jennifaerie's planning journal - 3/2 - Made it on the Maggie Sottero Website!

Jen I am so happy you started up your TR again! I love reading about you and Rob's trip. I can't believe you rode BTR 16 times!!! :rotfl2: I would probably do the same thing for Buzz or Pirates though if I had the chance!

You too are so cute! Congrats on winning the dream fastpasses, that is so cool!!! pixiedust:

Keep it coming!
I just found your journal and you are keeping me up!!!
I am just up to your centerpieces and I AM SO JEALOUS I am considering throwing playdoh on my tables now!!!!
I cant wait to keep reading!!! Congrats...and your ring is beyond beautiful!
Jen I am so happy you started up your TR again! I love reading about you and Rob's trip. I can't believe you rode BTR 16 times!!! :rotfl2: I would probably do the same thing for Buzz or Pirates though if I had the chance!

You too are so cute! Congrats on winning the dream fastpasses, that is so cool!!! pixiedust:

Keep it coming!

Thank you Laura! I'm sorry it took me so long.

I just found your journal and you are keeping me up!!!
I am just up to your centerpieces and I AM SO JEALOUS I am considering throwing playdoh on my tables now!!!!
I cant wait to keep reading!!! Congrats...and your ring is beyond beautiful!

Oh, thank you so much! Everyone had so much fun with those centerpieces. We had absolutely no idea how much it would reach the inner child in everyone!

Thank you again! :) I'm all blushy. :rotfl:

Day Five - Typhoon Lagoon and Epcot

We put that Friday aside for Seaworld, but we ended up not wanting to go. I'm not really sure why, other than we were feeling the Disney love and didn't want to go "off campus".

We still hadn't visited any of the water parks. After our last trip, we had decided we wanted to go to Blizzard Beach or Typhoon Lagoon every day. Oops. It wasn't nearly as hot and humid as the last September, so we just didn't feel like swimming all the time (I can't remember when, but we did go swimming at the Polynesian pool... a couple times, I believe. But the heater was off one day, and the next day, it really wasn't much warmer, so we were weenies... too cold for us!).

We had a reservation at Kona Cafe, and then we were off to Typhoon Lagoon.

Sorry, no breakfast pictures, though I'm sure it was good... I think that morning I opted to get the steak. Almost all the waitstaff knew us by then, so we chatted with all of them. One man that worked there was from Lowell, which is about ten minutes from Nashua, so we had lots to talk about.

After breakfast, we ran back to the room for a quick moment, and then we went to the bus stop. And as most of you already know, our friends, Carrie and Patrick were there! And she took a picture of me in my snazzy Victoria's Secret pajama shorts that I opted to wear as regular clothes, and will now do it every time I see Carrie because she likes them so much. Except the bow, once washed, died. So there will no longer be anymore poof. Sorry, lurkyloo!

If it weren't for Carrie snapping that picture, I wouldn't have remembered we even went to Typhoon Lagoon that morning.

I'm an... I don't really know how to put it... over-and-done-with-no-nonsense type person...? So I go somewhere, I get something done, and then I want to leave. Rob is more of a laid back, take your time type (I believe scientifically, that means I am Type A, and he is Type B. Or I'm a pain in the ***. I'm not sure). When we go to the water parks, I'm usually ready to leave after an hour.

We did the Crush n 'Gushers (all three) a few times (we like fruit!). The Photopass guys got some *lovely* pictures of us that I'm relieved to know have expired. I mean... really. Who wants her picture taken coming off a water slide? They never get you when you're having fun. They get you after, as you're rubbing your eyes, trying to alleviate the chlorine burn. Ooh, that's exciting to look at.

We are a fan of any slide that lands in a pool. That means we hate the direct, steep racing slides. I don't exactly appreciate getting a wedgie from riding something. And if I'm going to lose something, I'd like to adjust it UNDER the water. Not in front of every one as I try to walk elegantly (read: tripping over everything in sight while peeling my bikini bottom out of my bum) across rows of slides.

So we skipped the racing slides, did anything with an inner tube, and then we did our favorite slides, the three that are sorta different. But not really. That's helpful, huh?

