Please Look at This Picture - Has Anyone Seen This Missing Baby? UPDATES THROUGHOUT

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I think George and Cindy have known in their hearts for a long time that Casey was probably guilty - but just didnt want to to believe it. And I can understand that. But I dont think they have ever admitted outloud that Casey might be guilty until recently. I feel so bad for them. No matter how crazy they are - or how much some people may dislike Cindy - you can deny that they have lost everything and their lives will never be the same. They loved Caylee. It is so sad in so many ways.
Just read on CNN that Casey's attny is trying to keep her from having to be at all the trials, but the judge said she has to be there. What person wouldn't want to be there to defned themselves if they were truly innocent :confused3
These people are crazy and I feel terrible for George, hope he doesn't go back to that crazy Cindy or she will push him over the edge.

Nancy Grace said last night that Cindy and George now are not sure that Casey is innocent.

I'll bet George felt that for a while but that must have een hard for Cindy to realize

Do they even NEED Lee's DNA to determine if he is the father or not ? They have Caylee's and they have Casey's. If Caylee's DNA is not more than 50% "Anthony" then she's not a product of incest.

The only person I feel sorry for (besides Caylee of course) is George Anthony. The guy has really hit bottom. I think the heart sticker on the duct tape was the last blow. That poor man really lost everything.

I feel sorry for him too. When you hear his interviews you KNOW that he knows what happened but that he doesn't want to think his child could do that.

I don't think Lee is the father and I don't think Casey was "abused." She has never told the truth about anything else. Why would I believe that statement? I think Casey didn't ask for child support from that father b/c she has no idea who he is.

Exactly how I feel, she wouldn't know the truth if it bit her in the butt.

Casey hid the pregnancy from her family until she was 7 months pregnant. She kept claiming she was still a virgin. So it was definitely too late for an abortion by the time Cindy found out.

I got a huge laugh out of that line. I wonder if she told her parents she only did it once too? :rolleyes::rolleyes: And since she told 1 guy he was the dad and he believed her that means she was with more than 1 guy during that short time frame, I wonder what the parents thought of that news?
Just read on CNN that Casey's attny is trying to keep her from having to be at all the trials, but the judge said she has to be there. What person wouldn't want to be there to defned themselves if they were truly innocent :confused3
These people are crazy and I feel terrible for George, hope he doesn't go back to that crazy Cindy or she will push him over the edge.


What would be the purpose of her not being there? Does he think that she wouldn't be ale to show any emotion and the jury might hold it against her?

I think she NEEDS to be there so she can here all the details of what she did to that baby and just maybe reality will kick in and she'll be finally forced to take a good long hard look at herself.
What would be the purpose of her not being there? Does he think that she wouldn't be ale to show any emotion and the jury might hold it against her?

I think she NEEDS to be there so she can here all the details of what she did to that baby and just maybe reality will kick in and she'll be finally forced to take a good long hard look at herself.

I have no idea the purpose, I believe she should be there too. I think the jury needs to see how she reacts to hearing about what she did to that poor baby.

Here is the link:

If Lee proves to be the father...:sad2: And if George even knew or had an idea about something like this...:sad2: Just sad all around.
Oh! Sorry I didn't know how that quite worked! I will start thread #2 now, and do I have to ask the mods to close this one first?

Thanks! :goodvibes

I'm not sure how it works. The threads I've been on that hit he magic number usually get closed by the mods, they restart the thread and put links in both of them. I suppose though that you could just do it yourself, request to close this one and then start up the next one.
What would be the purpose of her not being there? Does he think that she wouldn't be ale to show any emotion and the jury might hold it against her?

I think she NEEDS to be there so she can here all the details of what she did to that baby and just maybe reality will kick in and she'll be finally forced to take a good long hard look at herself.

The purpose would be to have grounds for appeal when she is convicted. Then she could go back and say "hey I wasn't counseled correctly, he didn't have me come to the hearings". I think they are doing it to set up one way to appeal.

If you start another thread, could you please put the link here so we know where to go.
The motion is that she doesn't have to attend the hearings not the trial. The hearings are just for when the attorney goes before the judge with motions like requests to see documents, move the trial to another demographics, postpone certain things, etc. It is not the trial by jury. Casey doesn't want to be "bothered" having to get up and comb her hair just to listen to a bunch of legal jargon. She'd rather be in the comfort of her cell just reading, sleeping, and snacking all day.

The judge has denied this once because it can come back to bite them. Casey could use the lack of appearance at hearings in an appeal. She could plead ignorance that the attorney had requested a postponement or document etc. since she wasn't there in person. She missed a few hearings but on the last one, the judge requested that she be brought to court. It's really not unusual for a client not to attend minor hearings.
Just read on CNN that Casey's attny is trying to keep her from having to be at all the trials, but the judge said she has to be there. What person wouldn't want to be there to defned themselves if they were truly innocent :confused3
These people are crazy and I feel terrible for George, hope he doesn't go back to that crazy Cindy or she will push him over the edge.


Sounds to me that she knows she might have a break down if she has to sit there day in and day out. GOOD! I hope she does.
Look at her all dressed up for court today. Doesnt look like a grieving mother, that is for darn sure.
What if Casy did not tell her mother she was preg until too late and then she could not have an abortion. If the baby was a product of incest then maybe she did not want to give her up for just that reason that people might find out if for some reason they did have to do an dna test. After all the mom was a nurse and she must have an inkling that the child would be prone to many problems and the truth might come out.

yes! YES! Last night on NG, I wasn't able to watch all of it, but she did say the file regarding paternity was SEALED. :confused3
yes! YES! Last night on NG, I wasn't able to watch all of it, but she did say the file regarding paternity was SEALED. :confused3

The file that they were referring to on NG was for the Fiance Jesse Grund and he was already eliminated as Caylee's father, as NG I don't understand why they need to submit these since he isn't her father. Makes one wonder ;)

Look at her all dressed up for court today. Doesnt look like a grieving mother, that is for darn sure.

Just exactly did you expect her to wear to court? She was in a nice conservative suit. I thought she was dressed appropriately for a court appearance.
Just exactly did you expect her to wear to court? She was in a nice conservative suit. I thought she was dressed appropriately for a court appearance.

She wore her jail house pants with that blazer. Now she is trying to 'look' respectable???
I meant, that a normal person would have been in tears at a trial for their murdered child. Not sitting there calmly.
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