is although it seems like a battle we are all here to offer support at any time :hug:

Well I will go first

My name is Jackie and live across the pond in Scotland. I have had a constant battle with my weight all my adult life. I am only 5ft 3 so a little weight gained looks a lot more. I have lost 10lbs since Christmas and have another 5lbs to be comfortable. My downfall is maintaining - so my aim is to eat more healthy and cut down on all the bad for you foods. I also need to excercise - I only have a short amount of time a day to fit something in so any suggestions

Good Luck WONDERS :hug:
I haven't posted here in awhile or that long. But I am starting a workout plan today so I figured combine it with Disney and it can't be wrong. My name is Becky and I live near St Louis MO. I have about 80 lbs to lose. I too am short(5'2") and look heavier than I am. I have 2 kids and that is where the weight gains started. I am not going on the cruise but I will be at Disney in May 2009. I look forward to doing this with you guys!

Good Luck
I am right there with you I am 5"2' and have a short torso so any weight gain is just gross!!! I need to lose 15 to be comfortable and need help to maintain as well!!! my name is Katie and I am from the eastern shore MD
I'll go too!!!

Hi all my name is Liz. I quit smoking and had a baby 3 years ago. I also have come upon my 40th birthday this year so all that makes losing weight very hard. I gained 20 pounds when I quit smoking and 40 pounds from having the baby. I have lost 10 of that 60 but need to get these other 50 pounds off me. I will probably join ww this week and start walking daily. I have to get some sort of a plan together. I want to be pre-baby weight before my trip in November. I have had trouble with my weight since I injured my back and was on steroids and had surgery. I lost 53 pounds at ww and kept it off for 5 years before I had the baby. I went from a size 8 to a size 16 not fun.

My two biggest problems are portion control and exercising. I have trouble doing both of these things. So there is my story. Here are a few pics of me and my little guy from last years trips to the world.



Good luck to everyone. I think this type of support is WonDerful!!!

OK just weighed in it is worse than I though and I need to loose 63 pounds. Aaacckk!!!! Better get my butt in gear.
I'm a male and have been carrying extra weight around since fresh out of high school. I've always kept it below extreme but still have been lugging around plenty of extra weight for some time. I've never been able to change my eating habits that I picked up in High School (when I could eat anythign and weigh 175 lbs.). Now I'm 6' tall and started at 228lbs several months ago when we started a biggest loser contest at work (Public School). Since I'm a techie I spend a lot of time at a desk. I coach sports and try to get out and exercise, but if I'm not playing a sport I have a hard time doing "alone" exercise. I came in second place in our biggest loser and dropped 23 pounds. I can really tell a difference, but can see some of my bad habits creaping back in already. I quit all soda and most caffeene. That really seemed to help. I only occasionally drink diet coke and stick with propel for the most part. Anyway, I need to drop about 15-20 more pounds to be at my desired weight and really need to buckle down to reach my goal. Weighing in each week really helps and keeps my on track.

Good luck all! Maybe during the process I can talk my wife into going on the podcast cruise. :thumbsup2
I'm Tonya and am will be losing 75 pounds. I knew I had gained weight thanks to years of steroids for Ulcerative Colitis but in my mind I was still "skinny"* until I saw pictures of myself over the past few months. And then it really hit me when I tried to find something new to wear for Easter. UGHHH!!!! So, it is finally time for "skinny" Tonya to reemerge.

I started WW last week but it has been hard for me to find things to eat and feel satisfied since vegetables and fruits and fiber are not my friends thanks to my UC. Any help my fellow Wonders have would be appreciated. :)

*skinny = my healthy body weight. I will never be skinny by magazine standards.
I'm Tonya and am will be losing 75 pounds. I knew I had gained weight thanks to years of steroids for Ulcerative Colitis but in my mind I was still "skinny"* until I saw pictures of myself over the past few months. And then it really hit me when I tried to find something new to wear for Easter. UGHHH!!!! So, it is finally time for "skinny" Tonya to reemerge.

I started WW last week but it has been hard for me to find things to eat and feel satisfied since vegetables and fruits and fiber are not my friends thanks to my UC. Any help my fellow Wonders have would be appreciated. :)

*skinny = my healthy body weight. I will never be skinny by magazine standards.

don't you hate the harsh reality of pictures I haven't had my picture taken and kept it since I was in high school!!!!
I'm 5'4(another small frame) and would like to lose 40#. That's what I need to do to be healthier, and after that I'll see about the other 20# that would get me back to 1995. ;) That's when I lost weight at WW and became a lifetime member. I almost think that part of the problem was that my goal was too low to maintain. I still felt and looked good with that extra 20 so that's what I'm going for. (I would rather not be thin than be starving all the time until I gain it all back... and then some.)