Since I hate the wave pool (too many unpleasant memories of burning my bum), I told Rob to go visit while I got cleaned up and dressed. The wave pool was not functioning, though, so he hung out for ten minutes, hoping it would start up again, but gave up.

We went back to the Polynesian, took showers, and then we opted to go to Epcot. We don't have too many pictures from this day, but we did get some at the beginning.

We were lucky and got to sit up front on the monorail. The driver, Rod, told us it was our lucky day.


Rod and Rob had lots to talk about, because I guess both of them are used to being called each other's names.

Rod has an interesting story. He is in the military and just got back from another tour. He and his fiance work at Disney World, but have bought a townhouse in... I believe it was, Chelmsford, Massachusetts (another place that's minutes away from here).

He told us they got it backwards and were moving up north to retire. He was cool.

The view:

We sat up front with an older couple.

Rob (in case you didn't realize)


We really didn't have any plan; we just wandered around. I think we stopped at Sunshine Seasons, because I need to look at the pastries that are there every time we're at Epcot.

It was nice that we didn't have a plan, though, because we bumped into... you guessed it! Carrie and Patrick! They were roaming the Food and Wine Festival, so we opted to walk around with them for a bit.

It was probably the hottest day we were there, and I was wearing long sleeves. Go me!

This is the uber-abridged version.

Carrie and Patrick were going to the Big Bad Voodoo Daddy show, so we parted ways in time for them to get a seat, and we wandered a bit more (read: I can't remember what the heck we did before we went back to the room... maybe that's when we went to the pool!).

We had a dinner reservation at 'Ohana that night, so we got ready for that (I'm pretty sure we went swimming before), and went to dinner. I don't have any pictures of that either. I don't know what was wrong with me that day. Though I do have a picture of what we we had in our room when we got back!


Guess who was at 'Ohana?

Yep! It's the Carrie and Patrick show, co-starring, Rob and Jennifer! :) We actually swapped reservations so they'd have more time to stay at Epcot for the show, so we knew we'd all be there. Patrick stopped by (more like swooped in, but you get the idea) when they arrived.

We liked the meal there, though I'm allergic to shellfish, and Rob hates shrimp. So getting offered shrimp every two seconds and steak only once was kind of a downer. I know lurkyloo hated the noise, but it didn't bother me much (I must have not had a migraine at the time). I think the luau might have had a better selection of food, but we *loved* the dessert.

We stopped by their table after we were done, and we tried to entice them to watch the Water Pageant. As it passed by us. Damn that water serpent! We raced out only to see it sailing away. Stupid. It's like Susan Lucci not getting the Emmy over and over again.

We stayed at Sunset Point(e) to watch the fireworks. Guess who watched them too? :)

We chatted (I never use the word "chat"... until now) for awhile, and then parted ways. Time to go nigh-night!

Next: Disney's Hollywood Studios
I thought I would come out of the wood work to tell you I am loving your TR!!! Can't wait to read the rest.
Jen that is hysterical you met people from up here. I grew up in Chelmsford and I have family (DGM) who lives there! It is such a small world! :rotfl2:
Im afraid you are now going to get me fired at work lmao
I just read through the rest of your pj and

I wanted to BEAT those guys up. Sorry, it's the brooklyn/military girl in me. Plus having a old fashioned non-cursing df didn't help the matter much.. ewww... I would have so "accidently" fell with my soda.... ON THEM

Okay enough about that...

you are making me so jealous though with all your bride wear. Where did you get the HELLO MY NAME IS BRIDE shirt?

I am trying to come up with crafty creative BRIDE wear...but I've come up negative lol
Hi Jen, Idk if you remember me from the wedding boards (not that I ever did get to plan anything ;/) . I am enjoying your tr and your wedding pics are fab!! congrats!
I love your BTMR pics!!! You guys did so good considering you were shooting yourselves! Kyle and I actually aren't a huge fan of ours because we're all squinty and chubby-cheeked in them, so I'm jealous of you now!
Jen that is hysterical you met people from up here. I grew up in Chelmsford and I have family (DGM) who lives there! It is such a small world! :rotfl2:

It's definitely a small world. We've met people from Derry, Londonderry, Lowell, and Atkinson. No Nashua folks yet.

