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There is never an excuse for changing a child's dirty diaper on a restaurant table! Yes, I am hugely critical of anyone who would do that or think that it is ok. Nor do I think it is ok to yell at a child when they mess themselves after telling the adult with them that they needed to use the restroom! Doing either of those things shows a serious lack of brains.

Well said!!! :thumbsup2

Keep them coming!
We were the first ones at the turnstiles at MK and a French family was behind us. The LADY shoves my 5 y/o neice in order to be first through the TS!!! My sister could only think of one thing to say in French which she learned many years ago: "haricot vert". (green bean) We have laughed about that many times. The french family actually looked at us like we were crazy. I guess shoving kids is ok in France.
We were the first ones at the turnstiles at MK and a French family was behind us. The LADY shoves my 5 y/o neice in order to be first through the TS!!! My sister could only think of one thing to say in French which she learned many years ago: "haricot vert". (green bean) We have laughed about that many times. The french family actually looked at us like we were crazy. I guess shoving kids is ok in France.

One year I was in the Louvre in Paris and I was about to take a picture of the Venus De Milo statue (literally camera up to my eye and hand on button.) At that moment a French man came up behind me, picked me up by my waist and moved me to the side so he could take a picture. I thought my male friend who was with me was going to punch him!! I mean, 5 seconds later and I would have moved, plus I had already been waiting in the line for 5 minutes whilst other people took their shots!!

I have nothing against French people, I love Disneyland Paris where I own shares and think French people on the whole are usually very nice, but this man was just rude!! Now as a teenager I went on several French exchanges with my school and unfortunately the only things I can remember from those was being taught various swear words!! I used one that day!!
We just returned from our trip. While walking into DHS, DH and I were behind a woman (and not a young woman but someone over 40) who was wearing a pair of white capris that showed the crack of her you-know-what. The worst was that as she kept walking her pants dropped further and further down baring (no pun intended) more of her behind. She seemed completely oblivious. DH said let's move ahead, I really don't want to see might happen next! :scared1:
I might have the diaper story beat. While EATING dinner at the Cape May Cafe one evening, the family right next to us decided to put their child on the floor right next to our table and proceed to change his #2 diaper. We almost barfed from the smell. I couldn't believe the lack of class and consideration. Needless to say, our dinner was ruined.

I will call it a tie BOTH equally GROSS:scared1:

We are at Place where thousands of People and Familys are gathered for extended period of time,from all over the world!. They come here and feel a certain comfort level,and or they let the heat(that they may not be comfortable to) get to them or what ever reason they act the way they do. Are we so crtical of others with out thinking that maybe others look at us the same way?. Not to say that theses circumstance are not unusuale and some times hard to watch,but maybe before we jump the gun assumue and or critsize we should stop to think that we do not know the whole story. No wrong or rights here sorry If It came out wrong:goodvibes just my thought:goodvibes.

There is NO excuse to EVERY change your child on a table meant to eat at!
I can't remember if it was last year or the year before but I was waiting for the next showing of The American Adventure and was sitting in the rotunda. Another family had been sitting there since before I got there. They open the ropes so we could go through the Hall of Flags up to the second floor and into the theater. Then when we got to the doors of the theater the mom all of a sudden stops in the middle of everyone, right in front of the doors and starts changing her toddlers diaper, on the floor right as you enter the theater.
That is hilarious! She had her keys hooked to her underwear? On purpose?

Some people are just ridiculous!

These stories are funny and gross and disturbing! Keep them coming! lol

Oh yeah!!! I guess she wanted easy access since she didn't have any pockets. I failed to mention in my first post that you could see the "crease of her buttucks" through her skirt. I just thought "I'm going in the opposite direction of her" because I didn't want to ride any rides after her naked bum was just there!!!!:scared1: Come on.This girl absolutely knew what she was doing. Nobody can be quite that ignorant!!!
Yes, we are so critical. And why is that considered a bad thing? because If we stoop to there level where no better then them,and we are not Intoxicated so what Is our exceuse, are we not able to walk away with out feeling to voice our oppion? or objection. Now If there Is physical harm to people and or Children because of the situation then yes by all means step In. But I gurantee with the person or persons Intoxicated out of control It will lead to a physical confertation.
It's interesting what folks are saying on here about not judging people. I agree to an extent. But, no matter where you are, or how comfortable you feel in a public surrounding, you MUST condust yourself with a sence of decorum. I am constantly aware of my surroundings and the folks around me and behave in a manner in which I want my daughter to learn. Tip: Just be decent people!!!!!
We were at Blizzard Beach last June and it looked like it was going to start to rain so we packed up and headed out. While waiting for a bus back to the resort it started to thunder - so they closed the park. As we continued to wait at the front of the line for a bus EVERYONE :scared1:from Blizzard Beach started showing up at the bus stops.

