~Philadelphia Marathon 11/23/08~

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Jen - It freaked me out when the Bot showed up at the Embassy Suites wearing the same robe as Cindy.


Long live Bot Man!!!!

Great job Lou.

Thanks for posting pictures of your fur kids.

Your dog is just as I pictured her from your descriptions in previous posts. And tell Bruce she's not a land manatee. If you want to see land manatees, come down here and visit the beaches any time that's not a Spring Break week. Thanks for posting the Expedition Everest pic.

Jen and Butch
Hope the 10 on the tread went well. I still can't fathom running on a treadmill as much as you do. But then, my little one is 17 so I don't have to wait for her to go to bed before I can train.

How fast does your heel pain recover or is it always sore? My achilles tightens up when I sit too long and it takes a couple of minutes to warm up and stretch out. When i'm running it's sore for about the first 2 miles and then they loosen up. So far I don't think it will affet me too bad for Goofy.

I ran 16 miles today and averaged 10:42. I've got 5 planned for Tues, Weds and Thurs. Taking Sat off and running a Half on Sunday.

I'll have to post a picture of Tracy's new 1 year old bike when I get to my work computer.

Happy training,

Where is everyone. I finally get some home computer time and there's no one online. Less than 8 pages to go.
Howard - I'm glad the PF pain wasn't too bad. Are you still trying the night brace? Thanks for giving me a second chance;)

Chester - Already up to 16? That's pretty impressive.

:wave2: to all other Bots.

Not going to run today because I'm headed into the office as soon as I finish my bagel. In addition to being lazy about running, I was also lazy about getting work done. I guess this is what I turn into without Matt :sad2: (in the UK for work, in case anyone missed that post - I didn't want you to think I got rid of him:lmao: ) I'll try to run 10 tomorrow to make up for yesterday.
OK, determined to put this puppy to sleep (the thread, not my dog, Mike) this week :grouphug: .

CindyLouWho - What's that? You bagged a LR yesterday? :hug: Welcome to the darkside! Doesn't it feel great?

Chester - DOH!:headache: 16 miles? My legs hurt just thinking about that! Goodness, good for you!:thumbsup2 I'd say you're about done training for Goofy @ this point, no?:yay: Um, when you were on the computer last night @ 10 or so, I was snoring :rolleyes1 .

Lou - Thank you for the continued hilarity & barrage of BOTtery on the boards! I can only imagine the photos that the elusive BOT will appear in over a weekend of running 200 miles to the beach in Sept.!:woohoo: So are you thinking about VA Beach in March? Who else is?

Howard - 10 miles in yesterday's weather?:worship: Too much! Glad the PF stayed in check. I loved that the Steelers beat Dallas:banana: ! Hated that they beat New England last week :headache: . RU you & Cam in for the race to the beach relay??????

Colleen - Did YOU get crazy miles in, too this weekend?popcorn::

Sara - What about your LR? Company party report?popcorn::

Jetch - I can't believe you guys run all that time on dreadmills!:scared1: You definitely get extra props, man!:thumbsup2

Cam - HI!:hug:

Mike - You too with the miles?:worship: . Man, I suck :sad2: .

So my foot's still bothering me a bit, now the pain's to the side of the foot rather than the bottom. It's in that soft spot just below & in front of the ankle :confused3 :confused: . It's been a solid week since I've run, so I'll try for a few miles this p.m. It let's up as the day goes on, so it must be a muscle-kind-of-thing, right? If STEVE would post once in a while, perhaps he cold address this question :rolleyes1 popcorn::
A question for all of you Disney marathon experts.

Now that we have our bib numbers (mine is 7xxx and Matt's is 4xxx), I'm wondering if Matt and I will be at the same starts.

I assume that if he wanted to start with me, that he could drop back to my slower corral, but does that work the same way with the different start lines? Can you switch start lines or can you only drop back to a slower corral at your assigned start line?
A question for all of you Disney marathon experts.

Now that we have our bib numbers (mine is 7xxx and Matt's is 4xxx), I'm wondering if Matt and I will be at the same starts.

Cindy, if it is the same as last year, Matt will be in Corral B and you will be in Corral D, but guess what? Corral B is on the Blue start and Corral D is on the RED!:scared1: I will definitely bring proof of a faster time for you b/c I have a 7*** number and I will be a 5 hr+ marathoner. This is the first time I will be on the red start (if things are the same as last year, they may not be since they have more runners this year) DH is of course of the Blue start. First marathon we both enter and we can't even cross the start together.:rolleyes:
Colleen - The proof of time that I sent in was my 1:58 half. I don't have anything better than that!

I'm sorry that your run yesterday was no bueno. I hope you are hurting less today.
Deferring to my BOTS on this, totally off topic :) .

2 questions, actually.

1. My son wants adobe flash cs3 for Christmas :scared1: . He has downloaded the free trials & is all played out with that. Where is the best place to get discounted software, that's REAL software & not something bogus like a license #, etc. IS there such a thing as REAL/LEGIT discount software for a product like this?