I wanted to BEAT those guys up.

you are making me so jealous though with all your bride wear. Where did you get the HELLO MY NAME IS BRIDE shirt?

I am trying to come up with crafty creative BRIDE wear...but I've come up negative lol

:rotfl: I normally have quite a temper, but I was uncomfortable to begin with. I have a tendency to keep quiet because I know I'll go all out. No one wants to watch me explode. Well, maybe some people!

The bride/groom shirts were from They have a BOATload (okay, many boatloads) of shirts. You will not have any problem trying to find shirts. You'll just have problems trying to narrow it down!

your trip sounds like so much fun!!

It truly was, Jennifer! I think it helped that we knew we were going back soon after. Two more days!

Hi Jen, Idk if you remember me from the wedding boards (not that I ever did get to plan anything ;/) . I am enjoying your tr and your wedding pics are fab!! congrats!

Of course I remember you!! It's nice to see you around again. Thank you! I'm so glad you're enjoying it.

I love your BTMR pics!!! You guys did so good considering you were shooting yourselves! Kyle and I actually aren't a huge fan of ours because we're all squinty and chubby-cheeked in them, so I'm jealous of you now!

Woo hoo! :) Thanks... it was tough emulating you two. I don't think you look chubby-cheeked at all. I still adore those pictures. I think we might try to make it a habit of getting pictures of us on rides... or at least that one!
Day Six - DHS and Epcot

I can't remember what we did for breakfast that day (consulting Outlook tells me Captain Cook's/Room Service/Kona Stand). So maybe we got room service again. I don't recall getting room service so much though. It bums me out that I can't remember now.

At any rate, we opted to go to Disney's Hollywood Studios because of EMM hours. We made it for rope drop and got to stand there for awhile, as they got the crowd excited. We always stand to the left so we can run around people to get to the Rock n' Roller Coaster, so we were on the left side.

When the rope dropped, I was very confused as everyone ran forward instead of turning right.

This, of course, helped our mission, so we really didn't need to run. We apparently hadn't caught on that Toy Story Mania was THE hoppin' place in town, and the Tower of Terror/Rock n' Roller Coaster area was... so 2007.

Which meant Rob was really happy, and my stomach was turning.

Several of you know that I have a love/hate relationship with the Rock n' Roller coaster. I love the loopies (if you're riding with me, you'll hear me yell out LOOOOOOOOOOOOOPIES! throughout the ride), but I hate the take-off. It sometimes ruins the ride for me, depending on where we're sitting and if I've pulled the restraints down hard enough (note to self: the more uncomfortable it feels, the safer I will be and won't bounce all over the car).

I am not a roller coaster fan (which is why I like Big Thunder Mountain Railroad). I love rides that go in circles or go sideways. Loops, to me, feel like I'm going sideways, so they don't bother me.

Drops, to me, are like being engaged in a trust fall that never stops and involves no trust. (For reference, to have this make sense, I hate doing trust falls. Jennifer has major trust issues.)

I have a different experience every time I ride this, so I dread getting on it. I get nauseated and even can get a migraine just from my blood pressure jumping so quickly while waiting in line.

I used to love it, but the refurbishment, in my opinion, ruined it for me. It looks all cheesy/black-light-y, and I swear there's a loop missing. I distinctly remember three loops, and now there are only two. I could be wrong. If I am wrong, then the loops were previously longer or more... loopy. At any rate, it's not the same.

I also hate sitting through the intro, because all I keep thinking is, Yes, we need a bigger limo, let's get this done before I throw up!

Ultimately, I go on it every time Rob asks me to (then again, I go on Everest every time, and I don't like it), and I do enjoy myself if I can just get past that first part.

So when he asked me if we could go on it again after the first time, I went. The added complexity of what to do with our hats was upsetting to me too. I was convinced my hat was going to fall out as we were going upside down. Rob worked so hard on it (so hard that we're bringing our hats again tomorrow) that I don't want to lose it. It's actually sitting on display in our living room because I love it so much.

