Post your best organizational, space saving and trip making secrets here!!

We used a lot of these tips on our trip. My favorites:

  • The over the door shoe holder - we put all the toiletries in it, and the vanity stayed clean
  • The pop up hampers are invaluable!
  • Bringing glow bracelets instead of buying them at the park. My boys loved this. Our only problem was carrying them - if they bent at all in the fanny pack, then they would start glowing early in the morning. We solved this by using a toothbrush holder - the tube type. We cut some drinking straws to the same length as the glow sticks (since they were just slightly longer than the toothbrush holder) to use as spacers, and used a rubber band to keep it closed - it worked great!
  • The M&M containers worked great for the pressed pennies.
  • We printed and laminated our daily touring plans, ADRs, bus schedules, restaurant menus, etc, and carried them in our fanny packs - everyone laughed at me, but they worked great.

    One tip I didn't see is to have a neck lanyard for your camera. We have lanyards on all the cameras, gameboys, etc. It keeps the camera ready for those quick photo ops, but you don't have to hold on to it. We also put caribiner clips on our fanny packs to clip our hats to the fanny pack when we were indoors - no lost hats!
[*]We printed and laminated our daily touring plans, ADRs, bus schedules, restaurant menus, etc, and carried them in our fanny packs - everyone laughed at me, but they worked great.

I have seen this recommended by a lot of people and I just wanted to add on to the idea. My cell phone has Office Mobile(tm) on it so I know I am probably in a minority of people with this option but there are other variations on this idea. I created the spreadsheet that has ALL of our trip info, all the ADR's we have which park has EMH and if it's AM or PM and downloaded to my cell phone I can open the spreadsheet on my cell phone and see all the information. - not that I mind carrying pieces of paper with me but since I will already have my cell phone with me EVERYDAY why not utilize the functions available on it. You can also add notes and appointments on most (if not all) cell phone these days therefore anyone can use their cell phone for this type of information using the calendar or the notes function. Just a suggestion.

I am a less is more type of person - We will be in WDW for 12 days, DH, DSx3 (14, 12,& 7) and me, so I pack for 4-6 days - and granted we are staying at SSR in a 2BR -

This year will be my first attempt at UPS-ing or Fed-Ex-ing or USPS-ing a package to the resort before we arrive - can not wait to see how it goes!!

I am loving all the other suggestions!!!

Keep 'em coming!!
I hope you aren't planning on spraying the Oust in public bathrooms!

I am extremely allergic to sprays of any kind. I have had to go to the emergency room by ambulance because someone sprayed underarm deoderant. All it took was one breath and my inhallers couldn't even help!

I am not allergic to it... but omg! they do make it hard to breath (not to mention whatever they are spraying in the rooms now)
Wish I had seen this thread much earlier... disadvantage for me is that longest trip is only 5 days AND I live 90 minutes from WDW.

If you're bringing an iPod, there's a way to sync your Outlook address book to the iPod through iTunes settings. I did this in January, and made sure the addresses of anyone we'd send a postcard to was in the address book and on my iPod. That way, when it was time to write out postcards, it was all right there.

I just saw this when I was flying back from Germany. Wouldve been nice BEFORE the trip LOL

I brought detergent and oxy clean to spot clean some things in the room sink if they were stained from the day at the parks.

Did this in Germany and was nice since I packed 6 days of shirts, undergarments and 2 pairs of pants. I also packed everything flat. I laid out a pair of pants into the suitcase with the part that would be folded over outside, then laid the shirts in, folded the remaining part of the pants in and then when i got there I just lifted them out. I tucked the long sleeves and hoods of any shirt or jacket inside the body of it too. I was able to pack all of my clothing, shoes, my moms clothes and shoes, and bag of necessities that I didnt need if the bag got waylaid. Like the idea of the shoe bag, but I just use a travel bag from walmart that has a hook and holds all of my things nicely. (but then again, I dont have children or husband to pack for)

Hey, I have a LED nightlight that I just keep in my suitcase. It cost I think $1.50 at walmart. It's encased in a plastic thing that looks nicer and helps spread the light, but there's no glass to break. It's reusable and you can save those glowsticks for the kiddos!

plan to take a night light and keep with (or the light sticks) as I would keep the light on in the bathroom, but the hear the fan. I need to remember to pack an ext cord (small one) for laptop (and power strip) because there are some places with bad set ups for access to electrical outlets... or else the sockets are not working right (have seen several that have burn marks on them). I also now travel with earplugs and a blindfold. Air mattress if I am sharing a DVC studio and dont want to share a bed, because the sleeper sofas beds are horrible.

