Disboutiquers Part 12 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

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I think the :tink:tag fairy got demoted and is permantly stuck in Neverland. :headache:I haven't seen anyone get a tag in forever...like probably a year or so.
This is SO funny!
You know, whats really funny, I was thinking about the tag fairy a few weeks ago. I spend most of my time right here with you girls unless I am planning a vacay. And I just assumed the tag fairy must not sew.....and then I felt bad for her. i mean- fairies being magical and all and it never crossed her mind to whip up something personal for her Disney trip- and come check us out for ideas? :confused3

Oh well, I gave up on being "cool" and having a tag a long time ago, and really, I'm okay with that.

Well, we made it to church this morning! Rainy and drizzly here- and we got a big storm with hail tonight.
I was too tired to keep my eyes open when we got home and fell asleep on the couch.
But tonight- I retaped my "frame" to the floor and then placed my center piece and started with the stitch witchery on the sides- I cant begin to explain how difficult this was, I mean I'm huge now, so just being on the wood floor is tough, my seperated pubic bone does NOT help. If only I could have started this project about 2 months ago....
The stitch witchery is barely holding once I took it up off the floor- next is blanket stitching the edges of my "wavy"
Im a bit disappointed, pressing the 1/4" edge in and keeping it with the same lines I drew proved to be a challenge and some areas don't have the true smoothness I planned with I drew it.

I looked at my calendar and I have no plans for tomorrow or Tuesday- YEAH!!

OH and I convinced DH to make a REAL dinner tonight. I pulled out a recipe that I've not made before- chicken enchiladas- he was reluctant- but did it and ya know what??? It was GOOD! I'm so proud of him!!:cool1:
Oh, BTW, does anyone have any ideas for something Peter Pan or Captain Hook for my son to wear? I went to the Disney store and they don't have one shirt with Peter Pan on it and I have not been successful in finding and fabric with them either. My girls are doing a tink/faries day and I don't have anything for my son to wear. I appliqued once (the hat from cat in the hat last month) and that was the only thing I have done (so it can't be too complicated). Maybe just a hook? Any suggestions or easy clip art links?....maybe if they are very easy :lmao:......Thanks!

How about checking the DISsigners thread? You could ask them for a graphic that you could simply print and iron on to a t shirt.

Look for TravelinGal- she did her whole family in costumes from Peter Pan and she is an amazing graphic artist. I was able to use one of her awesome graphics for MNSSHP.
I would caution you to use a quality t shirt and it is so important to use the right transfer paper (dont go cheap!)
I bought cheap shirts and apparently the wrong transfer paper which meant that the transfers looked awesome, but we really only got 1 use out them, when I washed them the shirts shrunk and the transfers peeled.
My cousin had her first baby a few days ago. She was released from the Hospital, but she is not doing well at all. They think she may be in conjestive heart failure and she is not 30. She is struggling for breath and very swollen. She has more Dr appt tomorrow-one with a heart specialist.
I was looking for a presser foot that looked like a regular sewing machine one. But they are different. How did I figure this out? I wanted to use my serger with another foot, but couldn't quite remember how to thread the machine and such. So I watched the tutorials. What did I see on the video? The presser foot that goes with the machine. I had it in my stash the whole time. Duh!!!!
Aww!! that made me giggle. Sounds like something I'd do. I'm glad you found it!

You are suppose to lay the sheet down so that the unprinted side is up (printed side down), and then you flip the finished edge over the top of your blanket, then it will be going the right way. (does that make sense? I can try to find a picture)

ETA: I haven't found a good picture, but here is a little tutorial I found:
OMgosh! Thank you for posting that!
I actually went to New Orleans today on a hot date with my hubby. I decided to go into pottery barn to ask them about the sheets. I was pretty embarassed when she explained that this was the proper way to make a bed. I don't think I'll be making my DD's bed all fancy like everyday. Maybe for pictures though. :laughing:
Do I really need to read Dead until dark or can I start on Living Dead in Dallas? I have D U D waiting at the library I just wanted to read somthing tonight ;)
How about checking the DISsigners thread? You could ask them for a graphic that you could simply print and iron on to a t shirt.

Look for TravelinGal- she did her whole family in costumes from Peter Pan and she is an amazing graphic artist. I was able to use one of her awesome graphics for MNSSHP.
I would caution you to use a quality t shirt and it is so important to use the right transfer paper (dont go cheap!)
I bought cheap shirts and apparently the wrong transfer paper which meant that the transfers looked awesome, but we really only got 1 use out them, when I washed them the shirts shrunk and the transfers peeled.