I am planning on eating right and stepping up my activity level. Please feel free to give me a swift kick when I need one. I think being accountable for a weekly weigh in, plus having to put on a swimsuit in May 09 will help. :eek: That suit won't lie even if I do.

edited to add: I just stepped on the scale for the first time in a while and I guess my goal is 48#. :faint: This came along at a good time since I am at an all time high (or low :sad2: ) for me.
Hi Becky and welcome - have a good week :hug:

Hi Katie - it not fun being vertically challenged sometimes :hug:

Hi Liz - Congratulations of giving up smoking - wieghtwatchers is a good start.Let us know how you get on :hug:

Hi dpuck1998 - Well done on the weight loss so far :thumbsup2 I am trying to convince DH about the cruise too :lmao:

Hi Tonya - it is difficult to find things to eat which we enjoy and in your case agree with you. I am sure someone will be able to suggest some ideas :hug:

Hi fakeredhead - nothing like wearing swimwear to get you motivated is it - I hope we can all keep each other motivated :hug:
Hi, I'm Kim. I guess I'm the one who got this started. Thank you Jackie for volunteering to take care of this. I will be starting WW either this week if the weather is bad (can't plant the garden in the rain) or the next Saturday no matter the weather. I am starting to watch and KIND OF count points. I was in WW a few years a go and lost 90 lbs but I have gained back 1/2 of that. I have been going to the gym faithfully 4-5 days a week for the past 2 months so I'm doing ok with that. It helps that I have to walk past the gym to get to my bus stop on the way home. My total goal is 100 lbs and that would take me to the top range of the ideal weight for my height (5'5")

Here's pixiedust: for all of us.

My name is Nicole, and I'm from Iowa. I've been overweight since I graduated from high school. My senior year in high school, I did gain some weight, and my PE teacher thought that I needed to join a weight loss class. Since that time, I've always felt fat, although I'd love to go back to that size I was when she thought I was fat. I started dating my DH when I was a senior, and because he was older than I was, there wasn't a lot for us to do. We spent a lot of time hanging out in restaurants. I grew up in a very strict home where you eat this much, and you're going to be fat if you do this, and since leaving home (which it's been 15 years), I've enjoyed my freedom and have not had much structure when it comes to food. I eat what I want when I want.

Unfortunately for me, I do not enjoy veggies. I enjoy the foods that I shouldn't. I am great at making excuses about why I can't work out and why it's okay to eat 12 cookies at one sitting.

My goal is to lose 70 pounds. I don't need to be skinny. I just want to be healthy. I want to wear normal clothes, and I don't want to ever feel like my weight is something that can define me. Starting today, I've decided I do not need pop. And, already at 1:45 in the afternoon, I can tell it's not going to be easy. I am going to eat better and get to the Y and exercise.
Ooooh...i'll join in!

My name is Brandie and I have always struggled with my weight. About 7-8 years ago, I was motivated to lose weight and I did! I managed to lose about 35lbs! I had a workout buddy and I would go to her place everyday after work and we would do Tae Bo. I also used a diet aid (generic caffeine-free version of Metabolife). Between the two, I was quite please with my progress!

Then my life changed (divorced my ex and married my current DH within about a year...long story that I won't bore you with) and I got lazy. Stopped exercising and didn't pay attention to portion control or healthy foods. I am now heavier than I was before I lost those 35lbs! :(

I have tried and tried, obviously not successfully, to lose weight, but just can't stay motivated. I would like to lose about 50-60lbs before we go to China for our adoption. Since I don't know when that will be, I've got

I plan to ease into exercise again by walking my dogs in the evenings after work and paying attention to what I eat!!

I'm not going on the Podcast cruise but there's a chance that we'll be heading to Disney sometime next year with some friends. I would love to have pictures of a skinnier me in front of Cinderella's Castle! :)
Ahh, true confessions time :)

I am Daneen from CA. Turned 40 last year and have two children (now 11 and about not being able to 'blame the baby!').