A blister kit- I use the ever handy ziploc bag and fill it with pre-cut rounds of moleskin, first aid cream with pain reliever, and a matchbook that has needles taped under the matches. That way if I need to pop one, I just take out a needle, heat it up and it's sanitized. By pre-cutting the rounds, you don't have to worry about not having scissors in the parks..

The Pop Up Hamper- No one can sing the praises of this invention enough!:thumbsup2 :thanks:

I like the idea of a pop up hamper (again for longer trips) and the moleskin is good... or tegaderm or opsite (transparent sheets to protect a blister) BUT PLEASE NEVER POP THEM! you are increasing your risk for infection. If you can get this transparent stuff (at walgreens etc) that will protect it and the body will reabsorb it if you let it.

Again.. LOVE the ideas and plan to use them for other travels :)

I'm getting so many wonderful ideas!

Here is something that i use at home for long dinners out or if we have appts. that i have to take the kids too. I'll just make it "disneyfied".

I make up a bunch of goody bags to bring to dinners:

In a Ziplock bag
  1. Printed sheets of coloring pages, go to and pick your childs favorite disney characters
  2. Crayons - Just picked up a four pack on disney themed crayons today at the dollar store.
  3. A couple sheets of stickers in disney characters. You can find them at dollar stores, craft stores, etc.
  4. Disney figurines or cars from the dollar store. I just went today and they have pooh and princesses. Put one or two in a baggy.
  5. Pipe cleaners
  6. Little snack (small pack crackers, croutons, goldfish, pretzels) to keep hold them over until their food comes.

Make up a bunch of them, vary them up, and take it as you go. It has been a great help with our now 2 and 4 year olds.

Also another tip is to buy the clip on items like clip on hand sanitizer, clip on sunblock, clip on chapsticks, it takes up less space in your bag and it's easy to grab when you need it instead of fishing through it.

I'm getting so many wonderful ideas!

Here is something that i use at home for long dinners out or if we have appts. that i have to take the kids too. I'll just make it "disneyfied".

I make up a bunch of goody bags to bring to dinners:

In a Ziplock bag
  1. Printed sheets of coloring pages, go to and pick your childs favorite disney characters
  2. Crayons - Just picked up a four pack on disney themed crayons today at the dollar store.
  3. A couple sheets of stickers in disney characters. You can find them at dollar stores, craft stores, etc.
  4. Disney figurines or cars from the dollar store. I just went today and they have pooh and princesses. Put one or two in a baggy.
  5. Pipe cleaners
  6. Little snack (small pack crackers, croutons, goldfish, pretzels) to keep hold them over until their food comes.

Make up a bunch of them, vary them up, and take it as you go. It has been a great help with our now 2 and 4 year olds.

Great idea-and you can vary it for older kids too. :goodvibes Good idea for that long plane rides as well. I've done something similar for DD (now 8) It worked really well, especially on her first trips. First time she was almost 3 and the best thing I brought for the plane ride was those rolling stampers (Disney themed, of course). She had a great time stamping things.
A couple tips I havn't seen on the thread that help us each time... along with the shoe organizer for toiletries, I use one actually for shoes! With a family of four, and two daughters that use multiple pairs of shoes for one trip, we use a shoe organizer for SHOES and hang it in the closet. It helps so much! In the past we were always tripping over shoes or searching for a toddler size shoe when it was time to leave for the park and everyone was frustrated. Now, whenever we come back to the room I load everyone's shoes in the shoe holder and it is easy for the girls to choose the pair they want as they get ready to leave for the day.
Also, two bathtime tips.... we always buy new tub toys at a gift shop or in the park at the start of the trip and the girls are thrilled for bathtime- even when tired from a long day at the park!
I think we usually spend about $10.00 on a package of them and then they are fun to take home and remember our trip every night at home.
My girls don't like showers and at home for bathtime after shampooing, I rinse their hair with a big cup- trying to avoid their eyes as we rinse. For our trips I make sure to pack no-tears shampoo, because the hotel soap stings their eyes and I also bring a plastic cup. One year while staying at the Polynesian I looked all around and found nothing to rinse with. They won't hold their heads under the tub faucet- they've bumped themselves. All I could think of to use to rinse was the glass cups by the ice bucket in the room. I dropped it and the glass broke in the tub! Thankfully it was okay, but now I always bring a plastic cup for the tub. Hope these tips help someone!
Subbing! Thank you for all of your great ideas!