2. I'm thinking of getting a laptop & am wondering if I should consider a MAC or not. Does anyone have one or, would anyone get one if they had a choice between the pc & Mac?

All opinions would be appreciated :worship: .

And now back to my regularly scheduled obnoxiouness!:lmao:
Deferring to my BOTS on this, totally off topic :) .

2. I'm thinking of getting a laptop & am wondering if I should consider a MAC or not. Does anyone have one or, would anyone get one if they had a choice between the pc & Mac?

All opinions would be appreciated :worship: .

And now back to my regularly scheduled obnoxiouness!:lmao:

OK I'm not a Bot, but let me know if you decide on a pc. I am right now looking at IBM employee discounts as we speak.... :rolleyes1
Deferring to my BOTS on this, totally off topic :) .

Really, is anything actually off topic on this thread?:lmao:

Have no clue on your first question, but I do currently have a Mac (desktop, not laptop). In computer years, it's ancient (7 years, maybe?) and it seems to be starting to have some problems. I think it doesn't have enough memory or processing speed or whatever those fancy computer words are to handle some of the newer applications. So, I am thinking about replacing it and getting a laptop rather than a desktop. I do like my Mac, but I think I will probably switch back to a PC. Macs are good, but expensive and I don't really use enough of the features to justify the expense. Also, I have issues connecting remotely to my work computer from my Mac and usually just use Matt's PC to do that. That was a long way of asking, what do you want to use it for? If just for internet and simple Word processing, price-wise, a pc is probably a better deal. If its for complicated graphics stuff, then a Mac might make more sense.

That was very wordy. Sorry.
Really, is anything actually off topic on this thread?:lmao:

Have no clue on your first question, but I do currently have a Mac (desktop, not laptop). In computer years, it's ancient (7 years, maybe?) and it seems to be starting to have some problems. I think it doesn't have enough memory or processing speed or whatever those fancy computer words are to handle some of the newer applications. So, I am thinking about replacing it and getting a laptop rather than a desktop. I do like my Mac, but I think I will probably switch back to a PC. Macs are good, but expensive and I don't really use enough of the features to justify the expense. Also, I have issues connecting remotely to my work computer from my Mac and usually just use Matt's PC to do that. That was a long way of asking, what do you want to use it for? If just for internet and simple Word processing, price-wise, a pc is probably a better deal. If its for complicated graphics stuff, then a Mac might make more sense.

That was very wordy. Sorry.

No, very informative, thank you. I need to figure out what I'm gonna use it for, really. I'm not a big photo person looking to do fancy poop (like Lou). Perhaps a pc would be "enough" for my limited patience with computers.

Next opinion - popcorn::
No, very informative, thank you. I need to figure out what I'm gonna use it for, really. I'm not a big photo person looking to do fancy poop (like Lou). Perhaps a pc would be "enough" for my limited patience with computers.

Next opinion - popcorn::
But what about my son & his desire to create cartoons :sad2: . Oh wait, it's supposed to be my computer, that's right!:laughing:
1. My son wants adobe flash cs3 for Christmas :scared1: . He has downloaded the free trials & is all played out with that. Where is the best place to get discounted software, that's REAL software & not something bogus like a license #, etc. IS there such a thing as REAL/LEGIT discount software for a product like this?

Search for places that sell "Student Versions" of the software. I ordered Chet a copy of Adobe Creative Suite 3 a couple of years ago and just had to send in a copy of a report card to prove student status.

I still have a Half this Sunday and a 20 miler scheduled before tapering for Goofy.

More off-topic:

Here's pictures of Tracy's motorcycle/scooter:



Hey Everyone: Oooh, I'm having a case of the Mondays. I don't feel like working. I'm getting to caught up in the holidays coming up. :santa:

Chester- cool motorcycle/scooter that Tracy bought.

Jodi- I switched from a Mac to a PC in 1999, and I haven't regretted it. I really liked my Mac, but I was moving to a PC environment and it was time to change. There's so much more software available for a PC that it makes it worth it. Chester had good advice about the academic version of software. I could maybe buy it for you through my University bookstore as well (although you probably wouldn't get it by Christmas).

Hi Cindy!
Jodi - your post prompted me to email my friend who is a computer expert and web site designer (and the person who convinced me to get a Mac last time) to ask if he thinks I should even consider getting a Mac again. For what its worth, I've pasted his response to me below.

A PC would be cheaper for sure. I think that Macs are much more stable and less prone to annoying "what the hell just happened to my computer" episodes and they have staying power. You buy one now and it'll be a top of the line computer for the next 3 - 4 years. The newer Macs are super fast and use Intel chips so you can actually run windows on them if you want (using an inexpensive 3rd party program called Parallels).

But honestly, if you're not using as a real personal entertainment hub for all of your music, photos and everything, you'd be fine with a PC. I would just caution that it's more likely break down sooner.
Thanks for all the input & offers, guys. You're making me think (ouch!). I'm gonna post more pictures now to eat up these pages :)
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