No story to tell, though (sorry!). We rode it twice, I didn't lose the hat. Actually, there is a story. For the first time ever, I forced myself to keep my eyes open at the beginning, even though I can't stand the bright light.

As a result, we got this:

You can't really tell, but my eyes are WIDE open. Like, scary wide open. Serial killer wide open. And that smile? Completely forced. :)

Oh, I'm a barrel of laughs!

After we finished our second trip, we went to Toy Story Mania. Or rather, we wandered around the park FOREVER, trying to find it. Doing a really piss poor job (why is it so hard to find anything in that park?).

We had to ask a wise guy for directions, and he gave us all sorts of flak for asking for directions. I HATE asking for directions anyway, so when I get told no, I meekly will walk away with my tail between my legs.

He did give them to us eventually, but I felt stupid. (Jennifer is also a wilting flower.)

When we got there, I walked in through the FastPass line and got yelled at.

I'm sorry, but there is no clear way to tell where you're walking in. The FastPass line is normally split up so that the entrances are on two different sides, or it's clearly marked. It wasn't clearly marked (the next day, I did the same exact thing).

The wait time was listed as forty minutes, which generally causes me to walk away from a ride (I'm such a line snob), but we knew this was probably a good thing and got in line.

Honestly, this is the first time I had to wait in a line where I was utterly intrigued (okay, Space Mountain did that for me in 2000). I took pictures of *everything* (I'm going to spare you that, especially since the pictures get cropped here... but if you want to look, go here.

It was like being in my childhood (except not in my childhood because I really didn't have any of these things... but I played with them a bit in preschool). The life size aspect of it was just amazing. It blew my mind. So I loved looking at everything, studying every detail.


I really liked the ride, but needless to say (for those who have been on it), my fingers hurt afterward!). I also don't like losing, and I always lose to Rob. But I had better accuracy!

We spent so much time in line, and the FastPasses were for around the time of our lunch reservation at Le Cellier, so we decided we would come back again another day.

We stopped at some of the stores (I think this is when we got a Dory cookie... god those things are good!), and then we decided to take the boat to Epcot, since we had never done it before.

This was about the time I got an email from TV Guide that Paul Newman died. Sad how you can't remember what you had for breakfast, but you remember something like that. It didn't say how he died, but when I told Rob, two guys waiting in line in front of us looked it up on their phones (which had better, faster internet apparently) and told us. They were both shocked when I said it (as shocked as I was, I imagine).

The boatride was not the most time efficient method of transportation. There were several times I thought maybe we should just get out and walk. Stopping at each of the Epcot/water resorts and the Boardwalk seemed... silly. But, no, I *forced* myself to enjoy it. :)

Rob and I are goobers, so we are big fans of The Land. It would have never occurred to me that I would be, since I used to be a big astronomy buff, but Future World doesn't have enough... informational space-y stuff to hold my interest. Our favorite ride is Living with the Land (we love the Behind the Seeds tour), so we had to stop by there... and I as I mentioned before, I love looking at the Sunshine Seasons pastries. Stop giving us big cookies, and give me a fruity tart! Munch! :) (That's the bad thing about being allergic to chocolate... a lot of the free desserts Disney gives are at least partially chocolate... and how do you turn it down if it's free?)


Someone saw us trying to take that picture and offered to help.


I think he missed that we were trying to get us in front of the sign.

We rode our ride and then headed to lunch at Le Cellier.

Who should we meet but our old server, Joel (Joe-el)! He remembered us, so it was like seeing an old friend.

I loved Rob's smoothie the last time, so I opted to get it this time.

Rob got a vanilla milkshake. Which I drank as well.

Token breadstick shot.

Rob got the spicy sausage appetizer.

I didn't want an appetizer, but Joel talked me into getting the tomato stack. You're right, Joel, it wasn't all that bad.

I got the filet mignon again (big surprise).

I also ordered a side of mac and cheese, because I heard it was good.

Rob's lunch:

As you've heard (and know if you've done it), the dining plan makes you feel obligated to get dessert. We were both full, but I insisted... so we shared the s'mores. Very, very interesting... to look at AND to eat.