I made my first shirts a few weeks ago. I used target tshirts and washed and dried them first. Then I used HP iron on transfers for light fabric. They turned out ok. After I applied the iron on, I washed it inside out so that nothing would run and dried it lightly in the drier. It did fade a little bit. This shirt also was left at a hotel on our last trip and found in the laundry by the hotel staff after it had been washed! $16 in fedex charges later and I have my beloved shirt again. But the good news is that it made it through that industrial washer and dryer and didn't fade a bit! I'm doing more shirts and this time I'm using the HP dark transfers. They are supposed to be more vibrant in color than the light ones. I hope they work because I've got a ton of shirts to make! :) Good luck!!
My cousin had her first baby a few days ago. She was released from the Hospital, but she is not doing well at all. They think she may be in conjestive heart failure and she is not 30. She is struggling for breath and very swollen. She has more Dr appt tomorrow-one with a heart specialist.

Oh my - I feel so sorry for her!!! Hopefully they can figure things out really really quickly!!!! Prayers being said!!

Jessica - here is my first taggie blankie!! Im also making a tiny rag quilt to match - how big do you think it needs to be??? My taggie is 12x12 - is that okay???
Finally finished the pirate adventure outfits! :woohoo: I have a couple minor adjustments I want to make but if I don't get them done it's no biggie.






OH they are all so cute. I have some of that same pink pirate fabric. I think they all turned out great, so adorable!

Ohhhh - love the hook idea - maybe a shadow of captain hook??? (just the dark image - like the Walt/mickey one someone did??)

Love those piratey outfits!! What poses - boy your little one loves to pose!! Are they high heel flip flops too????? lol - love their long hair - so pretty - that son is handsome too - love the "accessory" with his outfit!!! lol!!!

The top is cute, wouldnt it be pretty easy just to make it so someone could sew up the back if they wanted to? ooooh, I see a new Ebook in our future!!! You can do it!!!!!!

I made my first taggie blanket today - will post later!!

Daniels fundraiser on Friday went GREAT!! Thanks to those who donated things to be auctioned. I have no idea how much anything went for and didnt even really get near the auction stuff that night!!! I was in the kids room most of the night - man there were 300 people there!!!! Daniel was able to attend, and his parents let him hang out with his friends, which was cool. I felt soooo bad for him though - he has gotten really really thin and that makes his face just look so different. He also wanted to walk out without his walker, so his dad just stood really close by - but he almost fell - poor guy - I just pray it all really does end by this time next year. Its so hard to see him (or anyone ) struggle like that. But the good news is - about $25, 000 was raised!!! Can you believe it!! And we are still selling the bracelets and stuff, so it should keep growing for a while anyways!!!! Here are a few pictures from the Daniel Day Parade (firetrucks and stuff rode through the neighborhood and then to his house) - lots of people signed the banner on the back of the firetruck....


Awww bless Daniel's heart. That is wonderful that they raised so much money already. I am praying for him and his family!!!!

My cousin had her first baby a few days ago. She was released from the Hospital, but she is not doing well at all. They think she may be in conjestive heart failure and she is not 30. She is struggling for breath and very swollen. She has more Dr appt tomorrow-one with a heart specialist.
Oh my gosh Cindee.....I will be praying for you cousin!!! How sad...please keep us posted.
My cousin had her first baby a few days ago. She was released from the Hospital, but she is not doing well at all. They think she may be in conjestive heart failure and she is not 30. She is struggling for breath and very swollen. She has more Dr appt tomorrow-one with a heart specialist.

Cindee, so sorry to hear about your cousin, will be thinking positively for her!

Oh my - I feel so sorry for her!!! Hopefully they can figure things out really really quickly!!!! Prayers being said!!

Jessica - here is my first taggie blankie!! Im also making a tiny rag quilt to match - how big do you think it needs to be??? My taggie is 12x12 - is that okay???

Very cute, love the earlier taggie blanket posted, too, AND all the knitting! I'm in awe of it!

Here's the LAST thing I'll probably sew totally by hand:


The shape of the bodice looks all wonky in the photos, think it's how I had it laying on the table (trust me, it doesn't look that bad, or I'd have burned it lol!). I can't decide if I should put snaps in for the fasteners, or wait until I've gotten the machine out and put in buttonholes. . .

And since we were showing cakes earlier, here's the one I made for dd last year (it was the second cake I'd decorated in my entire life, and wasn't that enjoyable for me, but I was determined she'd have a Care Bear cake!):

My cousin had her first baby a few days ago. She was released from the Hospital, but she is not doing well at all. They think she may be in conjestive heart failure and she is not 30. She is struggling for breath and very swollen. She has more Dr appt tomorrow-one with a heart specialist.

Praying, Cindee! Is she not in the hospital being monitored? That sounds scary! Please keep us posted.
And I just assumed the tag fairy must not sew.....and then I felt bad for her.

:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: Yes. We feel sorry for the tag fairy for being sewing impaired.

But...you don't need a tag to be cool!!!! Didn't you know we started a cool club here:cool1:? When was that Heather? Summer of last year??? So you happen to be in the right place if you wanna be cool:thumbsup2


Thank you for the heads up about the Walmart by the C. Mall. I will head there tomorrow even though I have a TON pf other things I SHOULD be doing. Can't pass up a sale fabric:rotfl:!
Thank you all for the well wishes. We are so excited but also a bit nervous about adding to our family. The first ultrasound is this Thursday so I will be anxious for good results that day.
I just saw that our DD's are around the same age. Is she potty trained yet?
My DD keeps asking for a baby brother. I think she thinks that once you have a baby they grow into 3 year old play mates! :confused3

I don't sew that much but I am a very slow knitter (I knit when I am sitting at the clinic all the time)
I finished it this morning hope it is Ok to post :rolleyes1

I love it all. I adore that pink dress that you are making for your friend. Would you share the pattern??? I knitted a couple of things when my DD was little, but found it very strenuous on my hands. I have some nerve damage in my hands. I can smock, but knitting killed me. I did manage some booties, bonnets, and a dress that is unfinished!

Adorable! What a lucky child to receive that!

Finally finished the pirate adventure outfits! :woohoo: I have a couple minor adjustments I want to make but if I don't get them done it's no biggie.






Love your piratey things! :laughing:
Your girls' poses are so cute!

Daniels fundraiser on Friday went GREAT!!
:woohoo: So happy for you guys!

How moving! I had goosebumps reading it. Let me think on the siblings. I was thinking it would be fun to send them something as I am sure they have to deal with alot since this started too.

And ...

For all you non facebookers. I made this vida yesterday to make sure I knew how it went together.
Cute. I admire that you actually make a dress to see how it works out before making the one you really want to make. I used to do that when i sewed for myself. I no longer have the patience! :laughing:
disboutiquers - then ask to be all of our friends!
I kept worrying I would try to add the wrong people. I wish there was a way to add the whole group. Facebook confuses me!

I have a question for Jessica52877. I loved the Taggy Blanket you made. What font did you use for that name? I like that name a lot! William Hudson, it sounds very masculine. Anyways, I was looking for a set of boys names in a more formal script. I have a set of boys names in the Disney Print. If you have a minute PM me about that font!
www.sewforum.com People there post lots of free fonts to download and take requests in the design request forum. I would offer to make some designs for you as well on my Monogram Wizard, but I am really busy this week. If you aren't in a hurry I can probably help you out next week.

Well, we made it to church this morning! Rainy and drizzly here- and we got a big storm with hail tonight.
I was too tired to keep my eyes open when we got home and fell asleep on the couch.
But tonight- I retaped my "frame" to the floor and then placed my center piece and started with the stitch witchery on the sides- I cant begin to explain how difficult this was, I mean I'm huge now, so just being on the wood floor is tough, my seperated pubic bone does NOT help. If only I could have started this project about 2 months ago....
The stitch witchery is barely holding once I took it up off the floor- next is blanket stitching the edges of my "wavy"
Im a bit disappointed, pressing the 1/4" edge in and keeping it with the same lines I drew proved to be a challenge and some areas don't have the true smoothness I planned with I drew it.
Oh you poor thing! I can't imagine being that pregnant and being on the floor like that. I hope you have someone to help you up! :hug:
I think after hearing about your quilt I don't want to try one. :rotfl:

My cousin had her first baby a few days ago. She was released from the Hospital, but she is not doing well at all. They think she may be in conjestive heart failure and she is not 30. She is struggling for breath and very swollen. She has more Dr appt tomorrow-one with a heart specialist.
How sad. :hug: I hope the Dr. visit goes better than expected.
Cute apron dress! Can't wait to see what you whip up on that new machine. ;)
Love the cake too!
I love it all. I adore that pink dress that you are making for your friend. Would you share the pattern??? I knitted a couple of things when my DD was little, but found it very strenuous on my hands. I have some nerve damage in my hands. I can smock, but knitting killed me. I did manage some booties, bonnets, and a dress that is unfinished!

This pattern is designed by my friend Razz - here's the link to it on her blog or if you are on ravelry (join up its great) she's under craftyweewifey - it's called kaia babydoll after her dd


ETA: my mum has some problems with her hands and stuff and has found it good knitting with nice needles - I use knitpicks interchangeables in harmony but the nickel ones are gorgeous to knit with too I think their website is www.knitpicks.com - I'm jealous of all the yarn choices and needle choices you have there - when I'm on my trip I'm definitely going yarn shopping :)
Oh my - I feel so sorry for her!!! Hopefully they can figure things out really really quickly!!!! Prayers being said!!

