Disboutiquers Part 12 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

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I was at my girlfriends little girl bday party. the one I made the ruffled up dress, Wubbzy and Tink Patchwork. Well one of her friends fell in love with the Tink one and my girlfriend kept telling every one how I made it and isn't it great so her GF said she wants one for her DD just let her know how much and what ever it is she will pay for it! :scared1: How much should I charge??? The woman kept saying for a one of a kind she would pay $70 or $80 but that just seems like so much. Not that I wouldn't love it but I want to be fair.
My gf was too funny at the party she kept telling every one to go to my FB page and look at all the stuff I made . She was such a confidence booster. Every one seemed to love it! And a few started asking how much things were but I have o clue what to charge!!

Love all the new things! The crocs are so cute!


OMG how scary about the break in!!!!!! I am so glad you are safe!!!!
I am driving through to say good morning to everyone! I have been reading it all but feel like I haven't said much lately! Dallas' baseball eats up so much of our time and with the weather nice we love to be outside! It is supposed to get cold this week again though. Where is summer!
I made these minnie korkers to wear on crocs. What do you all think about these? Please give me your honest opinion. I was also thinking about making bows to go on them as well.

I think they are cute. Has anyone seen the new Croc style Disney shoes at Walmart? They have Mickey heads on the sides.

Thanks for the ideas, I TOTALLY get your point but...

We are going on a pirate adventure as we drive, so thats why we need pirate clothes, I have the boys covered but I don't have anything for a Pirate~Princesspirate: We are making the most of our Pirate road trip and will be stopping for alot of pictures along the way so I want her dressed cute.. (does that make me sound awful?) and really it will be 6 1/2 hours one day and the rest the next. If I have enough fabric I might try two tops.. I just can't decide. She will be wearing Black stretch pants for the bottom that has silver sparkles. Oh and we are traveling from Minnesota to Tennesee so shorts to start won't really work with our snowy weather we currently have

This is a cute idea!

Thanks!! I WISH we were going to Disney... :sad2: But since that is out of the question we are just going to meet my parents in Nashville for Easter :)

I finished my first Nap Sack (I think thats what its called?) TOTALLY messed it up, sewing one wrong side and right side together, but I'm not going to pick it out now and I didnt notice it until it was all finished and I went to put it on him and couldn't read the writting so had to turn it around OOPS LOL it's for my younger son. he's also showing off his pirate outfit. It was actually my older son's halloween costume in 2006.




I think these pirate outfits look great!!
Could you make a plain knit shirt, like Peasant top on YCMT, and put the corset on and off when she's in and out of the car? If she needs pirate in the car, maybe a ruffle on the pans, or make the sleeves out of the pirate fabric?
Just a thought.
My DH has a ticket for Universal Studios...we earned it by using our credit card...it expires 8/31/09... before our trip so we can't use it. PM me if you think you could use it! :goodvibes
WOO HOO!!! Break out the tickers. Looks like our dates for this years family vacay are booked!! We are going Dec. 6-13th. Tried to get rooms on property but the time share was booked. I think they are still trying but have booked a room off property anyway. I am a little bummed not to be going to MNSSHP this year, but if I have my way there may be an Oct. trip to DL (so far DH hasn't said NO) I haven't been to WDW for Christmas EVER though so I am pretty excited!!! Of course this means I won't be able to get away w/ seasonal passes this year and will have to shell out for annuals but whatever ;)

We'll be there Dec 5-11th; my third time for holiday stuff, but a first for my parents, brother and uncle. :thumbsup2
Thanks!! I WISH we were going to Disney... :sad2: But since that is out of the question we are just going to meet my parents in Nashville for Easter :)

I finished my first Nap Sack (I think thats what its called?) TOTALLY messed it up, sewing one wrong side and right side together, but I'm not going to pick it out now and I didnt notice it until it was all finished and I went to put it on him and couldn't read the writting so had to turn it around OOPS LOL it's for my younger son. he's also showing off his pirate outfit. It was actually my older son's halloween costume in 2006.



I think you did a great job!!!
I was at my girlfriends little girl bday party. the one I made the ruffled up dress, Wubbzy and Tink Patchwork. Well one of her friends fell in love with the Tink one and my girlfriend kept telling every one how I made it and isn't it great so her GF said she wants one for her DD just let her know how much and what ever it is she will pay for it! :scared1: How much should I charge??? The woman kept saying for a one of a kind she would pay $70 or $80 but that just seems like so much. Not that I wouldn't love it but I want to be fair.
My gf was too funny at the party she kept telling every one to go to my FB page and look at all the stuff I made . She was such a confidence booster. Every one seemed to love it! And a few started asking how much things were but I have o clue what to charge!!

