Girls Only Disneyland Trip!! Old thread. New link in first post

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Yay for Stacie not having a weird disease!

Don't you love when your doctor is disgusted out by something you have? That has happened to me. I especially love when they have to have their colleagues come and look at it too. :sad2:

I have had this happen a few times. I guess some of my illnesses/cooties ick him out. I find it funny. He's a great doctor with a wonderful bedside manner who just gets the heebee jeebees sometimes.
Is cousin code for "date I don't want anyone to know about unless its a great date and he turns out to be Mr.Right"? Just wondering.

Once again, I wish! Cousin is code for nothing more than cousin. But who knows, maybe I'll meet a hottie tonight. :thumbsup2
Congratulations on the dianosis of allergy/dermatitis, sounded like that to me. You get used to it after a while but just remember not to strip the shirt of when the door is open. I did that coming into the house once. You probably will never figure out what it was unless your pulse starts racing and you have reactions at the time of contact. It can take me a day to get a full blown reaction like to wheat if it is a small amount.

Be thankful that is was not some place like your face. Now for planning my next DLR trip next month on the first week with Calvin. Not sure about the dis diva meetings coming up but until I get an ECV the storyteller is a bit far but not the other hotels. Got to take Calvin as he wa a wee bit upset that I spent a few hours with the divas, boy talk about hurt kid at age 41.

hugs and dole whips everyone.

Sorry I am on a chip and chocolate binge with no end. Who needs booze when you got chocolate and chips.:rolleyes1
So I got back from the doctor and its an allergic reaction/contact dermatitis. But he was kinda grossed out by it. I showed him my back, and he was all "Eww".

How professional of him :rolleyes:

I was thinking, what if they washed the sheets in pineapple detergent? :eek: :lmao:
So I got back from the doctor and its an allergic reaction/contact dermatitis. But he was kinda grossed out by it. I showed him my back, and he was all "Eww". We went through lists of possible diagnosis, what I ate, what I wore, where I went, and what I used. Nothing definite stuck out.

No chicken pox and no scabies or anything icky like that. Thank goodness. Those were the two I was really worried about.

He perscribed me some cream that won't be in till tomorrow, and said that by next week it should all go away.

So no worries for everyone. You can all stop itching. I will contact Hojo and let them know. Still could have been their sheets, but that isn't their fault.

Just glad to know what it is. I am still itchy though and uncomfortable, but it should start getting better.


I'm glad you don't have chicken pox or anything serious (or bed bugs :scared1: ). Hope that cream comes in soon and stops the itching. Feel better soon. :wizard:
Stacie - glad it's not bed bugs (although contact dermatitis is just as itchy - just not quite as icky :rolleyes:)

Heather - I'm glad you're feeling a bit better and made it through your first day on the job :thumbsup2

I've been so busy since I've been back....... too much work! Pizza for dinner :rolleyes1

BTW - I got the slideshow to work :woohoo: Maybe it was too busy when I tried earlier?? There was a message that Photobucket could not do the operation I was trying..... Who knew?
I wish I could say I have a hot date, but that would be a lie. I'm going to see Avenue Q with my cousin. It's supposed to be an adult Sesame Street. :confused3 I dunno, I never heard of it, but that's what I read somewhere. Then we are having a late dinner and I'm just going to stay at her place 'cause it's only 5 minutes from my work.

Based on what I know about you and how similar our taste tends to be on lots of other things you are going to LOVE Avenue Q! It is so much fun and unlike any other musical you have ever seen before. I particularly love the numbers "Everybody's a Little Racist" and "If You Were Gay"... If anyone else hasn't heard of it, I highly recommend checking it out, but DON'T take the kids!!!:rotfl2:
I survived!

I actually did ok until 2, and then I just wanted to crash. I have a second wind now though because by boys are so darned cute. :goodvibes

Callie (or anyone else who homeschools) can you tell me the name of the 'brand' that you use? I am looking at different preschool ones, and am interested in Before Five in a Row and Little Hands to Heaven. Anyone heard of these?

My work day will be a little shorter tomorrow. I'm feeling a little better.

Talk with you all later. I'd love to read what all everyone wrote, and I did skim through, but am just too tired to comment on everything.

Beth, you did look hot in that tub and bed. I bet Reuban was a happy man! :woohoo:

Heather, I've used Five In a Row and it's a great, simple curriculum. Fun and easy and awesome literature that your kids will remember forever.