Jessica - here is my first taggie blankie!! Im also making a tiny rag quilt to match - how big do you think it needs to be??? My taggie is 12x12 - is that okay???

WOW!!! I LOVE this fabric!! what a great combination Jess!:thumbsup2 I have some mushroom fabric from JA's that I want to make an Alice custom for Lily w/ and I think I want to use the Vida pattern for that. ???:confused3 ya never know though.

Hobby Lobby kindly puts all their go together prints right next to each other. I wish I was that good with putting them together.

Thanks for the compliments.

I only put this one together because I was really worried for some reason (after making it I don't know why) and the next one is going to have a big applique. I didn't want to end up ruining the applique.

I did my tag blanket 12x12 and some baby blankets are 30x30. I find those one a teeny bit small and like them just a bit longer so maybe 36x30 or about that. Maybe it was the square I didn't like. Just seemed like the baby barely fit.

My cousin had her first baby a few days ago. She was released from the Hospital, but she is not doing well at all. They think she may be in conjestive heart failure and she is not 30. She is struggling for breath and very swollen. She has more Dr appt tomorrow-one with a heart specialist.

I'll be praying. Why isn't she in the hospital (not that you know that), just seems pretty bad to be home.
Oh and my mom used to make my bed I guess the proper way. I couldn't stand it! You bet my beds are now made so I can see the design without laying in bed.
I'll be praying. Why isn't she in the hospital (not that you know that), just seems pretty bad to be home.

I asked this question. She doesn't want to leave the baby. Since he has been released from the hospital-they can't readmit him so he can stay with her if they admit her.

Thank you all for the prayers.
OMG Miss one day and I am so FAR behind! That will teach me!

Wendy, So glad Daniels fundraiser went so well!

Prayers to those who need them!

I LOVE all the knit stuff! I can't knit for the life of me!

LOVE the pirate stuff! I have the same material the boy and girl material. It is on the list to make stuff:thumbsup2

The Aurora stuff is adorable. Nik still loves her. I might have to make her a SB outfit for this trip....

George has his post op appointment this afternoon. He thinks he is going back to work tomorrow so we will see. I love him but the man is driving me crazy!!!!!!!! LOL Well actually just one day I was SO ready for im to go back! LOL
If any of you gals know of any endometriosis treatment centers/specialists that are somewhat closer to me than Georgia please pm me or let me know. Georgia is the closest I have found so far. I'm 3 years and 3 surgeries out and I hurt worse than ever. I think it is time to find a specialist. I am not willing to give up my ovaries and uterus just yet. Everyone wants to just cut em out like they are spare parts. :mad:
I have heard great things about specialists completely removing the endometriosis and it not coming back. I just want to find someone really good. It makes me sick to think of the money we have spent and I still am hurting this bad. I am having trouble picking up my DD. That is the worse feeling in the world!!!!! Now would be a great time for her to potty train... :sad1:

I don't know about any treatment centers, but I can sympathize with you. I struggled with endo for 15 years before I decided to have a hysterectomy. I struggled long and hard over the decision, but feel that it was the best choice for me. I did find a surgeon that agreed to leave in one ovary - my endo was concentrated on my right side, it had adhered my right ovary, right ureter and part of my right kidney to the abdomen wall so along with the pain, it felt like I had a constant UTI/Kidney infection. Good luck finding something that works for you!

Hello again! I finally finished the rest of the Bambi outfit. I found some really cool fabric in my stash to make easyfit capris and I put Thumper on the cuff. I added some rick rack to the tee and the cuff and whaaa laaaaa....all done! Get ready for too many Brooklyn's:


And all done:



Thumper is a bit off center...Maybe I should try and put a butterfly or something on there? I may have a butterfly button he can be reaching for?

Very, very cute!

Here is my post of knitting - to show I have been crafting even if it wasn't sewing.

A wee shrug/bolero for Em - love the red in this - it's going to be her Disney one



A dress/tunic and pant set for a friends newborn

A dress for dolly

Testing a dress pattern for a friend of mine

and this one is a special one - it's my first proper adult knit (not a hat or gloves) It was my reward to myself for losing weight almost 9kgs which is about 25lb I think. I still have a wee way to go but I'm getting there.


Currently on the needles I have another shrug/bolero for Izzy and a dress like the one I made my friends bubba for em :)

Those are amazing!

Here is one of two outfits done for the latest Big Give....this is for cute little Olivia! She loves Aurora and ruffles! DD5 helped me make a little stretchy necklace. We put Olivia's name in there too but the pics came out kind of blurry ;)


I like the pink and purple color combinations.

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