Since Joel had become part of the "Kinnote" clan, we asked if we could get a picture of him. A fellow cast member tried to take the picture, but had trouble and kept putting her finger in front of the lens.

However, she did manage to catch one of the most interesting photos possibly in Disney history... I do believe Walt might have been present... or at least sent Mickey along to watch...

There's definitely a ghost image in there... see it?

A much better (less haunted) shot of the three of us.

We were sad to say good-bye to Jo-el. We kinda hope to see him during the trip. We're not sure if his time is up, though... it was ending around the end of January.
Afterwards, Rob made a comment about children at Disney World. They're either laughing, crying, or unconscious. That day, we saw many crying children. Whenever they didn't get what they wanted, they were doing this:


When they really should be doing this:

Silly children.

Now Rob and I make the face whenever we hear someone crying. We're mean, I guess. :)

When we got back the room, Clara had done it again!

At that point, we had a whole menagerie of visitors:

We never did make it to see Big Bad Voodoo Daddy. That's okay.

We had a reservation at the Yachtsman, and I was very excited and nervous about how it would be. When we got there, they told us it was going to be quite a wait. We went to the bar and were buzzed five minutes later. Oh wait, that sounded wrong. The beeper/blink-y thing went off. Oops.

Not too bad of a wait at all.

We adored our waiter (at least I did... I think Rob liked him too). Zach was a college student in the area. The group next to us didn't like him, so that made me very protective of him (it also got him a higher tip, as I had to compensate for what they probably gave him!).

I was afraid that cast members there would be snooty, but he was extremely down to earth and friendly, joking with us. They gave us honeymoon menus, and I was overly astounded that we got to keep them. He kept pointing out that the top had roses and "honeymoon" on it, so they really didn't want to keep it. We all laughed.

I also was goofy and ordered a Shirley Temple, and he brought one back with one of the glowing Tinkerbells, so he was just scoring points at every angle.

For an appetizer, I got the scallops (yum!).


Rob got some tomato salad thing that wasn't scallops.

My glowing Shirley Temple (that sounds dirty):

We didn't order our main course until after we got the appetizers, but we didn't mind. Our meals didn't take long, and we enjoyed Zach and each other's company.

I got the filet mignon (of course)... but I had trouble taking a picture before I started eating it!

Rob got... something.

We also received chocolates that I really couldn't eat. :)

But helped anyway.

I also ordered the apple crisp.

Rob ordered the Year of a Million Dreams dessert.


All in all, it was a great meal.

We asked Zach if we could have a picture. He said sure and tried to take our camera. We said, No, with you! Me?! Why?!

(Is he not utterly adorable? I want one. Get your mind out of the gutter. I want him more like a pet. Hey, I told you to get your mind out of the gutter. I mean it!)

When we got back, we had to stop at the store to pick a package up, so Rob got a picture of me with something Stitch-themed, as I love him (more than Zach, though).

Next Up: Day of Many Parks
I am so glad we are going to all the places your food pictures came from soon because they are making me ravenous! :goodvibes

I love your BTMR pics!!! You guys did so good considering you were shooting yourselves! Kyle and I actually aren't a huge fan of ours because we're all squinty and chubby-cheeked in them, so I'm jealous of you now!

Hey, at least your BTMR pix didn't turn into a peep show the way ours did!....:rotfl:
Lurkyloo --- HUBBA HUBBA!

Day Seven - Everywhere but... home?

Sunday was a crazy day. We managed to visit all four parks!

We had our standard breakfast at Kona Cafe (Rob told me that he'd be happy if we didn't eat there so much again :) ). We watched The Bunny Show on the way.


I opted to get the macadamia nut/pineapple pancakes. I don't like macadamia nuts, and I'm allergic to pineapple, but the butter was so amazing that I got them anyway. Oh, and pancakes make me feel bloated and disgusting. But I STILL got them. Ooh, that butter.

Rob got them too.

Our Sunday morning was up in the air. We've never stayed at Disney World so long, and we had already visited every place twice, so I asked Rob what he wanted to do.


He wanted to go on Toy Story Mania again!

