Useless Facts/Chit Chat Thread

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Ok, decided to try the chunky wine, but when I tried to open the bottle, it didn't have a twist off, instead it had a chunk of wood in the end. So I had to walk out to the shop and get my cordless drill, now it has more chunks floating in it, I sure hope it is worth it! :lmao:

Eeewww...get the strainer out. hehe :lmao:
I know what you mean. I do feel sad that my kids don't have the same carefree existence that I did. BUT they do get many other great experiences that I never did....having their own bedrooms, wonderful vacations all around the country, DISNEYWORLD, extra-cirricular activities, parents that can help out in school and go on field trips, etc. I think their childhoods have been just as happy.....just in a different way ;)

You're exactly right...
You know, beer is just so much more convienent. And a lot less fruity. LOL

I paid like $25 for this bottle, and I just poured it into my mug, and I am only going to get like 2 mugs from this bottle, that is $12.50 a mug! :scared1:
They don't even charge that for a refillable!
now, no need to "wine":lmao: Sorry, that was lame.
Shoot, the Rangers just scored! LETS GO PENS, LETS GO PENS!
I don't know about you John...but my dh could drink beer all night and be fine....give him a couple of glasses of wine and the party is on! haha :lmao:
We're watching the Red Sox. We were going to try and go to the game tonight, but no such luck.
I hope so, I need a party, even if I am by myself.
Hey does anyone know if Grey's Anatomy is a new one tonight? I can't remember seeing any previews for this week.
Yes it is new. Dish says, Addison returns to Seattle Graace to perform an operation, Rebecca returns with shocking news from Alex
Hey does anyone know if Grey's Anatomy is a new one tonight? I can't remember seeing any previews for this week.

It is. :cool1: Survivor, Grey's Anatomy, CSI, ER and Lost are ALL new !! Gonna be a late night :eek:

GO ERIK !! (He's from around here)
We didn't watch Grey's when it first started and really enjoyed watching several seasons on DVD last year. I love no commercials and no waiting week to week! That's the way to go! :thumbsup2 Now we have to wait like everyone else.:rolleyes:
John...shoulda poured the wine through a naphin or coffee filter!!! Wine will get ya drunker, but the wine hangover is a real headache!!!
I fish the biggest chunks out with my fingers, and screen the rest through my teeth. Then pick it out of them.... YUMMMY.

Half a bottle gone, Pens loosing 0-1 after 2 periods, and my day still sucks.... need to drink more!!
No coffee filters, don't even have a coffee maker, Erica and I both dislike coffee... LOL Chunks just add character anyway.
John, you shouldn't worry about the chunky pieces, remember cork goes in and comes out the same way, just like corn and aluminum foil!:lmao:
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