For the last several years we have used empty film canisters for shampoo, lotion, etc. They are just the right size and they do not leak!:banana:
I use one actually for shoes! With a family of four, and two daughters that use multiple pairs of shoes for one trip, we use a shoe organizer for SHOES and hang it in the closet. It helps so much! In the past we were always tripping over shoes or searching for a toddler size shoe when it was time to leave for the park and everyone was frustrated. Now, whenever we come back to the room I load everyone's shoes in the shoe holder and it is easy for the girls to choose the pair they want as they get ready to leave for the day.

Okay, I'm going to sound like such an airheard here, but here I go anyway, "OMG! That is a GREAT idea!" :rotfl:

You know--everyone talks about and uses those shoe organizers for toiletries, but SHOES? LOL!

You so hit the nail on the head! We are always tripping over shoes or searching for them! I am always telling everyone where to put them, or I am constantly trying to line them up under the clothes rack where they can easily be found the next day!

What a BRILLIANT IDEA--using a shoe holder for SHOES! :lmao: :thumbsup2
I know- it's so funny...I actually bought the shoe organizer for toiletries because of the Dis, and while shopping for one, realized I should get one for SHOES. We have constant shoe drama in the hotel room, and CROCS are the worst offenders- we are always tripping over them!
We are a ziplock packing family too. I put a days worth of clothing (socks, undies, shirt, shorts) in each baggie and write on the outside who's it is, what's in it, and sometimes even what day it is for (if I need a certain outfit for a certain event). then I squeeze the air out, zip it up, and put it in the suitcase. By doing this I can fit 10 outifts per person (40 outfits total) into one suitcase and still have room for sweatshirts and jeans. The clothes come out perfect wrinkles. It helps my dh with helping to get the kids dressed in the morning. Then I don't get the "what do you want them to wear, does this match, ect..." He can just take the outfit, put in on, and we're off.

I also ziplock all toiletries seperatley too. I have one or two for showering items, one for toothbrushes and toothpaste, one for makeup, one for hair items ect. Makes for easy unpacking too!!
We are a ziplock packing family too. I put a days worth of clothing (socks, undies, shirt, shorts) in each baggie and write on the outside who's it is, what's in it, and sometimes even what day it is for (if I need a certain outfit for a certain event). then I squeeze the air out, zip it up, and put it in the suitcase. By doing this I can fit 10 outifts per person (40 outfits total) into one suitcase and still have room for sweatshirts and jeans. The clothes come out perfect wrinkles. It helps my dh with helping to get the kids dressed in the morning. Then I don't get the "what do you want them to wear, does this match, ect..." He can just take the outfit, put in on, and we're off.

I LOVE this idea. I dress the kids in the same color shirts and know ahead of time what color for what park (orange for AK, red for MK, etc.). Using the ziplocks will definitely help with packing and getting the kids dressed quickly to leave for the parks.
Thanks! I would never think of Ikea as being the cheapest in town--more like a dollar store or Target or Wal-Mart.

I'll go check those links now.
If you have one nearby, try IKEA -- they have some affordable ones in various sizes and materials. We just got the least expensive one ... it's works well for lightweight shoes like crocs and flip flops.

Wow! Are those prices correct?! :scared1:

I have NEVER been to an IKEA store, but I've always assumed they were high. Is everything in there priced lower like this or are these special deals?

It says they aren't available on-line, and the closest store to me is 45 min. downtown Atlanta....guess I won't be going down there, but I'm SHOCKED by those prices!

That is INSANE!!! $1.99 for a shoe organizer??

Of course, I didn't think we were talking about this kind of shoe organizer. I always thought we were talking about the other kind that you put each individual shoe into a "pocket."


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