We went to DHS, but didn't make it for rope drop this time. The wait time was over fifty minutes. The FastPass machines weren't working correct, so it was eating some people's keys or spitting out invalid slips. I had to try a couple times to get it to work. Eventually, I did get us tickets, but the time had already gone up fifteen minutes (they were sellin' like hotcakes!).

We figured we'd get in line to ride it once, and then our FastPasses would be valid. We got in line (this time, the line carried all the way outside), and were instantly pulled out of line (oh no, what did I do this time?!).

A cast member said the newlyweds got to go right in!

So he sneaked us in a secret entrance that connected to the FastPass line, and we got to go on right away! Yay!

The downside was that one of the screens wasn't working, so we shot at nothing. But that meant Rob couldn't beat me (I bet he did anyway)!

Since we still had plenty of time, we wandered around and had our lives shattered in a matter of moments.

We stopped at the Muppets (well, half-Muppets) shop. I wanted to get Rob a shirt. He never gets anything. I thought maybe he'd like a Beaker shirt. I asked him, and he finally said okay.

When we went to the register, an Imagineer was training another cast member.

He decided to give us a tutorial on Chip and Dale.

Disturbing, I tell you.

First, he asked how you could tell which was which. We both had a handle on the main ones... the red versus black nose, the eyes... then he went into other ones. And THE one. Dale has eyelashes.

Do you know why Dale has eyelashes (lurkyloo, be quiet)?

Dale is a GIRL.

I apparently missed that memo. Rob did too. And we've argued with other people about it, so I don't feel AS bad for not knowing. But I spent thirty-one years of my life thinking Dale was a boy, and suddenly, the rug got ripped out from underneath me.

We went spent twenty minutes with this guy. He had all sorts of questions for us about New Hampshire and healthcare and what it was like up here. It was an interesting conversation, but troubling, nevertheless. Sigh.

We managed to find a new friend that wasn't Carrie and Patrick.



Dejected and shattered, we walked back to Toy Story Mania. I bought a little green men shirt from the shop across from the ride.

Then we used our FastPasses.

Since we really didn't want to do anything else there (and didn't want to wait another hour in line), we decided to leave. As we were leaving, we saw the Animal Kingdom bus was there, so we hopped on. You can never ride the safari too many times!

I will spare you from too many pictures, but since it's a giraffe baby...

More fake cheetahs.

Great lion picture.

We didn't really feel like doing too much else there, so... we went to Epcot!
Waiting for the monorail...


Since we hadn't gone in awhile... (I was a huge Ellen junkie at one point, and I was so excited to go on was one of the first things we did when Rob went to Disney for the first time.)


Then we did something we had talked about doing for ages, but never had done before...


A cast member saw we were newlyweds and stopped us. He told us he wanted to give Rob a Muppets pin, but someone had just traded for it.

He took our picture.

We decided we didn't want to be there either, so it was time to go back to the room to get ready for Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween party!

But we had to stop and get some pictures of the stars of the resorts.



Before the party, we had reservations at ...


I know, shocking.

We both had smoothies.


We neglected to take pictures of our meals, but I remember how disappointed I was that the filet mignon was taken off the menu that I was too depressed.

Well, not too depressed to take a picture of the cheesecake!


Then, it was off to the party!

The party was everything I had hoped it would be (and probably more). Since we had such an awful time last year (or 2007 now), I though it would be just as bad.

Important rule of thumb: DO NOT attend the first night. EVERYONE thinks it will be dead because it's the first one. Not so.

Also attend on a Sunday night, if you can help it, because it's a school night for local kids.

So the park was empty, the candy was plentiful (and actually good this time), and everyone was in good spirits. It didn't rain!

We rode Big Thunder Mountain Railroad FIVE more times. Unfortunately, I was starting to get a migraine, and the bumping around on the ride wasn't helping it.

Neither was the party. We were still roaming around during the fireworks, so I know we stayed until at least ten. We stopped in the shops (we had asked to put a big rice krispie Mickey aside to pick up later, so we needed to do that). We had a nice conversation with a girl in the jewelry shop. We were talking about being in cold weather (she loves the snow, so she couldn't wait to go home... I think she was from New York) and how different she was from other cast members because she couldn't smile all the time. :) I liked her. She was cool.