After 30 minutes still not many buses had come and there was a HUGH crowd starting to build and to top it off the thunder was turning to lightening. A bus finally stopped at our bus stop and this lady runs up to the bus driver screaming and yelling at the bus driver that our bus (ALL STARS) should take her (and her group) to THEIR resort instead!!! That they were waiting longer, etc. :confused3

I mean she went crazy yelling. The bus driver tried to tell her he couldn't do that - so then she went to stand in front of the bus, yelling that she wouldn't move! The other people in the line (this was hundreds of people) started shouting at her to get out of the way. Another bus driver came over to help load our bus. And we eventually drove away.

I'm not sure what happened to her - but that was the closest I have ever been to feeling like a riot was about to start. :scared1:
Yes, we are so critical. And why is that considered a bad thing? because If we stoop to there level where no better then them,and we are not Intoxicated so what Is our exceuse, are we not able to walk away with out feeling to voice our oppion? or objection. Now If there Is physical harm to people and or Children because of the situation then yes by all means step In. But I gurantee with the person or persons Intoxicated out of control It will lead to a physical confertation.

Actually the OP said that he and his family finished their meal and left, nothing was said about confronting the drunks at the next table or voicing their opinion, except voicing it on this thread. Finding bad bahavior objectionable doesn't mean confronting the jerks in fact as you said, confronting inebriated people can lead to problems, but being offended is in no way stooping to their level.
man, I am so grossed out by the people who change their babies on tables that the rest of us have to eat off of. Good thing I stocked up on anitbacterial wipes for our next trip.

Everywhere we eat, I make sure none of the food rests on the table service. At fast food places, I unfold a napkin to make a placemat, etc. I'm teaching this to my kids, too.
We were the first ones at the turnstiles at MK and a French family was behind us. The LADY shoves my 5 y/o neice in order to be first through the TS!!! My sister could only think of one thing to say in French which she learned many years ago: "haricot vert". (green bean) We have laughed about that many times. The french family actually looked at us like we were crazy. I guess shoving kids is ok in France.


Hahahaha! Thats a good one!
The poopy -diaper- changing- on- tables- we- all- eat- on epidemic, however, is sooooooo gross! Why oh why would anyone do that....???
Ready for this one? We were strolling around MK on our last trip and we end up behind a young gril of about 18-19. She is pooh sized mind you and all we can see from behind is her non-existant see through white mini skirt with a hot pink thong hanging out at the top. It gets worse. You see, it was hanging out on purpose because she had her car keys/room key hooked to it.:scared1: All I could theink was "lets get out of her way, because if that thing breaks loose, we're all in for a horrible sight. Have you lost your appetite yet?:lmao:

omg were you there between 27th March and 16th April this year because i swear i saw the same girl:sick:
Not a gross out, but a cringe moment..............

I observed 2 little boys getting out of the lazy river with dad by their side. Apparently something had happened earlier while floating around and the dad yelled at one little boy and then literally backhanded the 65 lb kid on the side of his head. Dad was probably 220-240 lbs.

I was shocked and could only imagine how cruel the father might be while NOT in public.
omg were you there between 27th March and 16th April this year because i swear i saw the same girl:sick:

No. We were April 26th - May 3rd. But maybe she was a local and enjoys submitting unsuspecting tourists to her idea "classy dress"!!!:lmao:
Watching a table of full grown adults and their teenage children just get up and leave all of their trash at a TS location in Hollywood Studios. We felt so bad that we helped the poor CM that had to clean it up. She returned with some Fastpasses, which was a nice surprise, but seriously? Do people think that the CM's ENJOY picking up excesses garbage?

That's definitely not just in Disney!! I'm a manager at a counter service cafe, and while we do send employees out to wipe tables off and sweep crumbs, we have a dish bin set up for you to return your dishes to as well as 3 garbage cans all around the cafe. Sometimes when I look at the messes people leave behind and I am just amazed! I really appreciate that my Mother didn't raise me to be that way!
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