Love all the new things! The crocs are so cute!


OMG how scary about the break in!!!!!! I am so glad you are safe!!!!

I just had a workshop on this topic and you have to take everything into account, keep track of what supplies you used, thread and all and how much time it took you to make it and then there is two ways to figure out what to charge. If you go with what you have in fabric and all supplies you add it up and multiply by 3 and that is your price, or you do it by the hour but be sure not to do anything less than min. wage. Either way do not short yourself, I always think I am charging way too much for stuff because I probably wouldn't pay that much but other people will and you are making a custom outfit which takes alot of time. Hope this helps and it's great that you have a good friend to boost your confidence and find you customers :thumbsup2
Thanks for the links to the drawstring bags, I think i will be able to get those done tnnight once my little pirates ever fall asleep :)

I have another question.
I need to make my daughter something "piratey" to wear, it needs to be comfy because she will be wearing for 15 hours while buckled into her 5 point carseat (she is 4 years old)

I am leaning towards making her a corset top to go over a t-shirt, but have also debated doing a peasant style top, although they always seem bunchy at her armpits and she complains they "itch"

I cannot/will not go out and buy new fabrics LOL and here is the fabrics I have to work with that I think coordinate together enough to work, I have it laid out as sort of how I'd do the Corset top, but am unsure what to use as the ruffle.


any ideas?

Here is my idea if you took a dress pattern and altered the bodice and did it as panels to resemble a corset, you would get the look and still be comfy and be able to wear it over a t-shirt, just a thought ;)
This is just a drive by but wanted to say I love all the cute clothes. Our mountain closes today but we went yesterday as it gets a bit crazy and not appropriate for Hunter to see. Topless women and men in undies!:scared1:

It was great to finish out our ski/snowboard season and now we fire up our snowmachines and go to the back country to ski/snowboard. We all have avalanche gear and DH is search and rescue.

I am finally feeling better for the first time in over a month:yay: That was the worst I have ever been and I am grateful it is mostly over.

Today I am cleaning as I have not deep cleaned since getting sick.

I don't have anything to sew....suggestions? We have all the outfits from our trip and am not going back till Sept. Hunter's clothes should still fit. I have tons of fabric but no inspiration.

Minnie, how is George? Wendy, how is daniel? Benita, I still haven't tried the ruffler yet but maybe a skirt is in order. Prayers for those in need.

I was able to get this fabric today @ my JoAnn's and most of what i have has been spoken for on the swap board, but my favorite lady at JoAnn's was able to locate more for me, but not alot & I already have it ordered and on the way, to be shipped to me tomorrow!!! There were only 3 JoAnn's in the United States that had any left and I ordered it all since I knew everyone on this board liked it so much...You guys have inspired me to sew things other than pillowcases...So I put in a little extra work to get you all some of the fabric that most said it was hard to find!! I actually just happened to stumble upon it in JoAnn on Friday. If anyone wants any let me know...just PM me...
Hi April!

So happy you are feeling better!! I cant Imagine skiing in your undies!!!!!AHHHHHHHHH:scared1:

Daniel is back in the hospital - on his last bloodwork they found bacteria in his blood, so even though he felt okay - he had to go back into the hospital. Poor guy!! At least he isnt feeling bad or anything!! Thanks so much for asking!

Boys are difficult for me for Easter - so at Jessica's suggestion, I made them bunny peep shirts - lol!!

And this is a tiered skirt I made for Bekah (17 year old) I just did 1 and a half increase per tier so its not too twirly....what do you think??

Im feeling blue today:sad1: - not sure why - its so beautiful outside - it seemed that everywhere I went at church this morning, people were talking about their kids and their babies etc - so I was totally left out of the conversations - ok, pity party over - gotta get outta this funk!!!:confused:

Anyone ever do anything curious George?

I am driving through to say good morning to everyone! I have been reading it all but feel like I haven't said much lately! Dallas' baseball eats up so much of our time and with the weather nice we love to be outside! It is supposed to get cold this week again though. Where is summer!

I know what you mean. We were 80 yesterday and in the 40's today. Oklahoma has CRAZY weather. The good part was yesterday was DGD5's birthday party and we were able to throw them outside to play. They had a blast and didn't want to go home.
Hi Guys,

Has anyone used the vest pattern from the baby section of the bookmarks? I printed it out and cut it out - but lol - it looks like it would maybe fit an american girl doll or something - the websited doesnt really have directions that i can find - just pictures you click on and then the pattern comes up and you print it.....lol - any help?:goodvibes
Daniel is back in the hospital - on his last bloodwork they found bacteria in his blood, so even though he felt okay - he had to go back into the hospital. Poor guy!! At least he isnt feeling bad or anything!! Thanks so much for asking!
Oh Wendy, I am so sorry, please let him know that we pray daily that he get better soon! At the conference only 1 person did say something about the metronome therapy. He said it does help.
Boys are difficult for me for Easter - so at Jessica's suggestion, I made them bunny peep shirts - lol!!