I work out (strength and cardio combined in circuit training) faithfully at least two days a week and often three. I am faithful only because I pay big bucks to do it and I get a phone call if I don't show up! I have to get to the gym by 6 a.m. or it just won't happen that day. I also have the complication of splitting the week with DH who also tries to get to the gym in the mornings, since the children are not old enough to stay by themselves. I am in much better shape (lots of muscle under the fat :) ) since I started this routine about 3 years ago. Having said that, I haven't done much to lose weight, have focused more on maintaining.

I generally make decent food and portion choices but then I get a craving for something sweet and all is lost. Can't stop at one cookie, have to eat three.

I am happy that spring has sprung here in CA, as it allows us to get out with the children on the weekends to walk or ride bikes.

I am going to aim for 20# as a first goal. Who knows, if I surpass that I might try to get down to HS weight.

Looking forward to this challenge!
I'll join in too! I don't really need to lose tons of weight, but I do need to be healthier! I eat too much processed, fast foods. I have a small frame (only 4 foot 11 here) so everything shows. I really need to tone up.
Hi, my name is Annette and I'm a junkfoodaholic.

I tend to not go by pounds because even at my skinniest I weighed a lot. I guess I'm just really dense? :laughing: But, I do know that I want to go down at least 4 clothing sizes. I want to be able to just walk into any store in WDW and pick up a shirt off the rack and wear it! I hate not being able to wear all the cute clothes.

I wish I could work out more and have it be effective. I used to go to the gym 4-5 days a week and do an hour on the elliptical and then do weights and even then I didn't really lose any weight - I just toned what I had, I guess. But, hitting the gym these days is impossible. Fitting it into our family's busy schedule and getting there against protests from DS make it quite impossible.:sad2:

I'm going to try to do as best I can by just changing my diet. My problem is I snack when I'm bored or watching TV or DISing...and it's not the healthy kind of food, either. That's going to be my biggest burden.

We were playing with Shrinky Dinks yesterday and I made a STOP sign and put it on my fridge...maybe that will keep me out ;)
Hi Kim - it seems you idea has started something . Hope the weather improves so you can get out :hug:

Hi Nicole - we are all here to support each other :thumbsup2

Hi Brandie - dog walking is good excercise so you are off to a good start. Hope you dont have to wait tooooo long to adopt. My sister has just adopted her second girl in the UK and it is such a long hard process across here unless you are Madonna of course ;)

Hi Daneen - good luck. It is my sweet tooth that I have problems with. Now I am nearly at maintaining weight I cant get complacent

Hi lttlmc3 - You sound like me :hug: I need to tone up and ditch the processed foods - good luck
Hi, my name is Annette and I'm a junkfoodaholic.

I tend to not go by pounds because even at my skinniest I weighed a lot. I guess I'm just really dense? :laughing: But, I do know that I want to go down at least 4 clothing sizes. I want to be able to just walk into any store in WDW and pick up a shirt off the rack and wear it! I hate not being able to wear all the cute clothes.

I wish I could work out more and have it be effective. I used to go to the gym 4-5 days a week and do an hour on the elliptical and then do weights and even then I didn't really lose any weight - I just toned what I had, I guess. But, hitting the gym these days is impossible. Fitting it into our family's busy schedule and getting there against protests from DS make it quite impossible.:sad2:

I'm going to try to do as best I can by just changing my diet. My problem is I snack when I'm bored or watching TV or DISing...and it's not the healthy kind of food, either. That's going to be my biggest burden.

We were playing with Shrinky Dinks yesterday and I made a STOP sign and put it on my fridge...maybe that will keep me out ;)

Yeah, I eat when I'm at the computer, too. If I quit DISing, I'd probably lose weight. But, then I'd be sad. I'd rather be fat, than have to go without the DIS :)
Hi Annette - If they could make low calorie tasty junk food I would be in heaven. I think the secret is not to deprive yourself and have a little of what you like :hug: Good luck for the week
Hello, my name is Anne and I am an emotional eater.

I would like to lose 15 pounds. I told myself I could not have a baby until I lost 50 pounds. Well, I lost 60 and kept it off, then along came baby. I weighed myself after giving birth to the 10lbs baby and had only gained 10 lbs. I was pretty happy with that, but I have recently gained about 10 more. Since my son is 3, I don't think I can call it baby fat anymore. As I said, I am an emotional eater and get very stressed at work. I work with my family and my mom is constantly bringing in bad food. We actually have a closet full of candy bars at work. I have joined a gym and have been going 3 times a week. I have lost 5 pounds, but it has been slow going. It felt easier to lose the 60 then this last 5.

I look forward to having a little support. We are going to DL and Las Vegas in May so that is not going to help.


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