I love unit studies though. :goodvibes
How professional of him :rolleyes:

I was thinking, what if they washed the sheets in pineapple detergent? :eek: :lmao:

It was a pineapple conspiricy I tell ya!

I'm glad you don't have chicken pox or anything serious (or bed bugs :scared1: ). Hope that cream comes in soon and stops the itching. Feel better soon. :wizard:

Thank you.

Stacie - glad it's not bed bugs (although contact dermatitis is just as itchy - just not quite as icky :rolleyes:)

Yes, not as icky. Thank goodness.
Stacie B., thank you so much for putting together the Segway tour! Also, thanks for waking me up so I didn't miss it! :rotfl2:

I think they put special Disney drugs in that coffee, or maybe the muffin, in the VIP lounge. One cup of that stuff and I was ready to go! ...or maybe it was after that lady fell I realized I would need to wake up or suffer the same fate. :rotfl:

I so wanted to do the Segway this time so I figured I'd do the planning. I really wanted to do it last year, but it just didn't work out.

I think it was after she fell... we all knew to be a little more serious about it.

I didn't have the coffee, and I don't think it was those muffins either. I think we were all afraid of falling and making a fool out of ourselves. No one wanted to die either.


Heck, I don't even take baths! :rotfl: They bore me. Showers only for me.

Same for me; it just feels like a waste of time taking a bath because then I feel like I have to take a shower afterwards... you know, all the bubble bath stuff and everything.

Thank you so much to everyone that participated in the Scavenger Hunt!

I wish everyone could have gotten first place (especially if all the first place people bought me a churro :rotfl:)

Melody, Dawn and myself had a lot of fun putting everything together and I know I'm looking forward to creating the scavenger hunt for next year!!!!

That was the plan!! :thumbsup2 And I don't think any other team bought you churros, did they??

And I would love to have a copy of the scavenger hunt, when you get time.

I loved the idea of matching tees too. I didn't do the red, but did the other colors. I think we should do that again next year. That, and the tie dye tee we talked about once before with the Mickey. It hides more stains and spills then white does....... :rolleyes1 :lmao: No, I'm not messy, why do you ask?

Definitely tie dye shirts next time, I really liked the lime green one we talked about before.

Love all the pictures posted so far; I only took a couple of pictures because everyone else was always pulling out their cameras so I figured I didn't need to use mine.

And the Photopass pictures are doing well, too. Right now, we're at 406 pictures. Each CD will hold about 450 pictures, and they'll send however many CDs it takes for all of the pictures; last time, we had 701 pictures on 2 CDs. Does everyone think we can be done editing by the end of March? Remember, you can add borders and embellish any of the pictures; a new one is saved each time so we never lose the original picture.

I am so sorry. I remember when he took it, I started to fall over that way. I was not prepared yet, and I also don't think he was prepared either.:sad2:

It's a pretty darn blurry picture!!:headache:

Stacie, I hope you find out what in the world is going on. Maybe it is the "duck poop" water!!! :rolleyes1

Debra, you have been through ALOT!!! :grouphug:
Take care, and you can keep yourself accountable to us if you like!

Kelly, Sorry you had to go through it all with Lynn again. I wish you rest this weekend.

Hi Wendy! The 5k will be a piece if cake for you!!! :thumbsup2

Beth, Did you enjoy Phantom??

No, worries. I was just worried about looked like you were trying to grab the goods!! :lmao:

Oh man and yes, I have been through a lot. That was all before I turned 30:sad2: :eek:
So I always wonder whats in store for me later.
But thanks. I think after the whole cancer thing, I have become more aware of things, less of a spoiled *****, I take life as it comes, and things happen for a reason. I don't take life too serious, but serious enough KWIM.
I think that is why I am able to not have jealous tendencies, have the ability to remain friends with the exes, learn to let go of things that really don't seem to matter. But most of all I thank God everyday for what I have been given and life with no regrets. Like Stacie..I am sure I am going to hell some day...I took a picture of the Nuns also...:rolleyes1
They just facinate me.

Boy, I must have been out of it, huh? And we opened them on that little trader's table right outside the shop? I would like to get more but don't want to get the same ones again.

Cherie and Jordan's momma - big hugs to both of you for all you've been through.