And this is a tiered skirt I made for Bekah (17 year old) I just did 1 and a half increase per tier so its not too twirly....what do you think??

Im feeling blue today:sad1: - not sure why - its so beautiful outside - it seemed that everywhere I went at church this morning, people were talking about their kids and their babies etc - so I was totally left out of the conversations - ok, pity party over - gotta get outta this funk!!!:confused:

Anyone ever do anything curious George?


Please don't let the talk get you down. I know it is hard to hear about wonderful happy families when you are not one of them. Just look at the blessings you do have and rejoice in the Lord. The skirt outfit is some of my favorite colours and the bunny shirt is too cute. Great job!
Has anyone had any trouble with little girls ripping the seams out on the top of the portrait peasant style? My DD seems to have a knack for ripping through the side seam, right where the sleeve attaches and a bit below.
I am going to sew over that area twice next time, but I am wondering if I need to do something different with the size or something?

Good to know. I e-mailed them and another quilt shop that advertised lessons figuring they might "rent" us out some space for the afternoon but no go. I'll have to give JA's a call. Thanks Cindee!

:wave2: HI LACY!!!!!!! I've been missing you! Are you planning to come to WDW? I will so come and see you guys!:banana::banana::banana: Diapers :scared1: I have seen so many people who sew get to diapers and make them all wonky. I don't do well w/ trial and error so it'll bum me out to have to make 5 crappy ones (no pun intended) before I make one that looks decent. You are a good friend. I wish I had someone to come help me sew mine!! My MIL will help me knock them out. Especially since it's getting harder and harder for me to fit behind the machine :rotfl2: I'll have B take a preggo pic tomorrow so you all can see....and scan the 3D ultrasound pic of the littlest.

I have missed you all too :goodvibes We are planning a trip to WDW this year. We have to get our baby girl there soon. She screams "I want to gooo there" every time she sees Mickey Mouse. We are planning a trip September 5-11. This will be Leanne's 12th birthday and also the 5 year anniversary of our first trip as a family. I can plan an anniversary trip to Disney out of just about any occasion! :lmao: We are so excited and can't wait.

I am also not good at trial and error. The diapers we made were so easy. They are the AIO pattern from Very Baby dot com. They are like the you can make this of diaper patterns:) It is great that your MIL can help you whip them out. The cutting is the hardest thing. It literally took us 5 hours to cut out a dozen diapers and make the soaker layers out of zorb. Are you using PUL fabric? That took the longest since you can not pin it. We traced the pattern with the fabric marker and them cut them out. It is worth it though. The diapers are adorable.
So are you going to make a tutorial for us??? My DGD is cloth diapered and her mom wants me to make some for her!

I could try to make a tutorial for you when I start the other diapers. I am waiting for my machine to come back from the shop. Diapers are very hard on sewing machines. I assume it is because it has so many layers!? My Disney Brother machine will not even even try to sew them. It just locks up and makes a scary sound. :confused3 Anyway- I can not promise it will be the best tutorial, but I will try:)

Thank you for showing me that I can make an applique too!! I never thought I could do it. So here is the 5th pillowcase dress I have made for my Daughter with my very first applique.


Super cute!!! Both your DD and your dress:)
On a brighter note...I love the fabulous princess outfit! It will be perfect for 1900 park fare! I am thinking of eating there too when we go....maybe for lunch?
Does 1900 Park Fare do lunch? I thought it was Mary Poppins, Pooh & Alice at breakfast and Cinderella & Steps at dinner.

Ok ladies - here is the skirt with the tulle trimmed - Joci LOVES it! And I have to say I do too.

Next on the sewing room table - fairies....
Too cute! Looks like she sure does LOVE it!

have another question.
I need to make my daughter something "piratey" to wear, it needs to be comfy because she will be wearing for 15 hours while buckled into her 5 point carseat (she is 4 years old)

I am leaning towards making her a corset top to go over a t-shirt, but have also debated doing a peasant style top, although they always seem bunchy at her armpits and she complains they "itch"

I cannot/will not go out and buy new fabrics LOL and here is the fabrics I have to work with that I think coordinate together enough to work, I have it laid out as sort of how I'd do the Corset top, but am unsure what to use as the ruffle.


any ideas?
Those fabrics are great! How about a vest over a T?