I bought a pressed coin book, so now I'm screwed and will become an addict. I was only getting ones I liked (Stitch, Monster's Inc., resorts I love, etc.), but now I'm going to have to get ones I don't like just to fill it! :)

Here we are, sad to say good-bye to Magic Kingdom.

Guess what we saw on the way back to the resort?

That little bugger was sailing away from me again!

That day, we weren't left anything cool in our room. Clara was off (I had left her a note, and the response was that she wasn't on today. The note also asked about bounceback offers, and the girl had no idea what a "bounceback" was). Bummer. So that was the last of her goodness. She was so awesome.

That was officially our last night at Disney World... the last night of our honeymoon. We were both feeling sad, happy, and decadent, so we canceled our Kona Cafe reservation for breakfast the next day and ordered room service. :) I'm sure it involved Tonga Toast. :D

I packed. Very exciting stuff.

The next day, we had our room service, and I made sure we were all packed and ready to go.

I took pictures of what made us so popular during our stay...

I can't tell you how many people stopped us, asking where we got the white hat. Even cast members were asking where in Disney we could have bought that. Two imagineers stopped us in Epcot one day and told us it was a fantastic idea, and they loved our style and attitudes (boy, did they not know us! :) ).


People loved them so much, we're planning on bringing them tomorrow when we go back. I can't see my hat collecting dust on the bookshelf in the living room anymore!

The bunnies must have known we were leaving. We got one more Show...

We stopped at the Great Ceremonial House to say good-bye... Rob took another art picture for me, while I kept watch.

Rob wants to be Patrick when he grows up.


Our trip was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. By far, the best trip we've ever had to Disney World. I can't get over how attentive people were... how nice. And the Polynesian was wonderful! I can't wait for the opportunity to stay there again.

I wanted to stop at Downtown Disney to try and find something, so we decided to take a trip there. We brought our luggage to the front and had it checked. Mousekeeping had already been to the room, trying to find out when we were leaving.

We went to the bus stop. I suddenly realized I had no cell phone. Uh oh.

I knew exactly where it was... it had fallen off my shorts when we were getting ready to pull the suitcases out. I'm not sure why I didn't pick it up then.

I RACED to the room (Rob ran the other way to trace our steps, just in case). I put my card in the door, and it magically opened. Mousekeeping was working on the room already, and he had my cell phone in his hand, poised to hand it to me. He knew I'd come back. PHEW!

We did make it to Downtown Disney, but between waiting for the bus, the ride itself, and how long it took to get back... we spent ten minutes there and the total trip was an hour and a half. We almost missed our Magical Express bus. And we found out two of our suitcases were over fifty pounds (Rob asked if he could use their scale). So there we were in front of the Great Ceremonial House, pulling our luggage apart, trying to move things from suitcase to suitcase.

It didn't work, because when we got to the airport, one was still over fifty pounds. The Southwest attendant was extremely nice, though, and she helped us move stuff.

After the trip, I found the suitcases were full of paper. They were new, and I apparently hadn't emptied them completely. That probably would have brought them all down, considering how much I found.

We sat at the airport for awhile, and they boarded our plane with no problems. Normally, our flight home gets delayed at least an hour or two because they lost the plane or don't have a drink cart (true stories).

The person taking boarding passes noticed we were newlyweds, so when we got on the plane, he told the flight attendants about us.

We were presented with this:

They told us it was "the cheap stuff"...

They made everyone cheer and clap for us... one of the flight attendants told the passengers they could do better, so it was even louder the second time.

We heard someone behind us say, I'm married, that's why I DIDN'T clap.

Still happy!

When we landed, I felt like, Oh, this is so sad... it's over. But we heard people throughout the airport say, Aww, newlyweds... our hats were a good tip-off, I guess.

It made it last a few minutes longer before we made it to the car and had to go home...

And hopefully now, we'll live happily ever after! :)
You guys just made me:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: i think i may pee a little:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: those are hysterical pictures of your men!!!
Jen that was a fantastic trip report!! I love all your pictures! You and Rob are so cute! I am going to miss reading it! You need to go very soon so you can do another one! :) :rotfl2:


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