Oh dear...if you fall asleep with The Rock on the screen in front of you, then I'm going to have to take the Ambien away from you b/c that's just not right.


(Robert recorded Sat Night Live for me while I was gone, and The Rock hosted...beautiful and hilarious he is!)

Ok the ROCK is HOT. But eh...he is ok.
I am more into the football player type. Not the pro wrestler. Now give me a football/baseball/basketball player...heaven...:lovestruc
That is my cup 'O tea!!

Is cousin code for "date I don't want anyone to know about unless its a great date and he turns out to be Mr.Right"? Just wondering.

Thanks Molly and Callie for the input on the homeschooling. I'm really liking the before Five in a Row. the only thing about it, is that some of the books are out of print and prices on the web are crazy! I mean $97 for a children's book scary! :scared1:

I really like the sonshine curriculum also, and might start it next year when the boys are a little bigger.

Thanks everyone! I'm off to bed to prepare for work tomorrow.

Talk with you all later.

Ok so the date/nondate guy...(names have been changed or have they?? )
2 wknds ago it was my birthday. Things were fine. Kids were gone we spent all wknd together. So his friend Tia was like hey Mandy just broke up with Todd. blah blah blah...ok so we are sitting at the fights on my BIRTHDAY talking about HER...yay fun. blah blah rolls around Chris & I go to lunch. He tells me that Mandy (she is the ex who suddenly a year ago moved back to Portland) is coming to Tia's house for Karaoke on Thurs night & going to the Hog on Friday night with them. Ok no problem. I am not the jealous girl. We have an understanding we haven't labeled our relationship. So Thursday nite he texts. Friday night/Saturday morning he sends me a text saying that he misses me. yada yada. Sweet.
So then we talk Saturday morning. Well Saturday night when I get back to the room I check in online at school & go on FB and myspace(have I ever mentioned I love my Blackberry?? well I do!! :thumbsup2 ). Well his status says something like, I miss the Rulebreaker (aka me)...& I am texting MJ..(her) ok whatdoyado? I just put my phone down and went to bed since I had to get up at the butt crack for the Segway tour. So while I am waiting for the CM to get us, I login on my blackberry & his status now says, I wish I was cuddling with Mandy Jo.... I was ticked. Mostly because when I woke up he had sent me a few texts. And then this. Well I just blew it off. Besides I was having a child free weekend in Disneyland & I was not going to let petty stuff ruin my fun!!
Sunday on my way to the airport he sends me a text saying have a safe flight yada yada.
Since Sunday we have talked a few times. Last night (over myspace)...he
messages me. At first it is general chit chat. Then he said did you notice I changed my picture? Well DUH! It is her w/ him.
He just said that was from Friday night. Said that is was Mandy. She has moved back to the area. Her & I have been texting a lot since then (Friday). there are still some feelings there & we are gonna hang out occasionally.
I really do like you. I enjoy spending time with you. The last 3 months have been great. But I am not sure about this thing with Mandy. Where we are headed. I just know I have had this thing for her forever. On Friday night it was even more clear. I never meant to hurt you. I am very sorry.
I have been trying to find a way all week to say this. I wanted to say it in person but I didn't want to see the hurt in your face.
If you have any questions please ask.

So I responded with...
ummm..ok. I sort of figured when I saw your status comments over the weekend.
Questions...I am not sure I have any.

He responded with....
I am sorry about that. I drunken myspaced that night. I really do & did enjoy spending time with you. This was really unexpected and has turned things upside down.
I would still like to be friends. I mean who else is going to understand our crazy inside jokes. Or appreciate a 1000 ways to die like I do??
Or understand the crazy girl magnet? However, you are not one of the crazy
of the crazy girls. You suprised me & ended up being this beautiful, amazing, smart, doesn't take anyones crap, kick *** girl. Who I hope I haven't ruined a great friendship with. My friends really do like you & hope that you continue to hang out with us.

Again I wish things would have been different.

I Just said.
Well things happen.
Friends of course.

He replied with...
again I am so sorry. I never meant to hurt you.

My repy..
Its fine. Things happen. I am glad you were able to be up front and honest.
So this means I can go after Steve-O right??
Jus kidding..I am not like that...or am I??

So thats the short version. Although it isn't all that short.

My BFF was like you have way more class & abilty to hold back than I do. I would have ripped him a new one.

So I dunno...boys are just dumb!!
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