I know I should, but I can't remember who needed iron on designs of Capt Hook and I'm too lazy to go back and look!

Here are two



I'm still looking for a good image of his hook

Those are great!

I finished my first Nap Sack (I think thats what its called?) TOTALLY messed it up, sewing one wrong side and right side together, but I'm not going to pick it out now and I didnt notice it until it was all finished and I went to put it on him and couldn't read the writting so had to turn it around OOPS LOL it's for my younger son. he's also showing off his pirate outfit. It was actually my older son's halloween costume in 2006.



Love that bag!

WOO HOO!!! Break out the tickers. Looks like our dates for this years family vacay are booked!! We are going Dec. 6-13th. Tried to get rooms on property but the time share was booked. I think they are still trying but have booked a room off property anyway. I am a little bummed not to be going to MNSSHP this year, but if I have my way there may be an Oct. trip to DL (so far DH hasn't said NO) I haven't been to WDW for Christmas EVER though so I am pretty excited!!! Of course this means I won't be able to get away w/ seasonal passes this year and will have to shell out for annuals but whatever ;)
You've never been for Christmas? You'll love it! It is beautiful!

I was at my girlfriends little girl bday party. the one I made the ruffled up dress, Wubbzy and Tink Patchwork. Well one of her friends fell in love with the Tink one and my girlfriend kept telling every one how I made it and isn't it great so her GF said she wants one for her DD just let her know how much and what ever it is she will pay for it! :scared1: How much should I charge??? The woman kept saying for a one of a kind she would pay $70 or $80 but that just seems like so much. Not that I wouldn't love it but I want to be fair.
My gf was too funny at the party she kept telling every one to go to my FB page and look at all the stuff I made . She was such a confidence booster. Every one seemed to love it! And a few started asking how much things were but I have o clue what to charge!!
See! It is beautiful!

this is the most beautiful outfit I have ever seen. Howe did you get the mickey immage?
Looks like you don't have enough posts to quote a photo. You only need 10. No one would mind if you just do a countdown. Which Mickey? If you're talking about that super cute dress with the Mickey Head you can find that in the photobucket account listed on page one of this thread.

This is just a drive by but wanted to say I love all the cute clothes. Our mountain closes today but we went yesterday as it gets a bit crazy and not appropriate for Hunter to see. Topless women and men in undies!:scared1:

It was great to finish out our ski/snowboard season and now we fire up our snowmachines and go to the back country to ski/snowboard. We all have avalanche gear and DH is search and rescue.

I am finally feeling better for the first time in over a month:yay: That was the worst I have ever been and I am grateful it is mostly over.

Today I am cleaning as I have not deep cleaned since getting sick.

I don't have anything to sew....suggestions? We have all the outfits from our trip and am not going back till Sept. Hunter's clothes should still fit. I have tons of fabric but no inspiration.
Glad you're feeling better! Stay safe!!!!

Daniel is back in the hospital - on his last bloodwork they found bacteria in his blood, so even though he felt okay - he had to go back into the hospital. Poor guy!! At least he isnt feeling bad or anything!! Thanks so much for asking!

Boys are difficult for me for Easter - so at Jessica's suggestion, I made them bunny peep shirts - lol!!

And this is a tiered skirt I made for Bekah (17 year old) I just did 1 and a half increase per tier so its not too twirly....what do you think??

Im feeling blue today:sad1: - not sure why - its so beautiful outside - it seemed that everywhere I went at church this morning, people were talking about their kids and their babies etc - so I was totally left out of the conversations - ok, pity party over - gotta get outta this funk!!!:confused:

Sorry to hear about Daniel. Hope he's home soon!:wizard:

Love the Peeps T & skirt!

Sorry about your funk.:hug:
Does 1900 Park Fare do lunch? I thought it was Mary Poppins, Pooh & Alice at breakfast and Cinderella & Steps at dinner.
You are so right! I was thinking of going on the way out of the park but here's what WDWinfo says:

# 1900 Park Fare
# Food/Dining Type: American
# Meals: Breakfast, Dinner, Character
# Location: Grand Floridian / Off of the Main Lobby
# Reservations: Suggested
# Hours: Breakfast: 8:00am-11:10am.;Dinner 4:30pm-8:30pm

So, that would mean we would have to go after our break and return there an early dinner (maybe 5:30??)....and then head back to the park for Spectro and Wishes. Hmmmmm....I gotta rethink that now. But I think that would work. Thank so much for pointing that out...I checked their menu and everything so I don't know why I thought they were open for lunch. :confused3
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